pylablib.core.gui package


pylablib.core.gui.formatter module


Parse string as a float, with metric prefixes recognition.

Return tuple (sign, integer, dot, fractional, exponent, prefix), where each entry has structure (begin, end, text). Return None if string is unrecognizable.

pylablib.core.gui.formatter.pos_to_order(s, pos)[source]

For a given string representation of a float and position in the string, get the decimal order for this position.

Return None if string is un-parsable or position is out of range (not in mantissa section of the number).

pylablib.core.gui.formatter.order_to_pos(s, order)[source]

For a given string representation of float and decimal order, get the position in the string corresponding to this order.

If order is out of range for a given representation, truncates to most/least significant digit position. Return None if string is un-parsable.


Return float value of a string, with metric prefixes recognition.

Raise ValueError if string is unrecognizable.

pylablib.core.gui.formatter.is_integer(n, tolerance=0.0)[source]

Check if n is less than tolerance away from the nearest integer.

pylablib.core.gui.formatter.float_to_str_SI(n, digits=3, trailing_zeros=False)[source]

Represent float using SI metric prefixes.

For orders >=27 and <-24 use usual scientific notation with order being multiple of 3. If trailing_zeros==True, then digits define precision, rather than number significant digits

class pylablib.core.gui.formatter.FloatFormatter(output_format='auto', digits=3, add_trailing_zeros=True, leading_zeros=0, explicit_sign=False)[source]

Bases: object

Floating point number formatter.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation.

  • output_format (str) – can be "auto" (use standard Python conversion), "SI" (use SI prefixes if possible), or "sci" (scientific “E” notation).
  • digits (int) – if add_trailing_zeros==False, determines the number of significant digits; otherwise, determines precision (number of digits after decimal point).
  • add_trailing_zeros (bool) – if True, always show fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with zero padding if necessary.
  • leading_zeros (bool) – determines the minimal size of the integer part (before the decimal point) of the number; pads with zeros if necessary.
  • explicit_sign (bool) – if True, always add explicit plus sign.
class pylablib.core.gui.formatter.IntegerFormatter[source]

Bases: object

Simple integer number formatter.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation.

For more flexibility (e.g., adding leading zeros) it is possible to use FloatFormatter with digits=0 and add_trailing_zeros=True.

class pylablib.core.gui.formatter.FmtStringFormatter(fmt)[source]

Bases: object

Formatter based on format string.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and returns is string representation.


Turn an object into a formatter.

Can be a callable object turning value into a string, a string ("float", "int", or a format string, e.g., ".5f"), or a tuple starting with "float" which contains arguments to the FloatFormatter.

pylablib.core.gui.limiter module

exception pylablib.core.gui.limiter.LimitError(value, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None)[source]

Bases: ArithmeticError

Error raised when the value is out of limits and can’t be coerced


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class pylablib.core.gui.limiter.NumberLimit(lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, action='coerce', value_type=None)[source]

Bases: object

Number limiter, which checks validity of user inputs.

Callable object with takes a number as an argument and either returns its coerced version (or the number itself, if it is within limits), or raises LimitError if it should be ignored.

  • lower_limit – lower limit (inclusive), or None if there is no limit.
  • upper_limit – upper limit (inclusive), or None if there is no limit.
  • action (str) – action taken if the number is out of limits; either "coerce" (return the closest valid value), or "ignore" (raise LimitError).
  • value_type (str) – determines value type coercion; can be None (do nothing, only check limits), "float" (cast to float), or "int" (cast to integer).

Turn a predicate into a limiter.

Returns a function that raises LimitError if the predicate is false.


Turn an object into a limiter.

Limiter can be a callable object which takes a single value and either returns a limited value, or raises LimitError if it should be ignored; or it can be a tuple (lower, upper, action, value_type), where lower and upper are the limits (None means no limits), action defines out-of-limit action (either "ignore" to ignore entered value, or "coerce" to truncate to the nearest limit), and value_type can be None (keep value as is), "float" (cast value to float), "int" (cast value to int). If the tuple is shorter, the missing parts are filled by default values (None, None, "ignore", None).

pylablib.core.gui.utils module


Find the top-level parent (parent which does not have further parents)

pylablib.core.gui.utils.find_layout_element(layout, element)[source]

Find a layout element.

Can be a widget, a sublayout, or a layout element Return item index within the layout. If layout is empty or item is not present, return None

pylablib.core.gui.utils.delete_layout_item(layout, idx)[source]

Remove and item with the given index (completely delete it)

pylablib.core.gui.utils.clean_layout(layout, delete_layout=False)[source]

Delete all items from the layout.

