Source code for

from ...core.devio import interface, comm_backend
from ...core.dataproc import image as image_utils
from ...core.utils import functions as function_utils, general as general_utils, dictionary

import numpy as np
import collections
import contextlib
import time
import functools
import threading
import ctypes

[docs] class DefaultFrameTransferError(comm_backend.DeviceError): """Generic frame transfer error"""
TFramesStatus=collections.namedtuple("TFramesStatus",["acquired","unread","skipped","buffer_size"]) TFrameSize=collections.namedtuple("TFrameSize",["width","height"]) TFramePosition=collections.namedtuple("TFramePosition",["left","top"]) TFrameInfo=collections.namedtuple("TFrameInfo",["frame_index"])
[docs] class ICamera(interface.IDevice): """ Generic camera class. Provides a consistent common interface for the most frequently encountered camera functions. """ _default_image_indexing="rct" _default_frame_format="list" _default_frameinfo_format="namedtuple" _default_image_dtype="<u2" _clear_pausing_acquisition=False Error=comm_backend.DeviceError TimeoutError=comm_backend.DeviceError FrameTransferError=DefaultFrameTransferError def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super().__init__() self._acq_params=None self._restart_acq_after_pause=True self._acq_setup_requested=(False,False) self._default_acq_params=function_utils.funcsig(self.setup_acquisition).defaults self._frame_counter=FrameCounter() self._image_indexing=self._default_image_indexing self._frame_format=self._default_frame_format if self._frameinfo_fields is None: self._frameinfo_fields=self._TFrameInfo._fields self._frameinfo_format=self._default_frameinfo_format self._frameinfo_include_fields=None self._frameinfo_fields_mask=None self._frameinfo_period=1 self._add_status_variable("buffer_size",lambda: self.get_frames_status().buffer_size) self._add_status_variable("acquired_frames",lambda: self.get_frames_status().acquired) self._add_status_variable("acquisition_in_progress",self.acquisition_in_progress) self._add_status_variable("frames_status",self.get_frames_status) self._add_status_variable("data_dimensions",self.get_data_dimensions) self._add_info_variable("detector_size",self.get_detector_size) self._add_settings_variable("image_indexing",self.get_image_indexing,self.set_image_indexing) self._add_settings_variable("frame_format",self.get_frame_format,self.set_frame_format) self._add_settings_variable("frame_info_format",self.get_frame_info_format,self.set_frame_info_format) self._add_settings_variable("frame_info_period",self.get_frame_info_period,self.set_frame_info_period) self._add_info_variable("frame_info_fields",self.get_frame_info_fields) ### Acquisition control ###
[docs] def is_acquisition_setup(self): """ Check if acquisition is set up. If the camera does not support separate acquisition setup, always return ``True``. """ return self._acq_params is not None
[docs] def get_acquisition_parameters(self): """ Get acquisition parameters. Return dictionary ``{name: value}`` """ return self._acq_params.copy() if self._acq_params is not None else None
def _get_updated_acquisition_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Check how the currently set up acquisition parameters should be updated with the new ones. Return tuple ``(updated, full)``, where ``updated`` is a dictionary of parameters which are different from the ones set up, and ``full`` is the full dictionary of acquisition parameters after applying. """ kwargs=function_utils.funcsig(self.setup_acquisition).as_kwargs(args,kwargs,add_defaults=False) if self._acq_params is None: full=self._default_acq_params.copy() full.update(kwargs) return full,full else: full=self._acq_params.copy() updated={} for k,v in kwargs.items(): if (k not in full) or (full[k]!=v): updated[k]=v full.update(updated) return updated,full def _ensure_acquisition_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update acquisition parameters if needed, and return the full currently parameters""" updated_acq_params,full_acq_params=self._get_updated_acquisition_parameters(*args,**kwargs) if updated_acq_params: self.setup_acquisition(**full_acq_params) return full_acq_params _p_acq_mode=interface.EnumParameterClass("acq_mode",["sequence","snap"])
[docs] def setup_acquisition(self, **kwargs): """ Setup acquisition. Any non-specified acquisition parameters are assumed to be the same as previously set (or default, if not explicitly set before). Return the new acquisition parameters. """ if self._acq_params is None: self._acq_params=self._default_acq_params.copy() self._acq_params.update(kwargs) return self._acq_params
[docs] def clear_acquisition(self): """Clear acquisition settings""" self._frame_counter.reset() self._acq_params=None
[docs] def start_acquisition(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Start acquisition. Can take the same keyword parameters as `:meth:``setup_acquisition`. If the acquisition is not set up yet, set it up using the supplied parameters (use default of :meth:`setup_acquisition`,if the parameter is ``None``). Otherwise, if any supplied parameters are different from the current ones, change them and reset the acquisition. """ self._ensure_acquisition_parameters(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def stop_acquisition(self): """Stop acquisition"""
[docs] def acquisition_in_progress(self): """Check if acquisition is in progress""" raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.acquisition_in_progress")
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def pausing_acquisition(self, clear=None, stop=True, setup_after=None, start_after=True, combine_nested=True): """ Context manager which temporarily pauses acquisition during execution of ``with`` block. Useful for applying certain settings which can't be changed during the acquisition. If ``clear==True``, clear acquisition in addition to stopping (by default, use the class default specified as ``_clear_pausing_acquisition`` attribute). If ``stop==True``, stop the acquisition (if ``clear==True``, stop regardless). If ``setup_after==True``, setup the acquisition after pause if necessary (``None`` means setup only if clearing was required). If ``start_after==True``, start the acquisition after pause if necessary (``None`` means start only if stopping was required). If ``combine_nested==True``, then any nested ``pausing_acquisition`` calls will stop/clear acquisition as necessary, but won't setup/start it again until this ``pausing_acquisition`` call is complete. Yields tuple ``(acq_in_progress, acq_params)``, which indicates whether acquisition is currently in progress, and what are the current acquisition parameters. """ restart_acq_after_pause=self._restart_acq_after_pause if combine_nested: self._restart_acq_after_pause=False if clear is None: clear=self._clear_pausing_acquisition setup_after=clear if setup_after is None else setup_after start_after=stop if start_after is None else start_after acq_in_progress=self.acquisition_in_progress() acq_params=self.get_acquisition_parameters() if stop or clear: self.stop_acquisition() if clear: self.clear_acquisition() try: yield acq_in_progress, acq_params finally: self._restart_acq_after_pause=restart_acq_after_pause setup_req=acq_params is not None and self.get_acquisition_parameters() is None start_req=acq_in_progress and not self.acquisition_in_progress() if self._restart_acq_after_pause: if (setup_after or self._acq_setup_requested[0]) and setup_req: self.setup_acquisition(**acq_params) if (start_after or self._acq_setup_requested[1]) and start_req: start_params=acq_params if self.get_acquisition_parameters() is None else {} self.start_acquisition(**start_params) self._acq_setup_requested=(False,False) else: self._acq_setup_requested=(self._acq_setup_requested[0] or (setup_after and setup_req)),(self._acq_setup_requested[1] or (start_after and start_req))
