
General device communication concepts are described on the corresponding page.

Cameras control basics

Basic examples

Basic camera usage is fairly straightforward:

from pylablib import Andor
cam = Andor.AndorSDK3Camera()  # connect to the camera
cam.set_exposure(10E-3)  # set 10ms exposure
cam.set_roi(0,128,0,128)  # set 128x128px ROI in the upper left corner
images = cam.grab(10)  # grab 10 frames

In case you need to grab and process frames continuously, the example is a bit more complicated:

with Andor.AndorSDK2Camera() as cam: # to close the camera automatically
    cam.start_acquisition()  # start acquisition (automatically sets it up as well)
    while True:  # acquisition loop
        cam.wait_for_frame()  # wait for the next available frame
        frame=cam.read_oldest_image()  # get the oldest image which hasn't been read yet
        # ... process frame ...

Some concepts are explained below in more detail.

Basic concepts

Frames buffer

In most cases, the frames acquired by the camera are first temporarily stored in the local camera and / or frame grabber memory, from which they are transferred to the PC RAM by the camera drivers. Afterwards, this memory is made available to all other applications. In principle, it should be enough to store only the most recent frame in RAM, and for the user software to continuously wait for a new frame, immediately read it from RAM and process it. However, such approach is very demanding to the user code: if the new frame is acquired before the previous one is processed or copied, then the RAM data is overwritten, and the old frame is lost. Hence, it is more practical to have a buffer of several most recently acquired frames to account for inevitable interruptions in the user wait-read-process loop caused by OS scheduling and by other jobs. In this case, the frames get lost only when the buffer is completely filled, and the oldest frames starts getting overwritten.

When using the camera classes provided by pylablib, you do not need to worry about setting up the buffer yourself, since it is done behind the scene either by the manufacturer’s code or by the device class. However, it is important to keep in mind the existence of the buffer when setting up the acquisition, interpreting the buffer and acquired frames status, or identifying the skipped frames.

The size of the buffer can almost always be selected by the user. Typically it is a good idea to have at least 100ms worth of frames there, although, depending on the other jobs performed by the software, it can be larger.

Acquisition setup

Setting up an acquisition process might take a lot of time (up to 10s in more extreme cases). This happens mostly because of the buffer allocation and setting up internal API structures; initiating the acquisition process itself is fairly fast. Hence, it is useful to separate setting up / cleaning up and starting / stopping.

The first two procedures correspond to setup_acquisition and clear_acquisition method, which are slow, but rarely called. Usually, they only need to be invoked right after connecting to the camera, or when the acquired image size is changed (e.g., due to a change in binning or ROI). Since these methods deal with buffer allocation, in almost all cases they take a parameter specifying buffer size (typically called nframes).

The other two procedures correspond to start_acquisition and stop_acquisition methods. These try to be as fast as possible, as they need to be called any time the acquisition is started or stopped, or when minor parameters (frame rate, exposure, trigger mode) are called.

Region of interest (ROI) and binning

Most cameras allow the user to select only a part of the whole sensor for readout and transfer. Since the readout speed is usually the factor limiting the frame rate, selecting smaller ROI frequently lets you achieve higher frame rate. In addition, it also reduces the size of the frame buffer and the data transfer load. Same goes for binning: many cameras can combine values of several consecutive pixels in the same row or column (or both), which results in smaller images and, depending on the camera architecture, higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to binning in post-processing. Much less frequently you can set up subsampling instead of binning, which skips pixels instead of averaging them together.

Both operations depend very strongly on the exact hardware, so there are typically many associated restriction. The most common are minimal sizes in width and height, positions and sizes being factors of some power of 2 (up to 32 for some cameras), or equal binning for both axes. Device classes will typically round the ROI to the nearest allowed value. Furthermore, the scaling of the maximal frame rate with the ROI size is also hardware-dependent; for example, in many sCMOS chips readout speed only depends on the vertical extent, since the readout is done simultaneously for the whole row. In most cases, it takes some experiments to get a hang of the camera behavior.

Exposure and frame rate

Almost all scientific cameras let user change the exposure, typically in a wide range (down to sub-ms). Frequently they also allow to separately change the frame period (inverse of the frame rate). Usually (but not always) the minimal frame period is set by the exposure plus some readout time, which depends on the ROI and some additional parameters such as pixel clock or simultaneous readout mode. Usually exposure takes priority over the frame period, i.e., if the frame period is set too short, it is automatically adjusted. Notable exception from this rule is Uc480 interface, where this dependence in reversed.