If delete_layout==True, delete the layout as well.

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_layout_container(widget, top=None, kind='widget')[source]

Find a container widget or layout which contains the given widget.

Note that the container widget does not necessarily correspond to the element parent. If no container could be found, return None. If kind can be either "widget" (return the containing widget), or "layout" (return the containing layout, which is a layout or sublayout of the containing widget).

This method works by traversing the whole layout tree, so it can be relatively slow. top can specify the top container (widget or layout) which definitely contains the given widget; if not specified, use the top-level parent found by get_top_parent().

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_all_layout_containers(widget, top=None, kind='widget')[source]

Get a list of all widgets or layouts containing the current widget.

The list is arranged from the bottom of the hierarchy (starting from widget) to the top. Note that the container widget does not necessarily correspond to the element parent. If no containers could be found, return None. If kind can be either "widget" (return the containing widgets), or "layout" (return the containing layouts, which are layouts or sublayouts of the containing widgets.

This method works by traversing the whole layout tree, so it can be relatively slow. top can specify the top container (widget or layout) which definitely contains the given widget; if not specified, use the top-level parent found by get_top_parent().


Remove widget from its layout container and delete it

class pylablib.core.gui.utils.TWidgetLocation(layout, position)

Bases: tuple


Return number of occurrences of value.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_widget_location(widget, layout=None)[source]

Get location of a widget within the given layout.

Return tuple (layout, position), where layout is the layout object, and position is either a single position number (for box layouts), or a tuple (row, col, rowspan, colspan) for a grid layout. If layout is not specified, autodetect it.

pylablib.core.gui.utils.place_widget_at_location(widget, location)[source]

Insert a widget within the given layout location.

location is a tuple tuple (layout, position), where layout is the layout object, and position is either a single position number (for box layouts), or a tuple (row, col, rowspan, colspan) for a grid layout. The tuple has the same format as returned by get_widget_location().

pylablib.core.gui.utils.is_layout_row_empty(layout, row)[source]

Check if the given row in a grid layout is empty

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_last_filled_row(layout, start_row=0)[source]

Find the last non-empty row in a grid layout after start_row (inclusive).

If all rows after (and including) start_row are empty, return None .

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_first_empty_row(layout, start_row=0)[source]

Find the first completely empty row in a grid layout after start_row (inclusive)

pylablib.core.gui.utils.insert_layout_row(layout, row, stretch=0, compress=False)[source]

Insert row in a grid layout at a given index.

Any multi-column item spanning over the row (i.e., starting at least one row before row and ending at least one row after row) gets stretched. Anything else either stays in place (if it’s above row), or gets moved one row down. stretch determines the stretch factor of the new row. If compress==True, try to find an empty row below the inserted position and shit it to the new row’s place; otherwise, add a completely new row.

pylablib.core.gui.utils.is_layout_column_empty(layout, col)[source]

Check if the given column in a grid layout is empty

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_last_filled_column(layout, start_col=0)[source]

Find the last non-empty column in a grid layout after start_col (inclusive).

If all rows after (and including) start_col are empty, return None .

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_first_empty_column(layout, start_col=0)[source]

Find the first completely empty column in a grid layout after start_col (inclusive)

pylablib.core.gui.utils.insert_layout_column(layout, col, stretch=0, compress=False)[source]

Insert column in a grid layout at a given index.

Any multi-row item spanning over the column (i.e., starting at least one column before col and ending at least one column after col) gets stretched. Anything else either stays in place (if it’s above col), or gets moved one column to the right. stretch determines the stretch factor of the new column. If compress==True, try to find an empty column below the inserted position and shit it to the new column’s place; otherwise, add a completely new column.


Find all empty rows in a grid layout and shift them to the bottom

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_relative_position(widget, origin=None)[source]

Get widget’s position relative to the origin (top-level parent if None)

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_relative_rectangle(widget, origin=None, border=0, trim_border=True)[source]

Get widget rectangle area relative to the origin (top-level parent if None).

If border is non-zero, it specifies a border (integer or 2-tuple) around the widget to add to the rectangle. If trim_border==True, the resulting rectangle is trimmed to lie withing the origin area. Return QRect object.

pylablib.core.gui.utils.get_screenshot(window=None, rect=None, widget=None, border=0, include_titlebar=True)[source]

Take a screenshot of a given window or a given widget.