### Camera info ###
[docs] def get_detector_size(self): """Get camera detector size (in pixels) as a tuple ``(width, height)``""" raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.get_detector_size")
### Buffer status ### def _get_acquired_frames(self): """Return number of acquired frames; can also return ``None`` if the acquisition is not set up""" raise NotImplementedError("ICamera._get_acquired_frames") _TFramesStatus=TFramesStatus
[docs] def get_frames_status(self): """ Get acquisition and buffer status. Return tuple ``(acquired, unread, skipped, size)``, where ``acquired`` is the total number of acquired frames, ``unread`` is the number of acquired but not read frames, ``skipped`` is the number of skipped (not read and then written over) frames, and ``buffer_size`` is the total buffer size (in frames). """ if self.acquisition_in_progress(): self._frame_counter.update_acquired_frames(self._get_acquired_frames()) return TFramesStatus(*self._frame_counter.get_frames_status())
### Frame waiting ### _p_frame_wait_mode=interface.EnumParameterClass("frame_wait_mode",["lastread","lastwait","now","start"]) _wait_sleep_period=1E-3 def _wait_for_next_frame(self, timeout=20., idx=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Wait for a single frame with the given index for a given amount of time. If timeout is reached, raise ``TimeoutError`` or simply return. Can also return without a next frame acquired (but should still wait for a small amount of time to avoid high CPU load). """ sleep_time=min(self._wait_sleep_period,timeout) if timeout is not None else self._wait_sleep_period time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(since="frame_wait_mode") def wait_for_frame(self, since="lastread", nframes=1, timeout=20., error_on_stopped=False): """ Wait for one or several new camera frames. `since` specifies the reference point for waiting to acquire `nframes` frames; can be "lastread"`` (from the last read frame), ``"lastwait"`` (wait for the last successful :meth:`wait_for_frame` call), ``"now"`` (from the start of the current call), or ``"start"`` (from the acquisition start, i.e., wait until `nframes` frames have been acquired). `timeout` can be either a number, ``None`` (infinite timeout), or a tuple ``(timeout, frame_timeout)``, in which case the call times out if the total time exceeds ``timeout``, or a single frame wait exceeds ``frame_timeout``. If the call times out, raise ``TimeoutError``. If ``error_on_stopped==True`` and the acquisition is not running, raise ``Error``; otherwise, simply return ``False`` without waiting. """ wait_started=False if isinstance(timeout,tuple): timeout,frame_timeout=timeout else: frame_timeout=None ctd=general_utils.Countdown(timeout) frame_ctd=general_utils.Countdown(frame_timeout) if not self.acquisition_in_progress(): if error_on_stopped: raise self.Error("waiting for a frame while acquisition is stopped") else: return False last_acquired_frames=None while True: acquired_frames=self._get_acquired_frames() if acquired_frames is None: if error_on_stopped: raise self.Error("waiting for a frame while acquisition is stopped") else: return False if acquired_frames!=last_acquired_frames: frame_ctd.reset() last_acquired_frames=acquired_frames if not wait_started: self._frame_counter.wait_start(acquired_frames) wait_started=True if self._frame_counter.is_wait_done(acquired_frames,since=since,nframes=nframes): break to,fto=ctd.time_left(),frame_ctd.time_left() if fto is not None: to=fto if to is None else min(to,fto) if to is not None and to<=0: raise self.TimeoutError self._wait_for_next_frame(timeout=to,idx=acquired_frames) self._frame_counter.wait_done() return True
### Frames indexing and readout ###
[docs] def get_image_indexing(self): """ Get indexing for the returned images. Can be ``"rct"`` (first index row, second index column, rows counted from the top), ``"rcb"`` (same as ``"rc"``, rows counted from the bottom), ``"xyt"`` (first index column, second index row, rows counted from the top), or ``"xyb"`` (same as ``"xyt"``, rows counted from the bottom) """ return self._image_indexing
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(indexing="frame_indexing") def set_image_indexing(self, indexing): """ Set up indexing for the returned images. Can be ``"rct"`` (first index row, second index column, rows counted from the top), ``"rcb"`` (same as ``"rc"``, rows counted from the bottom), ``"xyt"`` (first index column, second index row, rows counted from the top), or ``"xyb"`` (same as ``"xyt"``, rows counted from the bottom) """ self._image_indexing=indexing return self._image_indexing
def _convert_indexing(self, data, src_indexing, axes=(0,1)): """Convert data from the given source indexing to the camera indexing""" if src_indexing==self._image_indexing or data is None: return data if isinstance(data,list): return [self._convert_indexing(d,src_indexing,axes=axes) for d in data] return image_utils.convert_image_indexing(data,src_indexing,self._image_indexing,axes=axes) def _get_data_dimensions_rc(self): raise NotImplementedError("ICamera._get_data_dimensions_rc")
[docs] def get_data_dimensions(self): """Get readout data dimensions (in pixels) as a tuple ``(width, height)``; take indexing mode into account""" return image_utils.convert_shape_indexing(self._get_data_dimensions_rc(),"rc",self._image_indexing)
[docs] def get_frame_format(self): """ Get format for the returned images. Can be ``"list"`` (list of 2D arrays), ``"array"`` (a single 3D array), or ``"chunks"`` (list of 3D "chunk" arrays; supported for some cameras and provides the best performance). """ return self._frame_format
_support_chunks=False _p_frame_format=interface.EnumParameterClass("frame_format",["list","array","chunks","try_chunks"])
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(fmt="frame_format") def set_frame_format(self, fmt): """ Set format for the returned images. Can be ``"list"`` (list of 2D arrays), ``"array"`` (a single 3D array), ``"chunks"`` (list of 3D "chunk" arrays; supported for some cameras and provides the best performance), or ``"try_chunks"`` (same as ``"chunks"``, but if chunks are not supported, set to ``"list"`` instead). If format is ``"chunks"`` and chunks are not supported by the camera, it results in one frame per chunk. Note that if the format is set to ``"array"`` or ``"chunks"``, the frame info format is also automatically set to ``"array"``. If the format is set to ``"chunks"``, then the image info is also returned in chunks form (list of 2D info arrays with the same length as the corresponding frame chunks). """ if fmt=="try_chunks": fmt="chunks" if self._support_chunks else "list" self._frame_format=fmt if fmt in ["array","chunks"] and self.get_frame_info_format()!="array": self.set_frame_info_format("array",include_fields=self._frameinfo_include_fields) return self._frame_format
