Source code for pylablib.core.gui.utils

from . import qdelete, QtWidgets, QtCore

import collections

[docs]def get_top_parent(widget): """Find the top-level parent (parent which does not have further parents)""" while widget is not None and widget.parent() is not None: widget=widget.parent() return widget
[docs]def find_layout_element(layout, element): """ Find a layout element. Can be a widget, a sublayout, or a layout element Return item index within the layout. If layout is empty or item is not present, return ``None`` """ if layout is not None: for idx in range(layout.count()): item=layout.itemAt(idx) if item is element or item.widget() is element or item.layout() is element: return idx
[docs]def delete_layout_item(layout, idx): """Remove and item with the given index (completely delete it)""" if layout is not None: item=layout.takeAt(idx) if item.widget() is not None: clean_layout(item.widget().layout(),delete_layout=True) item.widget().deleteLater() elif item.layout(): clean_layout(item.layout(),delete_layout=True)
[docs]def clean_layout(layout, delete_layout=False): """ Delete all items from the layout. If ``delete_layout==True``, delete the layout as well. """ if layout is not None: while layout.count(): delete_layout_item(layout,0) if delete_layout: qdelete(layout)
def _find_contained_widget(parent, widget, result_kind="widget"): if parent is widget: return [widget] if result_kind=="widget" else [] if parent is None: return None if isinstance(parent,QtWidgets.QWidget): result=_find_contained_widget(parent.layout(),widget,result_kind=result_kind) if result is None and isinstance(parent,QtWidgets.QTabWidget): for t in range(parent.count()): result=_find_contained_widget(parent.widget(t),widget,result_kind=result_kind) if result is not None: break else: layout=parent result=None if layout is not None: for idx in range(layout.count()): item=layout.itemAt(idx) if item.widget() is not None: result=_find_contained_widget(item.widget(),widget,result_kind=result_kind) elif item.layout() is not None: result=_find_contained_widget(item.layout(),widget,result_kind=result_kind) if result is not None: break if result is not None: parent_kind="layout" if isinstance(parent,QtWidgets.QLayout) else "widget" if parent_kind==result_kind: result.append(parent) return result
[docs]def get_layout_container(widget, top=None, kind="widget"): """ Find a container widget or layout which contains the given widget. Note that the container widget does not necessarily correspond to the element parent. If no container could be found, return ``None``. If `kind` can be either ``"widget"`` (return the containing widget), or ``"layout"`` (return the containing layout, which is a layout or sublayout of the containing widget). This method works by traversing the whole layout tree, so it can be relatively slow. `top` can specify the top container (widget or layout) which definitely contains the given widget; if not specified, use the top-level parent found by :func:`get_top_parent`. """ if top is None: top=get_top_parent(widget) if kind not in {"widget","layout"}: raise ValueError("unrecognized result kind: {}".format(kind)) result=_find_contained_widget(top,widget,result_kind=kind) if result: return result[:2][-1] if kind=="widget" else result[0]
[docs]def get_all_layout_containers(widget, top=None, kind="widget"): """ Get a list of all widgets or layouts containing the current widget. The list is arranged from the bottom of the hierarchy (starting from `widget`) to the `top`. Note that the container widget does not necessarily correspond to the element parent. If no containers could be found, return ``None``. If `kind` can be either ``"widget"`` (return the containing widgets), or ``"layout"`` (return the containing layouts, which are layouts or sublayouts of the containing widgets. This method works by traversing the whole layout tree, so it can be relatively slow. `top` can specify the top container (widget or layout) which definitely contains the given widget; if not specified, use the top-level parent found by :func:`get_top_parent`. """ if top is None: top=get_top_parent(widget) if kind not in {"widget","layout"}: raise ValueError("unrecognized result kind: {}".format(kind)) return _find_contained_widget(top,widget,result_kind=kind)