Either window or widget must be defined. If rect (type QRect) or widget are defined, they specify the area to include into screenshot; in this case, border can define an additional border to add to the rectangle. If rectangle is not defined, then include_titlebar specifies whether the window titlebar is included.

pylablib.core.gui.value_handling module

Uniform representation of values from different widgets: numerical and text edits and labels, combo and check boxes, buttons.

pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.build_children_tree(root, types_include, is_atomic=None, is_excluded=None, self_node='#')[source]
pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.has_methods(widget, methods_sets)[source]

Chick if the widget has methods from given set.

methods_sets is a list of method sets. The function returns True if the widget has at least one method from each of the sets.

pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.get_method_kind(method, add_args=0)[source]

Determine whether the method takes name as its argument

add_args specifies number of additional required arguments. Return "named" is the method has at least add_args+1 arguments, and the first one is called "name". Otherwise, return "simple".

exception pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.NoParameterError[source]

Bases: KeyError

Error raised by some handlers to indicate that the parameter is missing


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: object

Generic handler of a widget value.

Has method to get and set the value (or all values, if the widget has internal value structure), representing values as strings, and value changed signal.

Parameters:widget – handled widget.

Get widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

repr_value(value, name=None)[source]

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)[source]

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.VirtualValueHandler(value=None, multivalued=False)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IValueHandler

Virtual value handler (to simulate controls which are not present in the GUI).

  • value – initial value
  • multivalued (bool) – if True, the internal value is assumed to be complex, so it is forced to be a Dictionary every time it is set.

Get widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.PropertyValueHandler(getter=None, setter=None, default_name=None)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IValueHandler

Virtual value handler which uses custom getter/setter methods to simulate a value.

If getter or setter are not supplied but are called, they raise NoParameterError; this means that they are ignored in GUIValues.get_all_values() and GUIValues.set_all_values() methods, but raise an error when access directly (e.g., using GUIValues.get_value()).

  • getter – value getter method; takes 0 or 1 (name) arguments and returns the value
  • setter – value setter method; takes 1 (value) or 2 (name and value) arguments and sets the value
  • default_name (str) – default name to be supplied to getter and setter methods if they require a name argument

Get widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.StandardValueHandler(widget, default_name=None)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IValueHandler

Standard value handler, typically used for custom widgets.

To implement getting and setting values, looks for get/set_value and get/set_all_values methods for the widget and uses them accordingly. To implement value representing, looks for repr_value method (if not defined, use simple string conversion). To implement value change signal, looks for value_changed widget signal.

  • widget – handled widget
  • default_name (str) – default name to be supplied to get/set_value and get/set_all_values methods if they require a name argument.

Get widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set widget value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

repr_value(value, name=None)[source]

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the value parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IValueHandler

Base class for single-value widget handler, typically used for built-in Qt widgets.

Defines new functions get/set_single_value which don’t take a name argument; raises an error if the name is supplied to any of the standard functions.

Parameters:widget – handled widget

Get the widget value


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Set the widget value

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Represent the widget value as a string

repr_value(value, name=None)[source]

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.LineEditValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler

Value handler for QLineEdit widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Represent the widget value as a string

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.LabelValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler

Value handler for QLabel widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Represent the widget value as a string

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IBoolValueHandler(widget, labels=('Off', 'On'))[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler

Generic value handler for widgets with boolean values


Represent the widget value as a string


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get the widget value


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Set the widget value

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.CheckboxValueHandler(widget, labels=('Off', 'On'))[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IBoolValueHandler

Value handler for QCheckBox widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Represent the widget value as a string


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.PushButtonValueHandler(widget, labels=('Off', 'On'))[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IBoolValueHandler

Value handler for QPushButton widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Represent the widget value as a string


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ToolButtonValueHandler(widget, labels=('Off', 'On'))[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IBoolValueHandler

Value handler for QToolButton widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Represent the widget value as a string


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ComboBoxValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler

Value handler for QComboBox widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Represent the widget value as a string


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ProgressBarValueHandler(widget)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.ISingleValueHandler

Value handler for QProgressBar widget


Get the widget value


Set the widget value


Check if setting value from the code is allowed.

Parameters:focus – if False, indicates that settings of focused widgets isn’t allowed, with some exceptions (buttons, check boxes, combo boxes)
connect_value_changed_handler(handler, only_signal=True)

Connect value changed signal.