def _convert_frame_format(self, frames, info=None, chdim=0): """ Convert frames and info into the currently specified format. `frames` can be a list of 3D chunks or a list of 2D frames. `info` can be ``None``, a list of single entries (named tuples or ``None``), or a list of 2D chunks. If `info` is not ``None``, its length should agree with `frames`. `chdim` specifies the number of additional channel (e.g., color) dimensions used to distinguish between frames and chunks. """ if self._frame_format=="chunks": if frames and frames[0].ndim==2+chdim: frames=[ch[None,:,:] for ch in frames] if info is not None: if info: if not isinstance(info[0],np.ndarray): info=[self._convert_frame_info(i)[None,:] for i in info] elif info[0].ndim==1: info=[i[None,:] for i in info] else: info=[self._convert_frame_info(i) for i in info] if len(info)!=len(frames) or not all(len(i)==len(f) for i,f in zip(info,frames)): fullinfo=np.concatenate(info,axis=0) if len(info)>1 else info[0] info=_split_chunks_array(fullinfo,frames) elif self._frame_format=="list": if frames and frames[0].ndim>2+chdim: frames=[f for ch in frames for f in ch] if info is not None: if info and isinstance(info[0],np.ndarray) and info[0].ndim==2: info=[l for i in info for l in i] if len(frames)!=len(info): raise ValueError("frames and infos have different lengths: {} and {}".format(len(frames),len(info))) info=[self._convert_frame_info(i) for i in info] else: frames=np.array(frames) if frames and frames[0].ndim==2+chdim else np.concatenate(frames,axis=0) if info is not None: if info and not isinstance(info[0],np.ndarray): info=[self._convert_frame_info(i) for i in info] info=np.array(info) if info and info[0].ndim==1 else np.concatenate(info,axis=0) if len(frames)!=len(info): raise ValueError("frames and infos have different lengths: {} and {}".format(len(frames),len(info))) return frames,info
[docs] def get_frame_info_format(self): """ Get format of the frame info. Can be ``"namedtuple"`` (potentially nested named tuples; convenient to get particular values), ``"list"`` (flat list of values, with field names are given by :meth:`get_frame_info_fields`; convenient for building a table), ``"array"`` (same as ``"list"``, but with a numpy array, which is easier to use for ``"chunks"`` frame format), or ``"dict"`` (flat dictionary with the same fields as the ``"list"`` format; more resilient to future format changes) """ return self._frameinfo_format
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(fmt="frame_info_format") def set_frame_info_format(self, fmt, include_fields=None): """ Set format of the frame info. Can be ``"namedtuple"`` (potentially nested named tuples; convenient to get particular values), ``"list"`` (flat list of values, with field names are given by :meth:`get_frame_info_fields`; convenient for building a table), ``"array"`` (same as ``"list"``, but with a numpy array, which is easier to use for ``"chunks"`` frame format), or ``"dict"`` (flat dictionary with the same fields as the ``"list"`` format; more resilient to future format changes) If `include_fields` is not ``None``, it specifies the fields included for non-``"tuple"`` formats; note that order or `include_fields` is ignored, and the resulting fields are always ordered same as in the original. """ if self.get_frame_format()=="array": fmt="array" self._frameinfo_format=fmt if include_fields is not None: for f in include_fields: if f not in self._frameinfo_fields: raise ValueError("included field {} is not present among camera fields {}".format(f,self._frameinfo_fields)) self._frameinfo_include_fields=[f for f in self._frameinfo_fields if f in include_fields] self._frameinfo_fields_mask=[(f in include_fields) for f in self._frameinfo_fields] else: self._frameinfo_include_fields=None self._frameinfo_fields_mask=None return self._frameinfo_format
[docs] def get_frame_info_period(self): """ Get period of frame info acquisition. Frame info might be skipped (set to ``None``) except for frames which indices are divisible by `period`. Useful for certain cameras where acquiring frame info takes a lot of time and can reduce performance at higher frame rates. Note that this parameter can still be ignored (i.e., always set to 1) if the performance is not an issue for a given camera class. """ return self._frameinfo_period
[docs] def set_frame_info_period(self, period=1): """ Set period of frame info acquisition. Frame info might be skipped (set to ``None``) except for frames which indices are divisible by `period`. Useful for certain cameras where acquiring frame info takes a lot of time and can reduce performance at higher frame rates. Note that this parameter can still be ignored (i.e., always set to 1) if the performance is not an issue for a given camera class. """ if self._adjustable_frameinfo_period: self._frameinfo_period=period return self._frameinfo_period
[docs] def get_frame_info_fields(self): """ Get the names of frame info fields. Applicable when frame info format (set by :meth:`set_frame_info_format`) is ``"list"`` or ``"array"``. """ if self._frameinfo_include_fields is not None: return list(self._frameinfo_include_fields) return list(self._frameinfo_fields)
def _frame_info_to_namedtuple(self, info): """Convert frame info array row into the named tuple format""" return self._TFrameInfo(*info) def _convert_frame_info(self, info): """Convert a single frame info element (``None``, named tuple or array) into the current format""" if info is None: return self._empty_frame_info(1,"array")[0] if self._frameinfo_format=="array" else None fields=self._frameinfo_fields if self._frameinfo_include_fields is None else self._frameinfo_include_fields if isinstance(info,np.ndarray): if self._frameinfo_format=="array": return info if self._frameinfo_include_fields is None else info[...,self._frameinfo_fields_mask] if info[0]<0: return None if len(info)>1 and info[1]<0: info=[info[0]]+[None]*(len(info)-1) if self._frameinfo_format=="namedtuple": return self._frame_info_to_namedtuple(info) if self._frameinfo_include_fields is not None: info=[v for v,inc in zip(info,self._frameinfo_fields_mask) if inc] else: info=list(info) if self._frameinfo_format=="list": return info return dict(zip(fields,info)) if isinstance(info,tuple): if self._frameinfo_format=="namedtuple": return info info=general_utils.flatten_list(info) if self._frameinfo_include_fields is not None: info=[v for v,inc in zip(info,self._frameinfo_fields_mask) if inc] if self._frameinfo_format=="list": return list(info) if self._frameinfo_format=="array": info=list(info) return np.array(list(info)) return dict(zip(fields,info)) def _default_frame_info(self, idx, fmt): """Create a default frame info array with the given frame indices and format""" if fmt=="array": ncols=len(self._frameinfo_include_fields) if self._frameinfo_include_fields is not None else len(self._frameinfo_fields) if self._frameinfo_include_fields is None or self._frameinfo_fields_mask[0]: info=np.array(idx,dtype="i4")[:,None] if ncols>1: info=np.pad(info,((0,0),(0,ncols-1)),constant_values=-1) else: info=np.zeros((len(idx),ncols),dtype="i4")-1 else: if len(self._frameinfo_fields)==1: info=[self._TFrameInfo(i) for i in idx] else: add=[None]*(len(self._frameinfo_fields)-1) info=[self._frame_info_to_namedtuple([i]+add) for i in idx] return info def _empty_frame_info(self, n, fmt): """Create an empty frame info array with the given length and format""" if fmt=="array": ncols=len(self._frameinfo_include_fields) if self._frameinfo_include_fields is not None else len(self._frameinfo_fields) return np.zeros((n,ncols),dtype="i4")-1 return [None]*n