Usually the cameras will have several different options for triggering, i.e., choosing when to start acquiring a new frame or a new batch of frames. The default option is the internal trigger, which means that the internal timer generates trigger event at a constant rate (frame rate). Many cameras will also take an external trigger signal to synchronize acquisition to external events or other cameras. Typically, a rising edge from 0 to 5V on the input will initiate the frame acquisition, but more exotic options (different polarities or levels, exposure control with pulse width, line-readout trigger) can be present.

Application notes and examples

Here we talk more practically about performing tasks common to most cameras.

Simple acquisition

Frame acquisition is, understandably, the most important part of the camera. Basic acquisition can be done without explicitly setting up the acquisition loop, simply by using ICamera.snap() and ICamera.grab() methods which, correspondingly, grab a single frame or a given number of frames:

from pylablib import Andor
cam = Andor.AndorSDK3Camera()  # connect to the camera
img = cam.snap()  # grab a single frame
images = cam.grab(10)  # grab 10 frames (return a list of frames)

These allow for quick tests of whether the camera works properly, and for occasional frames acquisition. However, these methods have to start and stop acquisition every time they are called, which for some cameras can take about a second. Hence, if continuous acquisition and high frame rate are required, you would need to set up the acquisition loop.

Acquisition loop

A typical simple acquisition loop has already been shown above:

# nframes=100 relates to the size of the frame buffer; the acquisition will continue indefinitely
cam.setup_acquisition(mode="sequence", nframes=100)  # could be combined with start_acquisition, or kept separate
while True:  # acquisition loop
    cam.wait_for_frame()  # wait for the next available frame
    frame = cam.read_oldest_image()  # get the oldest image which hasn't been read yet
    # ... process frame ...
    if time_to_stop:

It relies on 3 sets of methods. First, starting and stopping acquisition using start_acquisition and stop_acquisition. As explained above, one also has an option to setup the acquisition first using setup_acquisition, which makes the subsequent start_acquisition call faster. However, one can also supply the same setup parameters to start_acquisition method, which automatically sets up the acquisition if it is not set up yet, or if any parameters are different from the current ones.

Second are the methods for checking on the acquisition process. The method used above is wait_for_frame, which by default waits until there is at least one unread frame in the buffer (i.e., it exits immediately if there is already a frame available). Its arguments modify this behavior by changing the point from which the new frame is acquired (e.g., from the current call), or the minimal required number of frames. Alternatively, there is a method get_new_images_range, which returns a range of the frame indices which have been acquired but not read. This method allows for a quick check of a number of unread frames without pausing the acquisition.

Finally, there are methods for reading out the frames. The simplest method is read_oldest_image, which return the oldest image which hasn’t been read yet, and marks it as read. A more powerful is the read_multiple_images method, which can return a range of images (by default, all unread images). Both of these methods also take a peek argument, which allows one to read the frames without marking them as read.

Returned frame format

ICamera.read_multiple_images() method described above has several different formats for returning the frames, which can be controlled using ICamera.set_frame_format() and checked ICamera.get_frame_format(). The default format is "list", which returns a list of individual frames. The second possibility is "array", which returns a single 3D numpy array with all the frames. Finally, "chunks" returns a list of 3D arrays, each containing several consecutive frames.

While "chunks" format is the hardest to work with, it provides the best performance. First, it does not require any extra memory copies, which negatively affect performance at very high data rates, above ~1Gb/s. Second, it can combine multiple small frames together into a single array, which makes further processing faster, as it does require explicit Python loop over every frame. This usually becomes important at frames rates above ~10kFPS, where treating each frame as an individual 2D array leads to significant overhead.

Frame indexing

Different areas and libraries adopt different indexing convention for 2D arrays. The two most common ones are coordinate-like xy (the first index is the x coordinate, the second is y coordinate, and the origin is in the lower left corner) and matrix-like ij (the first index is row, the second index is column, the origin is int the upper right corner). Almost all cameras adopt the ij convention. The only exception is Andor SDK2, which uses similar row-column indexing, but counting from the bottom.

By default, the frames returned by the camera are indexed in the preferred convention, to reduce the overhead on re-indexing the frames. It is possible to check and change it using ICamera.get_image_indexing() and ICamera.set_image_indexing() methods:

>> cam.set_roi(0,256,0,128)  # 256px horizontally, 128 vertically
>> cam.snap().shape  # 128 rows, 256 columns
(128, 256)
>> cam.set_image_indexing("xyb")  # standard xy indexing, starting from the bottom
>> cam.snap().shape
(256, 128)

ROI, detector size and frame shape

Both ROI and binning are controlled by one pair of methods get_roi and set_roi which, depending on whether camera supports binning, take (and return) 4 or 6 arguments: start and stop positions of ROI along both axes and, optionally, binning along the axes:

cam.set_roi(0,128,0,256)  # set 128x256px (width x height) ROI in the (typically) upper left controller
cam.set_roi(0,128)  # set roi with 128px width and full height (non-supplied arguments take extreme values)
cam.set_roi(0,128,0,128,2,2)  # set 128x128px ROI with 2x2 binning; the resulting image size is 64x64

Regardless of the frame indexing, the first pair of arguments always controls horizontal span, the second pair controls vertical span, and the last pair controls horizontal and vertical binning (if applicable).

