Devices overview
Basic concepts are described at the general device communication page.
Currently supported devices:
Andor SDK2 and Andor SDK3: variety of Andor (currently part of Oxford Instruments) cameras. Tested with Andor iXon, Luca, Newton, Zyla, Neo and Marana.
Allied Vision Bonito cameras: CameraLink-interfaced cameras. Tested with Bonito CL-400B/C and NI IMAQ frame grabber.
Basler: Basler pylon-compatible cameras. Tested with an emulated Basler camera.
BitFlow: BitFlow Axion family frame grabbers. Tested with BitFlow Axion 1xB frame grabber together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
DCAM: Hamamatsu cameras. Tested with Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 and ImagEM.
NI IMAQ: National Instruments frame grabbers. Tested with NI PCI-1430 and PCI-1433 frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
NI IMAQdx: National Instruments universal camera interface. Tested with Ethernet-connected PhotonFocus HD1-D1312 camera.
Photon Focus: Photon Focus pfcam interface. Tested with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera connected through either NI frame grabbers (PCI-1430 and PCI-1433) or Silicon Software frame grabbers (microEnable IV AD4-CL).
PCO SC2: PCO cameras. Tested with pco.edge cameras with CLHS and regular CameraLink interfaces, and with pco.pixelfly usb cameras.
Picam: Princeton Instruments cameras. Tested with a PIXIS 400 camera.
PVCAM: Photometrics cameras. Tested with a Prime 95B camera.
Silicon Software: Silicon Software frame grabbers. Tested with microEnable IV AD4-CL frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
Thorlabs Scientific Cameras: Thorlabs sCMOS cameras. Tested with Thorlabs Kiralux camera.
Uc480/uEye: multiple cameras, including simple Thorlabs and IDS cameras. Tested with IDS SC2592R12M and Thorlabs DCC1545M.
Mightex: several different USB camera types with different APIs. Implemented and tested only for S-series cameras.
Attocube ANC300 and Attocube ANC350: most common Attocube positioner controllers. Tested with Ethernet and USB connection for ANC300, and USB connection for ANC350.
Thorlabs APT/Kinesis: basic Thorlabs motorized stages and optomechanics devices. Tested with KDC101, K10CR1, and BSC201 motor controllers, KIM101 piezo motor controller, KPZ101 piezo controllers, as well as MFF101 and FW102 (described at a different page)
Thorlabs Elliptec: resonant piezoelectric Thorlabs stages. Tested with ELL18 and ELL14 rotational mounts.
Newport Picomotor: precision piezo-actuated screws based on slip-stick principle. Tested with Newport 8742 Picomotor driver using Ethernet or USB connection.
Arcus Performax: fairly common single- and multi-axis motor controllers sold under different brands: Arcus, Nippon Pulse America, or Newmark Systems. Tested with PMX-4EX device with USB connection.
Trinamic: universal motor controllers and drivers. Tested with a single-axis TMCM-1110 controller with USB connection.
Standa: Standa motorized positioners. Tested with a 8SMC4-USB single-axis controller and 8MT167-25 stepper motor stage.
SmarAct: high-performance piezo sliders. Currently simple open-loop SCU controllers and MCS2 controllers are supported. Tested with a standard HCU controller unit and an MCS2 controller with several SLx stages.
Physik Instrumente: piezo controllers. So far only PI E-515 and PI E-516 is supported and tested.
HighFinesse: laser wavelength meters. Tested with WS6 and WS7 USB-controlled devices.
Ophir: optical power and energy meters. Tested with Ophir Vega.
Thorlabs: optical power and energy meters. Tested with PM160.
Lakeshore: temperature sensors. Tested with Lakeshore 218.
Cryocon: temperature sensors. Tested with CryoCon 14C.
Cryomagnetics: liquid nitrogen or helium level sensor. Tested with LM-500 and LM-510 sensors.
Pfeiffer: pressure gauges. Tested with TPG261 and DPG202 controllers.
Leybold: pressure gauges. Tested with ITR90 gauge.
Kurt J. Lesker: pressure gauges. Tested with KJL300 gauge.
Agilent: pressure gauges. Tested with XGS-600 controller and FRG700 gauge.
Thorlabs quadrature detector controller. Tested with TPA101.
Keithley multimeters. Tested with model 2110.
Voltcraft multimeters. Tested with VC-7055BT and VC880.
Tektronix oscilloscopes. Tested with TDS2002B, TDS2004B, and DPO2004B.
NI DAQs. Tested with NI USB-6008, NI USB-6343, and NI PCIe-6323.
Generic AWGs. Tested with Agilent 33500 and 33220A, Rigol DG1022, Tektronix AFG1022, GW Instek AFG2225 and AFG2115, and RS Comp AFG21005.
Andor spectrographs. Tested with Kymera 328i spectrograph connected via an Andor Newton camera through I2C interface.
Miscellaneous Thorlabs devices: MFF101/102 motorized flip mirror mount, FW102/212 motorized filter wheel, and MDT693/694 high-voltage source.
Miscellaneous OZOptics devices: EPC04 fiber polarization controller, DD100 motorized fiber attenuator, and TF100 motorized fiber filter.
Lumel devices: RE72 temperature controller