[docs] def get_new_images_range(self): """ Get the range of the new images. Return tuple ``(first, last)`` with images range (first inclusive). If no images are available, return ``None``. If some images were in the buffer were overwritten, exclude them from the range. """ acquired_frames=self._get_acquired_frames() if acquired_frames is None: return None rng=self._frame_counter.get_new_frames_range(acquired_frames) return rng if (rng and rng[1]>rng[0]) else None
def _trim_images_range(self, rng): """ Trim the given frame range to lie within the buffer. If acquisition is stopped, return ``None``. If not frames are within this range, return a 0-length range ``(last_frame,last_frame)``. If ``rng is None``, return the new images range. """ acquired_frames=self._get_acquired_frames() if acquired_frames is None: return None self._frame_counter.update_acquired_frames(acquired_frames) if rng is None: return self._frame_counter.get_new_frames_range(),0 else: return self._frame_counter.trim_frames_range(rng) def _read_frames(self, rng, return_info=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Read and return frames given the range. The range is always a tuple with at least a single frame in it, and is guaranteed to already be valid. Always return tuple ``(frames, infos)``; if ``return_info==False``, ``infos`` value is ignored, so it can be anything (e.g., ``None``). Frames are either in "chunk" format (list of 3D array chunks) or "list" format (list of 2D array frames); Infos are in "chunk" format (list of 2D info chunks), "list" format (list of named tuples or ``None``), or ``None`` (when not used, or info is not available; filled with default if necessary). """ return [],None def _zero_frame(self, n): """Return `n` zero frames (as a list or 3D numpy array) for padding the :meth:`read_multiple_images` output when ``missing_frame=="zero"``""" return np.zeros((n,)+self.get_data_dimensions(),dtype=self._default_image_dtype) _TFrameInfo=TFrameInfo _frameinfo_fields=None _adjustable_frameinfo_period=False _p_missing_frame=interface.EnumParameterClass("missing_frame",["none","zero","skip"])
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def read_multiple_images(self, rng=None, peek=False, missing_frame="skip", return_info=False, return_rng=False): """ Read multiple images specified by `rng` (by default, all un-read images). If `rng` is specified, it is a tuple ``(first, last)`` with images range (first inclusive). If no new frames are available, return an empty list; if no acquisition is running, return ``None``. If ``peek==True``, return images but not mark them as read. `missing_frame` determines what to do with frames which are out of range (missing or lost): can be ``"none"`` (replacing them with ``None``), ``"zero"`` (replacing them with zero-filled frame), or ``"skip"`` (skipping them). If ``return_info==True``, return tuple ``(frames, infos)``, where ``infos`` is a list of frame info tuples (camera-dependent, by default, only the frame index); if some frames are missing and ``missing_frame!="skip"``, the corresponding frame info is ``None``. if ``return_rng==True``, return the range covered resulting frames; if ``missing_frame=="skip"``, the range can be smaller than the supplied `rng` if some frames are skipped. """ if missing_frame=="none" and self._frame_format!="list": raise ValueError("'none' missing frames mode is only supported for 'list' file format; current format is {}".format(self._frame_format)) rng=self._trim_images_range(rng) if rng is None or rng[0] is None: result=tuple([None for inc in [True,return_info,return_rng] if inc]) return result[0] if len(result)==1 else result rng,skipped_frames=rng if rng[0]==rng[1]: images,info,chdim=[],[],0 else: frames_data=self._read_frames(rng,return_info=return_info) images,info=frames_data[:2] chdim=frames_data[2] if len(frames_data)>2 else 0 chunks=images and images[0].ndim>2+chdim if return_info and info is None: if chunks: info=[self._default_frame_info(range(s,e),"array") for s,e in _split_chunk_ranges(rng,images)] else: info=list(self._default_frame_info(range(*rng),self._frameinfo_format)) if skipped_frames and missing_frame!="skip": if missing_frame=="zero": zero_frame=self._zero_frame(skipped_frames) images=([zero_frame] if chunks else list(zero_frame))+images else: images=[None]*skipped_frames+images if return_info: if not info: info=self._empty_frame_info(skipped_frames,self._frameinfo_format) elif isinstance(info[0],np.ndarray): info=[self._empty_frame_info(skipped_frames,"array")]+info else: info=self._empty_frame_info(skipped_frames,"list")+info if not peek: self._frame_counter.advance_read_frames(rng) images,info=self._convert_frame_format(images,(info if return_info else None),chdim=chdim) rrng=rng if missing_frame=="skip" else (rng[0]-skipped_frames,rng[1]) result=(images,) if return_info: result=result+(info,) if return_rng: result=result+(rrng,) return result[0] if len(result)==1 else result
[docs] def read_oldest_image(self, peek=False, return_info=False): """ Read the oldest un-read image. If no un-read frames are available, return ``None``. If ``peek==True``, return the image but not mark it as read. If ``return_info==True``, return tuple ``(frame, info)``, where ``info`` is an info tuples (camera-dependent, see :meth:`read_multiple_images`). """ rng=self.get_new_images_range() if rng is None or rng[0]==rng[1]: return None res=self.read_multiple_images(rng=(rng[0],rng[0]+1),peek=peek,return_info=return_info) frame,info=res if return_info else (res,[None]) if frame: return (frame[0],info[0]) if return_info else frame[0] else: return None
[docs] def read_newest_image(self, peek=False, return_info=False): """ Read the newest un-read image. If no un-read frames are available, return ``None``. If ``peek==True``, return the image but not mark it as read. If ``return_info==True``, return tuple ``(frame, info)``, where ``info`` is an info tuples (camera-dependent, see :meth:`read_multiple_images`). """ rng=self.get_new_images_range() if rng is None or rng[0]==rng[1]: return None res=self.read_multiple_images(rng=(rng[1]-1,rng[1]),peek=peek,return_info=return_info) frame,info=res if return_info else (res,[None]) if frame: return (frame[0],info[0]) if return_info else frame[0] else: return None