In addition, there is a couple of methods to acquire the detector and frame size. The first method is get_detector_size. It always returns the full camera detector size as a tuple (width, height) and, therefore, is not affected by ROI, binning, and indexing. The second method is get_data_dimensions, which returns the shape of the returned frame given the currently set up indexing. The results of this method do depend on the ROI, binning, and indexing:

>> cam.get_detector_size()  # (width, height)
(2560, 1920)
>> cam.get_data_dimensions()  # (rows, columns), i.e., (height, width)
(1920, 2560)

>> cam.set_roi(0,256,0,128,2,2)  # 256px horizontally, 128 vertically, 2x2 binning
>> cam.get_detector_size()  # unaffected
(2560, 1920)
>> cam.get_data_dimensions()  # depends on ROI
(64, 128)

>> cam.set_image_indexing("xyb")
>> cam.get_detector_size()  # unaffected
(2560, 1920)
>> cam.get_data_dimensions()  # depends on indexing
(128, 64)

Exposure and frame period

In pylablib these parameters are normally controlled by get_exposure/set_exposure and, correspondingly get_frame_period/set_frame_period methods. In addition, get_frame_timings method provides an overview of all the relevant times. Exposure typically takes priority over frame period: if the frame period is set too small, it becomes the smallest possible for the given exposure; at the same time, if the exposure is set too big, it is still applied, and the frame period becomes the smallest possible with this exposure:

>> cam.get_frame_timings()  # frame period is a usually bit larger due to the readout time
TAcqTimings(exposure=0.1, frame_period=0.12)

>> cam.set_exposure(0.01)
>> cam.get_frame_timings()  # smaller exposure is still compatible with this frame period
TAcqTimings(exposure=0.01, frame_period=0.12)

>> cam.set_frame_period(0)  # effectively means "set the highest possible frame rate"
>> cam.get_frame_timings()
TAcqTimings(exposure=0.01, frame_period=0.03)

>> cam.set_exposure(0.2)
>> cam.get_frame_timings()  # frame period is increased accordingly
TAcqTimings(exposure=0.2, frame_period=0.22)

There are exceptions for some camera types, which are discussed separately.

Camera attributes

Some camera interfaces, e.g., Thorlabs Scientific Cameras, PCO SC2, or NI IMAQ are fairly specific, and only apply to a handful of devices with very similar capabilities. In this case, pylablib usually attempts to implement as much of the functionality as possible given the available hardware, and to present it via the camera object methods.

In other cases, e.g., NI IMAQdx, Andor SDK3, or DCAM, the same interface deals with many fairly different cameras. This is especially true for IMAQdx, which covers hundreds of cameras from dozens of manufacturers, all with very different capabilities and purpose. Since managing such cameras can not usually be conformed to a small set of functions, it is implemented through camera attributes mechanism. That is, for each camera the interface defines a set of attributes (sometimes also called properties or features), which can be queried or set by their names, and whose exact meaning and possible values depend on the specific camera.

Typically, cameras dealing with attributes will implement IAttributeCamera.get_attribute_value() and IAttributeCamera.set_attribute_value() for querying and setting the attributes, as well as dictionary-like .cav (stands for “camera attribute value”) interface to do the same thing:

>> cam = Andor.AndorSDK3Camera()
>> cam.get_attribute_value("CameraAcquiring")  # check if the camera is acquiring
>> cam.set_attribute_value("ExposureTime", 0.1)  # set the exposure to 100ms
>> cam.cav["ExposureTime"]  # get the exposure; could also use cam.get_attribute_value("ExposureTime")

Additionally, there are IAttributeCamera.get_all_attribute_values() and IAttributeCamera.set_all_attribute_values() which get and set all camera attributes (possibly only within the given branch, if camera attributes form a hierarchy). Finally, methods IAttributeCamera.get_attribute() and IAttributeCamera.get_all_attributes(), together with the corresponding .ca interface, allow to query specific attribute objects, which provide additional information about the attributes: whether they are writable or readable, their range, description, possible values, types, etc.:

>> cam = DCAM.DCAMCamera()
>>["EXPOSURE TIME"]  # get the exposure attribute
DCAMAttribute(name='EXPOSURE TIME', id=2031888, min=0.001, max=10.0, unit=1)
>> attr.max
>> attr.set_value(0.1)  # same as cam.set_attribute_value("EXPOSURE TIME", 0.1)

Note that, depending on the camera, the attribute properties (especially minimal and maximal value) can depend on the other camera attributes. For example, minimal exposure can depend on the frame size:

>> cam = DCAM.DCAMCamera()
>>["EXPOSURE TIME"]  # get the exposure attribute
DCAMAttribute(name='EXPOSURE TIME', id=2031888, min=0.001, max=10.0, unit=1)
>> attr.min
>> cam.set_roi(0, 0, 0, 0)  # set the minimal possible ROI
(0, 4, 0, 4, 1, 1)
>> attr.min  # minimal value hasn't been updated yet
>> attr.update_limits()  # update the property limits
>> attr.min  # now the minimal possible exposure is smaller

If the documentation is not available (as is the case for, e.g., some IMAQdx cameras), the best way to learn about the attributes is to use the native software (whenever available) to modify camera settings and then check how the attributes change. Besides that, it is always useful to check attribute description (available for IMAQdx parameter), their range, and the available values for enum attributes.

Trigger setup

The trigger is usually set up using set_trigger_mode method, although it might be different if more specialized modes are used. When external trigger is involved, most of the code (such as acquisition set up and start) stays the same. The only difference is the rate at which the frames are generated:

frame = cam.snap()  # starts acquiring immediately, returns after a single frame
cam.set_trigger_mode("ext") # set up the trigger mode
frame = cam.snap()
#  after cam.snap() is called, the execution will wait
#  for an external trigger pulse to acquire the frame and return

Frame metainfo

Many cameras supply additional information together with the frames. Most frequently it contains the internal framestamp and timestamp (which are useful for tracking missing frames), but sometimes it also includes additional information such as frame size or location, status, or auxiliary input bits. To get this information, you can supply the argument return_info=True to the read_multiple_images method. In this case, instead of a single list of frames, it will return a tuple of two lists, where the second list contains this metainfo.

There are several slightly different metainfo formats, which can be set using ICamera.set_frame_info_format() method. The default representation is a (possibly nested) named tuple, but it is also possible to represent it as a flat list, flat dictionary, or a numpy array. The exact structure and values depend on the camera.

Keep in mind, that for some camera interfaces (e.g., Uc480 or Silicon Software) obtaining the additional information might take relatively long, even longer than the proper frame readout. Hence, at higher frame rates it might become a bottleneck, and would need to be turned off.

Currently supported cameras

  • Andor SDK2 and Andor SDK3: variety of Andor (currently part of Oxford Instruments) cameras. Tested with Andor iXon, Luca, Newton, Zyla, Neo and Marana.

  • Allied Vision Bonito cameras: CameraLink-interfaced cameras. Tested with Bonito CL-400B/C and NI IMAQ frame grabber.

  • Basler: Basler pylon-compatible cameras. Tested with an emulated Basler camera.

  • BitFlow: BitFlow Axion family frame grabbers. Tested with BitFlow Axion 1xB frame grabber together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.

  • DCAM: Hamamatsu cameras. Tested with Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 and ImagEM.

  • NI IMAQ: National Instruments frame grabbers. Tested with NI PCI-1430 and PCI-1433 frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.

  • NI IMAQdx: National Instruments universal camera interface. Tested with Ethernet-connected PhotonFocus HD1-D1312 camera.

  • Photon Focus: Photon Focus pfcam interface. Tested with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera connected through either NI frame grabbers (PCI-1430 and PCI-1433) or Silicon Software frame grabbers (microEnable IV AD4-CL).

  • PCO SC2: PCO cameras. Tested with pco.edge cameras with CLHS and regular CameraLink interfaces, and with pco.pixelfly usb cameras.

  • Picam: Princeton Instruments cameras. Tested with a PIXIS 400 camera.

  • PVCAM: Photometrics cameras. Tested with a Prime 95B camera.

  • Silicon Software: Silicon Software frame grabbers. Tested with microEnable IV AD4-CL frame grabbers together with PhotonFocus MV-D1024E camera.

  • Thorlabs Scientific Cameras: Thorlabs sCMOS cameras. Tested with Thorlabs Kiralux camera.

  • Uc480/uEye: multiple cameras, including simple Thorlabs and IDS cameras. Tested with IDS SC2592R12M and Thorlabs DCC1545M.

  • Mightex: several different USB camera types with different APIs. Implemented and tested only for S-series cameras.