Basic concepts are described at the cameras communication page.
Currently supported cameras:
Andor SDK2 and Andor SDK3: variety of Andor (currently part of Oxford Instruments) cameras. Tested with Andor iXon, Luca, Newton, Zyla, Neo and Marana.
Allied Vision Bonito cameras: CameraLink-interfaced cameras. Tested with Bonito CL-400B/C and NI IMAQ frame grabber.
Basler: Basler pylon-compatible cameras. Tested with an emulated Basler camera.
BitFlow: BitFlow Axion family frame grabbers. Tested with BitFlow Axion 1xB frame grabber together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
DCAM: Hamamatsu cameras. Tested with Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 and ImagEM.
NI IMAQ: National Instruments frame grabbers. Tested with NI PCI-1430 and PCI-1433 frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
NI IMAQdx: National Instruments universal camera interface. Tested with Ethernet-connected PhotonFocus HD1-D1312 camera.
Photon Focus: Photon Focus pfcam interface. Tested with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera connected through either NI frame grabbers (PCI-1430 and PCI-1433) or Silicon Software frame grabbers (microEnable IV AD4-CL).
PCO SC2: PCO cameras. Tested with pco.edge cameras with CLHS and regular CameraLink interfaces, and with pco.pixelfly usb cameras.
Picam: Princeton Instruments cameras. Tested with a PIXIS 400 camera.
PVCAM: Photometrics cameras. Tested with a Prime 95B camera.
Silicon Software: Silicon Software frame grabbers. Tested with microEnable IV AD4-CL frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.
Thorlabs Scientific Cameras: Thorlabs sCMOS cameras. Tested with Thorlabs Kiralux camera.
Uc480/uEye: multiple cameras, including simple Thorlabs and IDS cameras. Tested with IDS SC2592R12M and Thorlabs DCC1545M.
Mightex: several different USB camera types with different APIs. Implemented and tested only for S-series cameras.