### Combined functions ### def _get_grab_acquisition_parameters(self, nframes, buff_size): if buff_size is None: buff_size=self._default_acq_params.get("nframes",100) if nframes<=buff_size: return {"nframes":nframes,"mode":"snap"} else: return {"nframes":buff_size,"mode":"sequence"}
[docs] def grab(self, nframes=1, frame_timeout=5., missing_frame="skip", return_info=False, buff_size=None): """ Snap `nframes` images (with preset image read mode parameters) `buff_size` determines buffer size (if ``None``, use the default size). Timeout is specified for a single-frame acquisition, not for the whole acquisition time. `missing_frame` determines what to do with frames which have been lost: can be ``"none"`` (replacing them with ``None``), ``"zero"`` (replacing them with zero-filled frame), or ``"skip"`` (skipping them, while still keeping total returned frames number to `n`). If ``return_info==True``, return tuple ``(frames, infos)``, where ``infos`` is a list of frame info tuples (camera-dependent); if some frames are missing and ``missing_frame!="skip"``, the corresponding frame info is ``None``. """ if self.get_frame_format()=="array": try: self.set_frame_format("chunks") result=self.grab(nframes=nframes,frame_timeout=frame_timeout,missing_frame=missing_frame,return_info=return_info,buff_size=buff_size) return tuple(np.concatenate(r,axis=0) for r in result) if return_info else np.concatenate(result,axis=0) finally: self.set_frame_format("array") acq_params=self._get_grab_acquisition_parameters(nframes,buff_size) frames,info,nacq=[],[],0 self.start_acquisition(**acq_params) try: while nacq<nframes: self.wait_for_frame(timeout=frame_timeout) if return_info: new_frames,new_info,rng=self.read_multiple_images(missing_frame=missing_frame,return_info=True,return_rng=True) info+=new_info else: new_frames,rng=self.read_multiple_images(missing_frame=missing_frame,return_rng=True) frames+=new_frames nacq+=rng[1]-rng[0] frames,info=trim_frames(frames,nframes,(info if return_info else None),chunks=self.get_frame_format()=="chunks") return (frames,info) if return_info else frames finally: self.stop_acquisition()
[docs] def snap(self, timeout=5., return_info=False): """Snap a single frame""" res=self.grab(frame_timeout=timeout,return_info=return_info) if return_info: return _first_frame(*res,chunks=self.get_frame_format()=="chunks") else: return _first_frame(res,chunks=self.get_frame_format()=="chunks")[0]
[docs] def acqstopped(*args, **kwargs): """Decorator which temporarily stops acquisition for the function call""" if len(args)>0: return acqstopped(**kwargs)(args[0]) error=kwargs.get("error",False) def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): if error and self.acquisition_in_progress(): raise self.Error("method {} can not be called when the acquisition is in progress".format(func.__name__)) with self.pausing_acquisition(clear=False): return func(self,*args,**kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
[docs] def acqcleared(*args, **kwargs): """Decorator which temporarily clears acquisition for the function call""" if len(args)>0: return acqcleared(**kwargs)(args[0]) error=kwargs.get("error",False) def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): if error and self.is_acquisition_setup() is not None: raise self.Error("method {} can not be called when the acquisition is set up".format(func.__name__)) with self.pausing_acquisition(clear=True): return func(self,*args,**kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
def _split_chunk_ranges(rng, frames): chacc=np.cumsum([len(f) for f in frames]) starts=np.concatenate(([0],chacc[:-1]))+rng[0] ends=chacc+rng[0] if ends[-1]!=rng[1]: raise ValueError("supplied range size {} does not agree with the sum of chunks {}".format(rng[1]-rng[0],ends[-1]-rng[0])) return np.column_stack((starts,ends)) def _split_chunks_array(a, frames): return [a[s:e] for s,e in _split_chunk_ranges((0,len(frames)),frames)] def _first_frame(frames, info=None, chunks="auto"): if chunks=="auto": chunks=frames and frames[0].ndim==3 if isinstance(frames,list) and chunks: f=frames[0][0] i=info[0][0] if info is not None else None else: f=frames[0] i=info[0] if info is not None else None return f,i def _trim_chunks_list(lst, l): trimmed=[] for ch in lst: trimmed.append(ch[:l]) l-=len(trimmed[-1]) if not l: break return trimmed
[docs] def trim_frames(frames, l, info=None, chunks="auto"): """Trim frames in different formats to the desired length""" if chunks=="auto": chunks=frames and frames[0].ndim==3 if isinstance(frames,list) and chunks: frames=_trim_chunks_list(frames,l) info=_trim_chunks_list(info,l) if info is not None else None else: frames=frames[:l] info=info[:l] if info is not None else None return frames,info
[docs] class FrameCounter: """ Frame counter. Keeps track of the buffer occupation, acquired/missed frames, last read and wait buffers, etc. """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, buffer_size=None): """ Reset the counters. If ``buffer_size is None``, assume the the buffer is deallocated. Otherwise, it specifies the frame buffer size (in frames). """ self.buffer_size=buffer_size self.wait_start_frame=None self.last_acquired_frame=-1 self.last_wait_frame=-1 self.last_read_frame=-1 self.first_valid_frame=-1 self.skipped_frames=0
[docs] def update_acquired_frames(self, acquired_frames): """Update the counter of acquired frames (needs to be called by the camera whenever necessary)""" if self.buffer_size is None: return if acquired_frames is not None: self.last_acquired_frame=acquired_frames-1
[docs] def wait_start(self, acquired_frames): """Set up waiting routine (called in the beginning of :meth:`ICamera.wait_for_frame`)""" if self.buffer_size is None: return self.update_acquired_frames(acquired_frames) self.wait_start_frame=self.last_acquired_frame
[docs] def is_wait_done(self, acquired_frames=None, since="lastread", nframes=1): """ Check if the waiting condition is satisfied based on the counter values: If not ``None``, `acquired_frames` specifies the most recent number of acquired frames (the internal counters is automatically updated). `since` and `nframes` have the same meaning as in :meth:`ICamera.wait_for_frame`. """ if self.buffer_size is None: return True self.update_acquired_frames(acquired_frames) if since=="lastread" and self.last_acquired_frame>=self.last_read_frame+nframes: return True if since=="lastwait" and self.last_acquired_frame>=self.last_wait_frame+nframes: return True if since=="now" and self.last_acquired_frame>=self.wait_start_frame+nframes: return True if since=="start" and self.last_acquired_frame>=nframes-1: return True return False
[docs] def wait_done(self): """Clean up waiting routine (called in the end of :meth:`ICamera.wait_for_frame`)""" if self.buffer_size is None: return self.last_wait_frame=self.last_acquired_frame self.wait_start_frame=None
[docs] def get_frames_status(self, acquired_frames=None): """ Get status of the internal counters. Return tuple ``(acquired, unread, skipped, buffer_size)``. If the buffer is not allocated, all counters are 0. """ if self.buffer_size is None: return (0,0,0,0) self.update_acquired_frames(acquired_frames) full_unread=self.last_acquired_frame-self.last_read_frame valid_chunk=max(0,min(self.buffer_size,self.last_acquired_frame-self.first_valid_frame)) unread=min(full_unread,valid_chunk) skipped=self.skipped_frames+(full_unread-unread) return (self.last_acquired_frame+1,unread,skipped,self.buffer_size)
[docs] def get_new_frames_range(self, acquired_frames=None): """Get the range of the new frames (acquired but not read)""" if self.buffer_size is None: return None self.update_acquired_frames(acquired_frames) return self.trim_frames_range((self.last_read_frame+1,self.last_acquired_frame+1))[0]