If only_signal==True, equivalent to connecting a handler function to get_value_changed_signal() signal; however, if only_signal==False, it also works for some objects (e.g., QLabel) don’t have built-in on-changed signals by calling the handler explicitly every time the value is changed.

Note that the connection is always direct (i.e., it doesn’t deal with message queues and different threads, but rather directly calls the handler function). If you need to connect a handler to a signal using some other connection method, you can use get_value_changed_signal() directly.


Get handler of a contained widget (or same widget, if name==None)


Get widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Get the Qt signal emitted when the value is changed


Represent the widget value as a string

repr_value(value, name=None)

Return textual representation of the value.

If name is not None raise an error.

set_value(value, name=None)

Set widget value.

If name is not None raise an error.


Check if the widget can be handles by StandardValueHandler


Autodetect value handler for the given widget

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IIndicatorHandler[source]

Bases: object

Generic handler of an indicator.

Has methods to get and set the indicator value.


Get indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).


alias of pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.VirtualValueHandler

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.StandardIndicatorHandler(widget, default_name=None)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IIndicatorHandler

Default indicator handler, typically used for custom widgets.

To implement getting and setting values, looks for get/set_indicator and get/set_all_indicators methods for the widget and uses them accordingly.

  • widget – handled widget
  • default_name (str) – default name to be supplied to get/set_indicator methods if they require a name argument.

Get indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.LabelIndicatorHandler(label, formatter=None, repr_value_name=None)[source]

Bases: pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.IIndicatorHandler

Indicator handler which uses a label to show the value.

Can takes optional widget or widget handler which converts values into strings using its repr_value method (by default, use the standard string conversion).

  • label – widget or value handler used to represent the value (takes string values)
  • formatter – specifies a way to turn values into string representation; can be a widget handler or a widget (its repr_func method is used to represent its value), a function (it takes either a single value argument or two arguments name and value and returns string value), or None (use simple string conversion)
  • repr_value_name (str) – default name to be supplied to repr_value if it requires a name argument and name is not supplied

Get indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

repr_value(value, name=None)[source]

Represent a value with a given name

set_value(value, name=None)[source]

Set indicator value.

If name is not None, it specifies the name of the indicator parameter inside the widget (for complex widgets).

pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.create_indicator_handler(widget, label=None, require_setter=False)[source]

Autodetect indicator handler for the given widget and optional indicator label

exception pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.MissingGUIHandlerError[source]

Bases: KeyError

Missing GUI handler


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.GUIValues(gui_thread_safe=True)[source]

Bases: object

A collection of values which can be used to manipulate many value handlers at once and represent them as a hierarchical structure.

Has four container-like accessor: .h for getting/adding/removing the value handler (i.e., self.get_handler(name) is equivalent to self.h[name], and self.add_handler(name, handler) is equivalent to self.h[name]=handler, and self.remove_handler(name) is equivalent to del self.h[name]), .w for getting the underlying widget (i.e., self.get_widget(name) is equivalent to self.w[name]), .v for settings/getting values (i.e., self.get_value(name) is equivalent to self.v[name], and self.set_value(name, value) is equivalent to self.v[name]=value), .i for settings/getting indicator values (i.e., self.get_indicator(name) is equivalent to self.i[name], and self.set_indicator(name, value) is equivalent to self.i[name]=value) .vs for getting the value changed Qt signal (i.e., self.get_value_changed_signal(name) is equivalent to self.s[name]),

Parameters:gui_thread_safe (bool) – if True, all value-access and indicator-access calls (get/set_value, get/set_all_values, get/set_indicator, get/set_all_indicators, and update_indicators) are automatically called in the GUI thread.
add_handler(name, handler)[source]

Add a value handler under a given name

remove_handler(name, remove_indicator=True, disconnect=False)[source]

Remove the value handler with a given name.

If remove_indicator==True, also try to remove the indicator widget. If disconnect==True, also disconnect all slots connected to the value_changed signal. Unlike most methods (e.g., get_value() or get_handler()), does not recursively query the children, so it only works if the handler is contained in this table.


Get the value handler with the given name

add_widget(name, widget, add_indicator=True)[source]

Add a widget under a given name (value handler type is auto-detected)


Get the widget corresponding to the handler under the given name

add_nested(name, gui_values, add_indicator=True)[source]

Add a nested GUIValues under a given name

add_virtual_element(name, value=None, multivalued=False, add_indicator=True)[source]

Add a virtual value element.

