General device communication concepts are described on the corresponding page.
Basic lasers
Basic example
Basic lasers (such as pump lasers) usually only have very basic power-related functionality: turning it on and off, setting power, and controlling and/or requesting the shutter state:
>> laser = LaserQuantum.Finesse("COM1") # connect to the laser
>> laser.set_output_power(10.) # set 10W output power
>> laser.enable() # enable the laser
>> laser.get_output_power() # laser hasn't ramped up up yet
>> time.sleep(30.) # wait until the ramp up is done
>> laser.get_output_power()
>> laser.enable(False)
>> laser.close()
Lighthouse Photonics Sprout
Lighthouse Photonics Sprout laser implements the same basic functionality, with some small additions like reading the interlock status, output mode, temperatures, etc.
The device class is pylablib.devices.LighthousePhotonics.SproutG
Since the device shows up as a COM port, it uses the standard connection method, and all you need to know to connect is its COM-port address:
from pylablib.devices import LighthousePhotonics
laser = LighthousePhotonics.SproutG("COM1")
Laser Quantum Finesse
Laser Quantum Finesse laser implements the same basic functionality, with some small additions like controlling the shutter, reading the driving current, temperatures, etc.
The device class is pylablib.devices.LaserQuantum.Finesse
Since the device shows up as a COM port, it uses the standard connection method, and all you need to know to connect is its COM-port address:
from pylablib.devices import LaserQuantum
laser = LaserQuantum.Finesse("COM1")