[docs] def trim_frames_range(self, rng): """Trim the given frames range to only contains frames which are still in the buffer (i.e., remove the frames which are too old and have been overwritten)""" if self.buffer_size is None: return None rng=list(rng) acquired_frames=self.last_acquired_frame+1 if rng[0] is None: rng[0]=self.last_read_frame+1 elif rng[0]<0: rng[0]+=acquired_frames if rng[1] is None: rng[1]=acquired_frames elif rng[1]<0: rng[1]+=acquired_frames rng[0]=min(rng[0],acquired_frames) rng[1]=min(rng[1],acquired_frames) if rng[1]<=rng[0]: rng=rng[0],rng[0] oldest_valid_frame=max(self.first_valid_frame,self.last_acquired_frame-self.buffer_size+1) if rng[1]<=oldest_valid_frame: return (oldest_valid_frame,oldest_valid_frame),rng[1]-rng[0] else: start=max(rng[0],oldest_valid_frame) return (start,rng[1]),start-rng[0]
[docs] def advance_read_frames(self, rng): """Mark the specified frames range as read and advance the last read counter""" if self.buffer_size is None: return self.skipped_frames+=max(rng[0]-1-self.last_read_frame,0) self.last_read_frame=max(self.last_read_frame,rng[1]-1)
[docs] def set_first_valid_frame(self, first_valid_frame): """Set the first valid frame; all frames older than it are considered invalid when calculating skipped frames and trimming ranges""" if self.buffer_size is not None: self.first_valid_frame=first_valid_frame
[docs] class FrameNotifier: """ Notifier for a new available frame. Used when the camera runs a separate polling thread or a callback, which needs to notify the main thread that a new frame has been acquired. Args: strict: determines whether :meth:`wait` waits for a specified frame index, or just for any new frame (which is checked later) """ def __init__(self, strict=False): self.cond=threading.Condition() self.counter=0 self.strict=strict
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internal frame counter""" with self.cond: self.counter=0 self.cond.notify_all()
[docs] def inc(self): """Increment the internal frame counter, notify the waiting threads, and return the counter value""" with self.cond: self.counter+=1 self.cond.notify_all() return self.counter
[docs] def wait(self, idx=None, timeout=None): """Wait for a new frame with a given index (if ``None``, for the next acquired frame)""" ctd=general_utils.Countdown(timeout) while True: with self.cond: if idx is None: idx=self.counter+1 if self.counter>idx: return self.cond.wait(ctd.time_left()) if not self.strict: return
[docs] class ChunkBufferManager: """ Buffer manager, which takes care of creating and removing the buffer chunks, and reading out some parts of them. Args: chunk_size: the minimal size of a single buffer chunk (continuous memory segment potentially containing several frames). """ def __init__(self, chunk_size=2**26): self.chunks=None self.nframes=None self.frame_size=None self.frames_per_chunk=None self.chunk_size=chunk_size def __bool__(self): return self.chunks is not None
[docs] def get_ctypes_frames_list(self, ctype=ctypes.c_char_p): """Get stored buffers as a ctypes array with pointer of the given type""" if self.chunks: cbuffs=(ctype*self.nframes)() for i,b in enumerate(self.chunks): for j in range(self.frames_per_chunk): nb=i*self.frames_per_chunk+j if nb<self.nframes: cbuffs[nb]=ctypes.addressof(b)+j*self.frame_size else: break return cbuffs else: return None
[docs] def get_frames_data(self, idx, nframes=1): """ Get frames data starting from `idx` and spanning `nframes` frames. Return a list of tuples ``(nread, chunk_data)``, where ``nread`` is the number of frames in the chunk, and ``chunk_data`` is the raw buffer pointer as a ``ctypes.c_char_p`` object. """ idx%=self.nframes ibuff=idx//self.frames_per_chunk jbuff=idx%self.frames_per_chunk read_chunks=[] while nframes>0: ch=self.chunks[ibuff] chunk_frames=self.frames_per_chunk if ibuff<len(self.chunks)-1 else self.frames_per_chunk_last nread=min(nframes,chunk_frames-jbuff) chunk_data=ctypes.c_char_p(ctypes.addressof(ch)+jbuff*self.frame_size) read_chunks.append((nread,chunk_data)) nframes-=nread jbuff=0 ibuff=(ibuff+1)%len(self.chunks) return read_chunks
[docs] def allocate(self, nframes, frame_size): """Allocate buffers for the given number of frames and frame size (in bytes)""" self.deallocate() self.nframes=nframes self.frame_size=frame_size self.frames_per_chunk=max(self.chunk_size//frame_size,1) nchunks=(nframes-1)//self.frames_per_chunk+1 if nchunks==1: self.frames_per_chunk=nframes self.chunks=[ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.frames_per_chunk*frame_size) for _ in range(nchunks)] self.frames_per_chunk_last=nframes-self.frames_per_chunk*(nchunks-1)
[docs] def deallocate(self): """Deallocate the buffers""" self.chunks=None self.frame_size=None self.nframes=None self.frames_per_chunk=None self.frames_per_chunk_last=None
[docs] class IAttributeCamera(ICamera): """ Camera class which supports camera attributes. The method ``_list_attributes`` must be defined in a subclass; it should produce a list of camera attributes, which have ``name`` attribute for placing them into a dictionary. Attributes can also have ``readable`` and ``writable`` attributes, which are used in :meth:`get_all_attribute_values` and :meth:`set_all_attribute_values` to determine if the attribute values should be collected or set. Method ``_update_attributes`` should be called on opening to populate the dictionary of available attributes. One can also define ``_normalize_attribute_name``, which normalizes the attribute name into a dictionary name (e.g., replaces separators, removes spaces, or normalizes case). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.attributes=dictionary.Dictionary() self._add_status_variable("camera_attributes",self.get_all_attribute_values,priority=-5),missing_error=self.Error) self.cav=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_attribute_value,self.set_attribute_value,missing_error=self.Error) def _normalize_attribute_name(self, name): return name def _list_attributes(self): raise NotImplementedError("IAttributeCamera._list_attributes") def _update_attributes(self, replace=False): """Update ``attributes`` dictionary; if ``replace==True``, replace it entirely, otherwise, simply update it""" attrs=self._list_attributes() attrs_dict=dictionary.Dictionary(attrs if isinstance(attrs,dict) else {self._normalize_attribute_name( for p in attrs}) if replace: self.attributes=attrs_dict else: self.attributes.update(attrs_dict)
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name, error_on_missing=True): """Get the camera attribute with the given name""" name=self._normalize_attribute_name(name) if name in self.attributes: return self.attributes[name] if error_on_missing: raise self.Error("attribute {} is missing".format(name))
[docs] def get_all_attributes(self, copy=False): """ Return a dictionary of all available attributes. If ``copy==True``, copy the dictionary; otherwise, return the internal dictionary structure (should not be modified). """ return self.attributes.copy() if copy else self.attributes