[docs]def delete_widget(widget): """Remove widget from its layout container and delete it""" if widget is None: return False layout=get_layout_container(widget,kind="layout") if layout is not None: idx=find_layout_element(layout,widget) if idx is not None: delete_layout_item(layout,idx) return True widget.deleteLater() return False
[docs]def get_widget_location(widget, layout=None): """ Get location of a widget within the given layout. Return tuple ``(layout, position)``, where ``layout`` is the layout object, and ``position`` is either a single position number (for box layouts), or a tuple ``(row, col, rowspan, colspan)`` for a grid layout. If layout is not specified, autodetect it. """ if layout is None: layout=get_layout_container(widget,kind="layout") if layout is not None: idx=find_layout_element(layout,widget) if idx is not None: if isinstance(layout,QtWidgets.QGridLayout): return TWidgetLocation(layout,layout.getItemPosition(idx)) else: return TWidgetLocation(layout,idx)
[docs]def place_widget_at_location(widget, location): """ Insert a widget within the given layout location. `location` is a tuple tuple ``(layout, position)``, where ``layout`` is the layout object, and ``position`` is either a single position number (for box layouts), or a tuple ``(row, col, rowspan, colspan)`` for a grid layout. The tuple has the same format as returned by :func:`get_widget_location`. """ if location is not None: layout,position=location if isinstance(location.layout,QtWidgets.QGridLayout): layout.addWidget(widget,*position) else: layout.insertWidget(position,widget)
[docs]def is_layout_row_empty(layout, row): """Check if the given row in a grid layout is empty""" if layout is not None: if row>=layout.rowCount(): return True for c in range(layout.columnCount()): if layout.itemAtPosition(row,c): return False return True return False
[docs]def get_last_filled_row(layout, start_row=0): """ Find the last non-empty row in a grid layout after `start_row` (inclusive). If all rows after (and including) `start_row` are empty, return ``None`` . """ for r in range(layout.rowCount()-1,start_row-1,-1): if not is_layout_row_empty(layout,r): return r return None
[docs]def get_first_empty_row(layout, start_row=0): """Find the first completely empty row in a grid layout after `start_row` (inclusive)""" for r in range(start_row,layout.rowCount()): if is_layout_row_empty(layout,r): return r return layout.rowCount()
[docs]def insert_layout_row(layout, row, stretch=0, compress=False): """ Insert row in a grid layout at a given index. Any multi-column item spanning over the row (i.e., starting at least one row before `row` and ending at least one row after `row`) gets stretched. Anything else either stays in place (if it's above `row`), or gets moved one row down. `stretch` determines the stretch factor of the new row. If ``compress==True``, try to find an empty row below the inserted position and shit it to the new row's place; otherwise, add a completely new row. """ if layout is not None: free_row=get_first_empty_row(layout,row+1) if compress else layout.rowCount() items_to_shift=[] for i in range(layout.count()): pos=layout.getItemPosition(i) if pos[0]<free_row and pos[0]+pos[2]>row: items_to_shift.append((i,pos)) items_to_shift=[(layout.takeAt(i),p) for (i,p) in items_to_shift[::-1]][::-1] # remove starting from the end for i,p in items_to_shift: row_shift=1 if p[0]>=row else 0 layout.addItem(i,p[0]+row_shift,p[1],p[2]+(1-row_shift),p[3]) for r in range(free_row,row,-1): layout.setRowStretch(r,layout.rowStretch(r-1)) layout.setRowStretch(row,stretch)
[docs]def is_layout_column_empty(layout, col): """Check if the given column in a grid layout is empty""" if layout is not None: if col>=layout.columnCount(): return True for r in range(layout.rowCount()): if layout.itemAtPosition(r,col): return False return True return False
[docs]def get_last_filled_column(layout, start_col=0): """ Find the last non-empty column in a grid layout after `start_col` (inclusive). If all rows after (and including) `start_col` are empty, return ``None`` . """ for c in range(layout.colCount()-1,start_col-1,-1): if not is_layout_column_empty(layout,c): return c return None
[docs]def get_first_empty_column(layout, start_col=0): """Find the first completely empty column in a grid layout after `start_col` (inclusive)""" for c in range(start_col,layout.colCount()): if is_layout_column_empty(layout,c): return c return layout.colCount()
