pylablib.devices.DCAM package


pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM module

class pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM.LibraryController(lib)[source]

Bases: pylablib.devices.utils.load_lib.LibraryController


Mark device closing.

Return tuple (close_result, uninit_result) with the results of the closing and the shutdown. If library does not need to be shut down yet, set uninit_result=None


Mark device opening.

Return tuple (init_result, open_result, opid) with the results of the initialization and the opening, and the opening ID which should afterwards be used for closing. If library is already initialized, set init_result=None


Pre-initialize the library, if it hasn’t been done already


Close all opened connections and shutdown the library


Context for temporarily opening a new device connection


Get number of connected DCAM cameras

class pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM.DCAMAttribute(handle, pid)[source]

Bases: object

DCAM camera attribute.

Allows to query and set values and get additional information. Usually created automatically by a DCAM camera instance, but could also be created manually.

  • handle – DCAM camera handle
  • pid – attribute id

attribute name


attribute kind; can be "int", "float", "enum", or "none" (can’t determine)


whether attribute is readable


whether attribute is writable


minimal attribute value (if applicable)


maximal attribute value (if applicable)


attribute value step (if applicable)


attribute units (index value)


list of possible integer values for enum attributes


list of possible text values for enum attributes


dict {label: index} which shows all possible values of an enumerated attribute and their corresponding numerical values


dict {index: label} which shows labels corresponding to numerical values of an enumerated attribute


Get the given attribute value as text (by default, current value)


Update minimal and maximal attribute limits and return tuple (min, max)


Get current attribute value.

If enum_as_str==True, try to represent enums as their string values; otherwise, return their integer values (only integers can be used for setting).


Set attribute value

class pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM.TDeviceInfo(vendor, model, serial_number, camera_version)

Bases: tuple


Return number of occurrences of value.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

class pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM.TFrameInfo(frame_index, framestamp, timestamp_us, camerastamp, position, pixeltype)

Bases: tuple


Return number of occurrences of value.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

class pylablib.devices.DCAM.DCAM.DCAMCamera(idx=0)[source]


Error = <Mock name='mock.DCAMError' id='140259575180048'>
TimeoutError = <Mock spec='str' id='140259563992144'>

Open connection to the camera


Close connection to the camera


Check if the device is connected


Get camera model data.

Return tuple (vendor, model, serial_number, camera_version).

get_attribute_value(name, enum_as_str=False, error_on_missing=True, default=None)[source]

Get value of an attribute with the given name.

If the value doesn’t exist or can not be read and error_on_missing==True, raise error; otherwise, return default. If default is not None, assume that error_on_missing==False. If enum_as_str==True, try to represent enums as their string values; otherwise, return their integer values (only integers can be used for setting).

set_attribute_value(name, value, error_on_missing=True)[source]

Set value of an attribute with the given name.

If the value doesn’t exist or can not be written and error_on_missing==True, raise error; otherwise, do nothing.

get_all_attribute_values(root='', enum_as_str=False)[source]

Get values of all attributes.

If enum_as_str==True, try to represent enums as their string values; otherwise, return their integer values (only integers can be used for setting).


Set values of all attribute in the given dictionary


Set trigger mode.

Can be "int" (internal), "ext" (external), or "software" (software trigger).


Get trigger mode.

Can be "int" (internal), "ext" (external), or "software" (software trigger).


Return the list of all available trigger modes

setup_ext_trigger(invert=False, delay=0.0)[source]

Setup external trigger (inversion and delay)


Return external trigger parameters (inversion and delay)


Send software trigger signal


Set camera exposure


Set current exposure


Set readout speed (can be "fast" or "slow")


Set current readout speed


Return the list of all available readout speeds


Set current frame readout time


Get acquisition timing.

Return tuple (exposure, frame_period).


Check if the defect pixel correction mode is on


Enable or disable the defect pixel correction mode


Get camera detector size (in pixels) as a tuple (width, height)


Get current ROI.

Return tuple (hstart, hend, vstart, vend, hbin, vbin).

set_roi(hstart=0, hend=None, vstart=0, vend=None, hbin=1, vbin=1)[source]

Set current ROI.

By default, all non-supplied parameters take extreme values. Binning is the same for both axes, so value of vbin is ignored (it is left for compatibility).

get_roi_limits(hbin=1, vbin=1)[source]

Get the minimal and maximal ROI parameters.

Return tuple (hlim, vlim), where each element is in turn a limit 5-tuple (min, max, pstep, sstep, maxbin) with, correspondingly, minimal and maximal size, position and size step, and the maximal binning. In some cameras, the step and the minimal size depend on the binning, which can be supplied.

setup_acquisition(mode='sequence', nframes=100)[source]

Setup acquisition.

mode can be either "snap" (single frame or a fixed number of frames) or "sequence" (continuous acquisition). nframes determines number of frames to acquire in the single mode, or size of the ring buffer in the "sequence" mode (by default, 100).