[docs] def get_attribute_value(self, name, error_on_missing=True, default=None, **kwargs): """ Get value of an attribute with the given name. If the value doesn't exist and ``error_on_missing==True``, raise error; otherwise, return `default`. If `default` is not ``None``, automatically assume that ``error_on_missing==False``. If `name` points at a dictionary branch, return a dictionary with all values in this branch. Additional arguments are passed to ``get_value`` methods of the individual attribute. """ error_on_missing=error_on_missing and (default is None) attr=self.get_attribute(name,error_on_missing=error_on_missing) if dictionary.is_dictionary(attr): return self.get_all_attribute_values(root=name,**kwargs) return default if attr is None else attr.get_value(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_attribute_value(self, name, value, error_on_missing=True, **kwargs): """ Set value of an attribute with the given name. If the value doesn't exist and ``error_on_missing==True``, raise error; otherwise, do nothing. If `name` points at a dictionary branch, set all values in this branch (in this case `value` must be a dictionary). Additional arguments are passed to ``set_value`` methods of the individual attribute. """ attr=self.get_attribute(name,error_on_missing=error_on_missing) if dictionary.is_dictionary(attr): return self.set_all_attribute_values(value,root=name,**kwargs) if attr is not None: attr.set_value(value,**kwargs)
[docs] def get_all_attribute_values(self, root="", **kwargs): """ Get values of all attributes with the given `root`. Additional arguments are passed to ``get_value`` methods of individual attributes. """ attributes=self.get_attribute(root) return attributes.copy().filter_self(lambda a: getattr(a,"readable",True)).map_self(lambda a: a.get_value(**kwargs))
[docs] def set_all_attribute_values(self, settings, root="", **kwargs): """ Set values of all attributes with the given `root`. Additional arguments are passed to ``set_value`` methods of individual attributes. """ attributes=self.get_attribute(root) settings=dictionary.as_dict(settings,style="flat",copy=False) for k,v in settings.items(): k=self._normalize_attribute_name(k) if k in attributes and getattr(attributes[k],"writable",True): attributes[k].set_value(v,**kwargs)
[docs] class IGrabberAttributeCamera(ICamera): """ Camera class which supports frame grabber attributes. Essentially the same as :class:`IAttributeCamera`, but with relevant methods and attributes renamed to support both frame grabber and camera attributes handling simultaneously. The method ``_list_grabber_attributes`` must be defined in a subclass; it should produce a list of camera attributes, which have ``name`` attribute for placing them into a dictionary. Attributes can also have ``readable`` and ``writable`` attributes, which are used in :meth:`get_all_grabber_attribute_values` and :meth:`set_all_grabber_attribute_values` to determine if the attribute values should be collected or set. Method ``_update_grabber_attributes`` should be called on opening to populate the dictionary of available attributes. One can also define ``_normalize_grabber_attribute_name``, which normalizes the attribute name into a dictionary name (e.g., replaces separators, removes spaces, or normalizes case). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.grabber_attributes=dictionary.Dictionary() self._add_status_variable("grabber_attributes",self.get_all_grabber_attribute_values,priority=-5),missing_error=self.Error) self.gav=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_grabber_attribute_value,self.set_grabber_attribute_value,missing_error=self.Error) def _normalize_grabber_attribute_name(self, name): return name def _list_grabber_attributes(self): raise NotImplementedError("IGrabberAttributeCamera._list_grabber_attributes") def _update_grabber_attributes(self, replace=False): """Update ``grabber_attributes`` dictionary; if ``replace==True``, replace it entirely, otherwise, simply update it""" attrs=self._list_grabber_attributes() attrs_dict=dictionary.Dictionary({self._normalize_grabber_attribute_name( for p in attrs}) if replace: self.grabber_attributes=attrs_dict else: self.grabber_attributes.update(attrs_dict)
[docs] def get_grabber_attribute(self, name, error_on_missing=True): """Get the camera attribute with the given name""" name=self._normalize_grabber_attribute_name(name) if name in self.grabber_attributes: return self.grabber_attributes[name] if error_on_missing: raise self.Error("grabber attribute {} is missing".format(name))
[docs] def get_all_grabber_attributes(self, copy=False): """ Return a dictionary of all available frame grabber grabber_attributes. If ``copy==True``, copy the dictionary; otherwise, return the internal dictionary structure (should not be modified). """ return self.grabber_attributes.copy() if copy else self.grabber_attributes
[docs] def get_grabber_attribute_value(self, name, error_on_missing=True, default=None, **kwargs): """ Get value of a frame grabber attribute with the given name. If the value doesn't exist and ``error_on_missing==True``, raise error; otherwise, return `default`. If `default` is not ``None``, automatically assume that ``error_on_missing==False``. If `name` points at a dictionary branch, return a dictionary with all values in this branch. Additional arguments are passed to ``get_value`` methods of the individual attribute. """ error_on_missing=error_on_missing and (default is None) attr=self.get_grabber_attribute(name,error_on_missing=error_on_missing) if dictionary.is_dictionary(attr): return self.get_all_grabber_attribute_values(root=name,**kwargs) return default if attr is None else attr.get_value(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_grabber_attribute_value(self, name, value, error_on_missing=True, **kwargs): """ Set value of a frame grabber attribute with the given name. If the value doesn't exist and ``error_on_missing==True``, raise error; otherwise, do nothing. If `name` points at a dictionary branch, set all values in this branch (in this case `value` must be a dictionary). Additional arguments are passed to ``set_value`` methods of the individual attribute. """ attr=self.get_grabber_attribute(name,error_on_missing=error_on_missing) if dictionary.is_dictionary(attr): return self.set_all_grabber_attribute_values(value,root=name,**kwargs) if attr is not None: attr.set_value(value,**kwargs)
[docs] def get_all_grabber_attribute_values(self, root="", **kwargs): """ Get values of all frame grabber attributes with the given `root`. Additional arguments are passed to ``get_value`` methods of individual attributes. """ grabber_attributes=self.get_grabber_attribute(root) return grabber_attributes.copy().filter_self(lambda a: getattr(a,"readable",True)).map_self(lambda a: a.get_value(**kwargs))
[docs] def set_all_grabber_attribute_values(self, settings, root="", **kwargs): """ Set values of all frame grabber attributes with the given `root`. Additional arguments are passed to ``set_value`` methods of individual attributes. """ grabber_attributes=self.get_grabber_attribute(root) settings=dictionary.as_dict(settings,style="flat",copy=False) for k,v in settings.items(): k=self._normalize_grabber_attribute_name(k) if k in grabber_attributes and getattr(grabber_attributes[k],"writable",True): grabber_attributes[k].set_value(v,**kwargs)
[docs] class IExposureCamera(ICamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._add_settings_variable("exposure",self.get_exposure,self.set_exposure) self._add_status_variable("frame_timings",self.get_frame_timings)
[docs] def get_exposure(self): """Get current exposure""" return self.get_frame_timings().exposure
[docs] def set_exposure(self, exposure): """Set camera exposure""" raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.set_exposure")
[docs] def get_frame_period(self): """Get frame period (time between two consecutive frames in the internal trigger mode)""" return self.get_frame_timings().frame_period
