Generic Windows devices
There is some support for generic Windows drivers for some devices.
Basic support for Windows-compatible joysticks / gamepads using WinMM. Since the driver only supports polling, the events (button/axis presses) are emulated using a separate polling loop. The main device class is pylablib.devices.Windows.Joystick
. Since this library is a standard part of Windows, no additional software is required, apart from potential joystick drivers.
The code supports polling the joystick state (button and axes) as well as querying events:
>> from pylablib.devices import Windows
>> Windows.list_joysticks()
{0: TDeviceInfo(name='Microsoft PC-joystick driver', id=(121, 17), nbuttons=10, naxes=2)}
>> j=Windows.Joystick()
>> j.get_buttons()
[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
>> j.start() # start polling loop in a separate thread
>> j.get_events() # get the recent events (since the last get_events call)
TJoystickEvent(kind='axis', index=0, old=0, new=-1, timestamp=1000000000.000),
TJoystickEvent(kind='axis', index=0, old=-1, new=0, timestamp=1000000001.000)]
>> j.stop() # stop the polling loop when done