Clear acquisition settings

start_acquisition(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Start acquisition.

Can take the same keyword parameters as :meth:``setup_acquisition. If the acquisition is not set up yet, set it up using the supplied parameters (use default of setup_acquisition(),if the parameter is None). Otherwise, if any supplied parameters are different from the current ones, change them and reset the acquisition.


Stop acquisition


Get acquisition status.

Can be "busy" (capturing in progress), "ready" (ready for capturing), "stable" (not prepared for capturing), "unstable" (can’t be prepared for capturing), or "error" (some other error).


Check if acquisition is in progress


Get frame transfer info.

Return tuple (last_buff, frame_count), where last_buff is the index of the last filled buffer, and frame_count is the total number of acquired frames.


alias of

class NoParameterCaller(device, kind)

Bases: object

Class to simplify calling functions without a parameter


Apply the settings.

settings is the dict {name: value} of the device available settings. Non-applicable settings are ignored.


Get acquisition parameters.

Return dictionary {name: value}


Return a dictionary of all available attributes.

If copy==True, copy the dictionary; otherwise, return the internal dictionary structure (should not be modified).

get_attribute(name, error_on_missing=True)

Get the camera attribute with the given name


Get readout data dimensions (in pixels) as a tuple (width, height); take indexing mode into account


Get the value of a settings, status, or full info parameter


Get format for the returned images.

Can be "list" (list of 2D arrays), "array" (a single 3D array), or "chunks" (list of 3D “chunk” arrays; supported for some cameras and provides the best performance).


Get the names of frame info fields.

Applicable when frame info format (set by set_frame_info_format()) is "list" or "array".


Get format of the frame info.

Can be "namedtuple" (potentially nested named tuples; convenient to get particular values), "list" (flat list of values, with field names are given by get_frame_info_fields(); convenient for building a table), "array" (same as "list", but with a numpy array, which is easier to use for "chunks" frame format), or "dict" (flat dictionary with the same fields as the "list" format; more resilient to future format changes)


Get period of frame info acquisition.

Frame info might be skipped (set to None) except for frames which indices are divisible by period. Useful for certain cameras where acquiring frame info takes a lot of time and can reduce performance at higher frame rates. Note that this parameter can still be ignored (i.e., always set to 1) if the performance is not an issue for a given camera class.


Get frame period (time between two consecutive frames in the internal trigger mode)


Get acquisition and buffer status.

Return tuple (acquired, unread, skipped, size), where acquired is the total number of acquired frames, unread is the number of acquired but not read frames, skipped is the number of skipped (not read and then written over) frames, and buffer_size is the total buffer size (in frames).


Get dict {name: value} containing full device information (including status and settings).

include specifies either a list of variables (only these variables are returned), a priority threshold (only values with the priority equal or higher are returned), or "all" (all available variables). Since the lowest priority is -10, setting include=-10 queries all available variables, which is equivalent to include="all".


Get dict {name: value} containing the device status (including settings).

include specifies either a list of variables (only these variables are returned), a priority threshold (only values with the priority equal or higher are returned), or "all" (all available variables). Since the lowest priority is -10, setting include=-10 queries all available variables, which is equivalent to include="all".


Get indexing for the returned images.

Can be "rct" (first index row, second index column, rows counted from the top), "rcb" (same as "rc", rows counted from the bottom), "xyt" (first index column, second index row, rows counted from the top), or "xyb" (same as "xyt", rows counted from the bottom)


Get the range of the new images.

Return tuple (first, last) with images range (first inclusive). If no images are available, return None. If some images were in the buffer were overwritten, exclude them from the range.


Get dict {name: value} containing all the device settings.

include specifies either a list of variables (only these variables are returned), a priority threshold (only values with the priority equal or higher are returned), or "all" (all available variables). Since the lowest priority is -10, setting include=-10 queries all available variables, which is equivalent to include="all".

grab(nframes=1, frame_timeout=5.0, missing_frame='skip', return_info=False, buff_size=None)

Snap nframes images (with preset image read mode parameters)

buff_size determines buffer size (if None, use the default size). Timeout is specified for a single-frame acquisition, not for the whole acquisition time. missing_frame determines what to do with frames which have been lost: can be "none" (replacing them with None), "zero" (replacing them with zero-filled frame), or "skip" (skipping them, while still keeping total returned frames number to n). If return_info==True, return tuple (frames, infos), where infos is a list of frame info tuples (camera-dependent); if some frames are missing and missing_frame!="skip", the corresponding frame info is None.


Check if acquisition is set up.