Doesn’t correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view (its value can be set or read, it has on-change events, it can have indicator). The element value is simply stored on set and retrieved on get. If multivalued==True, the internal value is assumed to be complex, so it is forced to be a Dictionary every time it is set. If add_indicator==True, add default indicator handler as well.

add_property_element(name, getter=None, setter=None, add_indicator=True)[source]

Add a property value element.

Doesn’t correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view; each time the value is set or get, the corresponding setter and getter methods are called. If add_indicator==True, add default (stored value) indicator handler as well.

add_all_children(root, root_name=None, types_include=None, types_exclude=(), names_exclude=None)[source]

Add a widget and all its children to the values set.

The result is organized as a tree using parent-child relations (note that it implies that only children widgets correspond to tree nodes, i.e., only their values can be get/set).

  • root – root widget
  • root_name – path to the sub-branch where the values will be placed
  • types_include – if not None, specifies list of widget classes (e.g., QCheckBox) to include
  • types_include – specifies list of widget classes to exclude
  • names_exclude – if not None, specifies list of widget names to exclude
class IndicatorsSet(ind)

Bases: tuple


Return number of occurrences of value.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

add_indicator_handler(name, handler, ind_name='__default__')[source]

Add indicator handler with a given name.

ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators.

remove_indicator_handler(name, ind_name=None)[source]

Remove indicator handler with a given name.

ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators. By default, remove all indicators with this name

add_widget_indicator(name, widget, label=None, ind_name='__default__')[source]

Add widget-based indicator with a given name.

If label is None, use widget’s get/set_indicator or get/set_all_indicators functions to indicate the value. Otherwise, use the given label to indicate the value (label is used to show the value, widget is used to represent it). ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators.

add_label_indicator(name, label, formatter=None, ind_name='__default__')[source]

Add label-based indicator with a given name.

formatter specifies a way to turn values into string representation; can be a widget handler or a widget (its repr_func method is used to represent its value), a function (it takes either a single value argument or two arguments name and value and returns string value), or None (use simple string conversion) ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators.


Get a value or a set of values in a subtree under a given name (all values by default).

Automatically handles complex widgets and sub-names. If name refers to a branch, return a Dictionary object containing tree structure of the names. If supplied, include and exclude are containers specifying included and excluded names (relative to the root); by default, include everything and exclude nothing.


Get all values in the given sub-branch.

Same as get_value(), but returns an empty dictionary if the name is missing.

set_value(name, value)

Set value under a given name.

Automatically handles complex widgets and sub-names

set_all_values(value, root=None)[source]
get_indicator(name=None, ind_name='__default__')

Get indicator value with a given name.

ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators. If supplied, include and exclude are containers specifying included and excluded names (relative to the root); by default, include everything and exclude nothing.

get_all_indicators(root=None, ind_name='__default__')[source]

Get all indicator values in the given sub-branch.

Same as get_indicator(), but returns an empty dictionary if the root is missing.

set_indicator(name, value, ind_name=None, ignore_missing=False)

Set indicator value with a given name.

ind_name can distinguish different sub-indicators with the same name, if the same value has multiple indicators. By default, set all sub-indicators to the given value. If supplied, include and exclude are containers specifying included and excluded names (relative to the root); by default, include everything and exclude nothing. If ignore_missing==True and the given indicator and sub-indicator names are missing, raise an error; otherwise, do nothing.

set_all_indicators(value, root='', ind_name=None, ignore_missing=True)[source]

Update all indicators in a subtree with the given root (all values by default) to represent current values.

If supplied, include and exclude are containers specifying included and excluded names (relative to the root); by default, include everything and exclude nothing.

repr_value(name, value)[source]

Get a textual representation of a value under a given name.

Automatically handles complex widgets and sub-names.


Get changed events for a value under a given name


Send update signal for a handler with a given name or list of names.

Emit a value changed signal with the current value to notify the subscribed slots. If name is None, emit for all values in the table.

pylablib.core.gui.value_handling.get_gui_values(gui_values=None, gui_values_path='')[source]

Get new or existing GUIValues object and the sub-branch path inside it based on the supplied arguments.

If gui_values is None or "new", create a new object and set empty root path. If gui_values itself has gui_values attribute, get this attribute, and prepend object’s gui_values_path attribute to the given path. Otherwise, assume that gui_values is GUIValues object, and use the supplied root.


Create a gui values set with all virtual values.

kwargs define element names and default values.

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