[docs]def insert_layout_column(layout, col, stretch=0, compress=False): """ Insert column in a grid layout at a given index. Any multi-row item spanning over the column (i.e., starting at least one column before `col` and ending at least one column after `col`) gets stretched. Anything else either stays in place (if it's above `col`), or gets moved one column to the right. `stretch` determines the stretch factor of the new column. If ``compress==True``, try to find an empty column below the inserted position and shit it to the new column's place; otherwise, add a completely new column. """ if layout is not None: free_col=get_first_empty_column(layout,col+1) if compress else layout.colCount() items_to_shift=[] for i in range(layout.count()): pos=layout.getItemPosition(i) if pos[1]<free_col and pos[1]+pos[3]>col: items_to_shift.append((i,pos)) items_to_shift=[(layout.takeAt(i),p) for (i,p) in items_to_shift[::-1]][::-1] # remove starting from the end for i,p in items_to_shift: col_shift=1 if p[0]>=col else 0 layout.addItem(i,p[0],p[1]+col_shift,p[2],p[3]+(1-col_shift)) for c in range(free_col,col,-1): layout.setColumnsStretch(c,layout.columnStretch(c-1)) layout.setColumnsStretch(col,stretch)
[docs]def compress_grid_layout(layout): """Find all empty rows in a grid layout and shift them to the bottom""" if layout is not None: curr_row=0 filled_rows=layout.rowCount() while curr_row<filled_rows: if is_layout_row_empty(layout,curr_row): items_to_shift=[] for i in range(layout.count()): pos=layout.getItemPosition(i) if pos[0]>curr_row: items_to_shift.append((i,pos)) items_to_shift=[(layout.takeAt(i),p) for (i,p) in items_to_shift[::-1]][::-1] # remove starting from the end for i,p in items_to_shift: layout.addItem(i,p[0]-1,p[1],p[2],p[3]) filled_rows-=1 else: curr_row+=1
[docs]def get_relative_position(widget, origin=None): """Get widget's position relative to the origin (top-level parent if ``None``)""" if origin is None: origin=get_top_parent(widget) return origin.mapFromGlobal(widget.parentWidget().mapToGlobal(widget.pos()))
def _expand_rectangle(rect, border, bound_size=None): if isinstance(border,tuple): bx0,bx1,by0,by1=border if len(border)==4 else (border[0],border[0],border[1],border[1]) else: bx0,bx1,by0,by1=(border,)*4 x0,y0=rect.x()-bx0,rect.y()-by0 x1,y1=rect.x()+rect.width()+bx1,rect.y()+rect.height()+by1 if bound_size is not None: x0=max(x0,0) y0=max(y0,0) x1=max(min(x1,bound_size.width()),x0) y1=max(min(y1,bound_size.height()),y0) return QtCore.QRect(x0,y0,x1-x0,y1-y0)
[docs]def get_relative_rectangle(widget, origin=None, border=0, trim_border=True): """ Get widget rectangle area relative to the origin (top-level parent if ``None``). If `border` is non-zero, it specifies a border (integer or 2-tuple) around the widget to add to the rectangle. If ``trim_border==True``, the resulting rectangle is trimmed to lie withing the origin area. Return ``QRect`` object. """ if origin is None: origin=get_top_parent(widget) pos=origin.mapFromGlobal(widget.parentWidget().mapToGlobal(widget.pos())) rect=QtCore.QRect(pos,widget.size()) if border: rect=_expand_rectangle(rect,border,bound_size=origin.size() if trim_border else None) return rect
[docs]def get_screenshot(window=None, rect=None, widget=None, border=0, include_titlebar=True): """ Take a screenshot of a given window or a given widget. Either `window` or `widget` must be defined. If `rect` (type ``QRect``) or `widget` are defined, they specify the area to include into screenshot; in this case, `border` can define an additional border to add to the rectangle. If rectangle is not defined, then `include_titlebar` specifies whether the window titlebar is included. """ if window is None and widget is None: raise ValueError("either window or widget must be defined") if window is None: window=get_top_parent(widget) try: screen=window.screen() except AttributeError: screen=window.windowHandle().screen() if widget is None and rect is None: pos=window.pos() if include_titlebar else window.geometry() size=window.frameSize() if include_titlebar else window.size() rect=QtCore.QRect(QtCore.QPoint(0,0),size) if border: rect=_expand_rectangle(rect,border=border,bound_size=size) else: pos=window.geometry() if rect is None: if get_top_parent(widget) is not window: raise ValueError("window should be a top parent of the widget") rect=get_relative_rectangle(widget,origin=window) if border: rect=_expand_rectangle(rect,border=border,bound_size=window.size()) return screen.grabWindow(0,pos.x()+rect.x(),pos.y()+rect.y(),rect.width(),rect.height())