If the camera does not support separate acquisition setup, always return True.

pausing_acquisition(clear=None, stop=True, setup_after=None, start_after=True, combine_nested=True)

Context manager which temporarily pauses acquisition during execution of with block.

Useful for applying certain settings which can’t be changed during the acquisition. If clear==True, clear acquisition in addition to stopping (by default, use the class default specified as _clear_pausing_acquisition attribute). If stop==True, stop the acquisition (if clear==True, stop regardless). If setup_after==True, setup the acquisition after pause if necessary (None means setup only if clearing was required). If start_after==True, start the acquisition after pause if necessary (None means start only if stopping was required). If combine_nested==True, then any nested pausing_acquisition calls will stop/clear acquisition as necessary, but won’t setup/start it again until this pausing_acquisition call is complete.

Yields tuple (acq_in_progress, acq_params), which indicates whether acquisition is currently in progress, and what are the current acquisition parameters.

read_newest_image(peek=False, return_info=False)

Read the newest un-read image.

If no un-read frames are available, return None. If peek==True, return the image but not mark it as read. If return_info==True, return tuple (frame, info), where info is an info tuples (camera-dependent, see read_multiple_images()).

read_oldest_image(peek=False, return_info=False)

Read the oldest un-read image.

If no un-read frames are available, return None. If peek==True, return the image but not mark it as read. If return_info==True, return tuple (frame, info), where info is an info tuples (camera-dependent, see read_multiple_images()).

set_device_variable(key, value)

Set the value of a settings parameter


Set format for the returned images.

Can be "list" (list of 2D arrays), "array" (a single 3D array), "chunks" (list of 3D “chunk” arrays; supported for some cameras and provides the best performance), or "try_chunks" (same as "chunks", but if chunks are not supported, set to "list" instead). If format is "chunks" and chunks are not supported by the camera, it results in one frame per chunk. Note that if the format is set to "array" or "chunks", the frame info format is also automatically set to "array". If the format is set to "chunks", then the image info is also returned in chunks form (list of 2D info arrays with the same length as the corresponding frame chunks).

set_frame_info_format(fmt, include_fields=None)

Set format of the frame info.

Can be "namedtuple" (potentially nested named tuples; convenient to get particular values), "list" (flat list of values, with field names are given by get_frame_info_fields(); convenient for building a table), "array" (same as "list", but with a numpy array, which is easier to use for "chunks" frame format), or "dict" (flat dictionary with the same fields as the "list" format; more resilient to future format changes) If include_fields is not None, it specifies the fields included for non-"tuple" formats; note that order or include_fields is ignored, and the resulting fields are always ordered same as in the original.


Set period of frame info acquisition.

Frame info might be skipped (set to None) except for frames which indices are divisible by period. Useful for certain cameras where acquiring frame info takes a lot of time and can reduce performance at higher frame rates. Note that this parameter can still be ignored (i.e., always set to 1) if the performance is not an issue for a given camera class.


Set up indexing for the returned images.

Can be "rct" (first index row, second index column, rows counted from the top), "rcb" (same as "rc", rows counted from the bottom), "xyt" (first index column, second index row, rows counted from the top), or "xyb" (same as "xyt", rows counted from the bottom)

snap(timeout=5.0, return_info=False)

Snap a single frame

wait_for_frame(since='lastread', nframes=1, timeout=20.0, error_on_stopped=False)

Wait for one or several new camera frames.

since specifies the reference point for waiting to acquire nframes frames; can be “lastread”`` (from the last read frame), "lastwait" (wait for the last successful wait_for_frame() call), "now" (from the start of the current call), or "start" (from the acquisition start, i.e., wait until nframes frames have been acquired). timeout can be either a number, None (infinite timeout), or a tuple (timeout, frame_timeout), in which case the call times out if the total time exceeds timeout, or a single frame wait exceeds frame_timeout. If the call times out, raise TimeoutError. If error_on_stopped==True and the acquisition is not running, raise Error; otherwise, simply return False without waiting.

read_multiple_images(rng=None, peek=False, missing_frame='skip', return_info=False, return_rng=False)[source]

Read multiple images specified by rng (by default, all un-read images).

If rng is specified, it is a tuple (first, last) with images range (first inclusive). If no new frames are available, return an empty list; if no acquisition is running, return None. If peek==True, return images but not mark them as read. missing_frame determines what to do with frames which are out of range (missing or lost): can be "none" (replacing them with None), "zero" (replacing them with zero-filled frame), or "skip" (skipping them). If return_info==True, return tuple (frames, infos), where infos is a list of TFrameInfo instances describing frame index, framestamp and timestamp, camera stamp, frame location on the sensor, and pixel type; if some frames are missing and missing_frame!="skip", the corresponding frame info is None. if return_rng==True, return the range covered resulting frames; if missing_frame=="skip", the range can be smaller than the supplied rng if some frames are skipped.

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