[docs] def get_frame_timings(self): """ Get acquisition timing. Return tuple ``(exposure, frame_period)``. """ raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.get_frame_timings")
TAxisROILimit=collections.namedtuple("TAxisROILimit",["min","max","pstep","sstep","maxbin"]) def _validate_roi_limit(lim, symmetric=False): smin,smax,sstep,pstep,_=lim if smin%pstep: raise ValueError("minimal size {} should be divisible by pstep {}".format(smin,pstep)) if smin%sstep: raise ValueError("minimal size {} should be divisible by sstep {}".format(smin,sstep)) if (pstep%sstep) and (sstep%pstep): raise ValueError("pstep {} should be divisible by sstep {} or vice versa".format(pstep,sstep)) if symmetric and smax%2: raise ValueError("maximal size {} should be even for symmetric ROI".format(smax)) if symmetric and smax%pstep: raise ValueError("maximal size {} should be divisible by pstep {} in symmetric mode".format(smax,pstep)) if symmetric and smax%sstep: raise ValueError("maximal size {} should be divisible by sstep {} in symmetric mode".format(smax,sstep))
[docs] def truncate_roi_axis(roi, lim, symmetric=False): """ Truncate ROI to conform to the given ROI limits. `roi` is a tuple ``(start, stop, bin)``, and `lim` is a tuple ``(min, max, pstep, sstep, maxbin)``. Assume that ``pstep`` and ``sstep`` divide ``min`` and ``max``, and that either ``pstep`` divides ``sstep`` or the other way around. If ``symmetric==True``, then ``max`` should be even. """ smin,smax,pstep,sstep,maxbin=lim _validate_roi_limit(lim,symmetric=symmetric) start,end,cbin=roi cbin=max(1,min(cbin,maxbin)) if end is None: end=smax end=min(end,smax) start=max(0,start) start-=start%pstep end-=end%pstep end-=(end-start)%sstep if end-start<smin: end=start+smin if end>smax: start=smax-smin start-=start%pstep end=start+smin if symmetric: smin=smin*2 if smin%2 else smin sstep=sstep*2 if sstep%2 else sstep ds,de=start,smax-end if ds!=de: d=min(ds,de) start=d start-=start%pstep mid=smax//2 if (mid-start)%(sstep//2): start+=(mid-start)%(sstep//2)-(sstep//2) end=smax-start return (start,end,cbin)
[docs] class IROICamera(ICamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._add_settings_variable("roi",self.get_roi,self.set_roi) self._add_status_variable("roi_limits",self.get_roi_limits)
[docs] def get_roi(self): """ Get current ROI. Return tuple ``(hstart, hend, vstart, vend)``. `hstart` and `hend` specify horizontal image extent, `vstart` and `vend` specify vertical image extent (start is inclusive, stop is exclusive, starting from 0). """ w,h=self.get_detector_size() return (0,w,0,h)
[docs] def set_roi(self, hstart=0, hend=None, vstart=0, vend=None): """ Setup camera ROI. `hstart` and `hend` specify horizontal image extent, `vstart` and `vend` specify vertical image extent (start is inclusive, stop is exclusive, starting from 0). By default, all non-supplied parameters take extreme values (0 for start, maximal for end). """ raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.set_roi")
def _truncate_roi_axis(self, roi, lim, symmetric=False): """Truncate ROI ``(start, end)`` to conform to `lim`""" return truncate_roi_axis(roi+(1,),lim,symmetric=symmetric)[:2]
[docs] def get_roi_limits(self, hbin=1, vbin=1): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Get the minimal and maximal ROI parameters. Return tuple ``(hlim, vlim)``, where each element is in turn a limit 5-tuple ``(min, max, pstep, sstep, maxbin)`` with, correspondingly, minimal and maximal size, position and size step, and the maximal binning (fixed to 1 if not binning is allowed). In some cameras, the step and the minimal size depend on the binning, which can be supplied. """ w,h=self.get_detector_size() return TAxisROILimit(w,w,w,w,1),TAxisROILimit(h,h,h,h,1)
[docs] class IBinROICamera(ICamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._add_settings_variable("roi",self.get_roi,self.set_roi) self._add_status_variable("roi_limits",self.get_roi_limits)
[docs] def get_roi(self): """ Get current ROI. Return tuple ``(hstart, hend, vstart, vend, hbin, vbin)``. `hstart` and `hend` specify horizontal image extent, `vstart` and `vend` specify vertical image extent (start is inclusive, stop is exclusive, starting from 0), `hbin` and `vbin` specify binning. """ w,h=self.get_detector_size() return (0,w,0,h,1,1)
[docs] def set_roi(self, hstart=0, hend=None, vstart=0, vend=None, hbin=1, vbin=1): """ Setup camera ROI. `hstart` and `hend` specify horizontal image extent, `vstart` and `vend` specify vertical image extent (start is inclusive, stop is exclusive, starting from 0), `hbin` and `vbin` specify binning. By default, all non-supplied parameters take extreme values (0 for start, maximal for end, 1 for binning). """ raise NotImplementedError("ICamera.set_roi")
def _truncate_roi_axis(self, roi, lim, symmetric=False): """Truncate ROI ``(start, end, bin)`` to conform to `lim`""" return truncate_roi_axis(roi,lim,symmetric=symmetric)
[docs] def get_roi_limits(self, hbin=1, vbin=1): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Get the minimal and maximal ROI parameters. Return tuple ``(hlim, vlim)``, where each element is in turn a limit 5-tuple ``(min, max, pstep, sstep, maxbin)`` with, correspondingly, minimal and maximal size, position and size step, and the maximal binning. In some cameras, the step and the minimal size depend on the binning, which can be supplied. """ w,h=self.get_detector_size() return TAxisROILimit(w,w,w,w,1),TAxisROILimit(h,h,h,h,1)
def _get_partial_frame(frame, excl_area): nr,nc=frame.shape[-2:] r0,r1,c0,c1=excl_area is_row=r1-r0<c1-c0 row_edge=(r0==0) or (r1==nr-1) col_edge=(c0==0) or (c1==nc-1) if not (row_edge or col_edge): return None if (is_row and row_edge) or (not is_row and not col_edge): return frame[:,r1+1:,:] if r0==0 else frame[:,:r0,:] else: return frame[:,:,c1+1:] if c0==0 else frame[:,:,:c0] TStatusLineDescription=collections.namedtuple("TStatusLineDescription",["kind","roi","framestamp_checker"])
[docs] class StatusLineChecker: """Class responsible for checking status line consistency"""
[docs] def get_framestamp(self, frames): """Get framestamps from status lines in the given frames""" raise NotImplementedError("StatusLineChecker.get_framestamp")
def _prepare_dfs(self, dfs): return dfs def _check_dfs(self, dfs, step): if np.any(dfs<0) or np.any((dfs>0)&(dfs<step)): return "out_of_oder" if np.any(dfs==0): return "still" if np.any(dfs<step): # step smaller than should be return "out_of_oder" if np.any(dfs>step): return "skip" return "ok"
[docs] def check_indices(self, indices, step=1): """Check if indices are consistent with the given step""" dfs=self._prepare_dfs(indices[1:]-indices[:-1]) return self._check_dfs(dfs,step)
def _normalize_sline_pos(status_line, shape): (r0,r1,c0,c1)=status_line[1] nr,nc=shape[-2:] r0=r0%nr if r0<0 else min(r0,nr) r1=r1%nr if r1<0 else min(r1,nr) c0=c0%nc if c0<0 else min(c0,nc) c1=c1%nc if c1<0 else min(c1,nc) return r0,r1,c0,c1
[docs] def remove_status_line(frame, status_line, policy="duplicate", copy=True, value=0): """ Remove status line, if present. Args: frame: a frame to process (2D or 3D numpy array; if 3D, the first axis is the frame number) status_line: status line descriptor (from the frames message) policy: determines way to deal with the status line; can be ``"keep"`` (keep as is), ``"cut"`` (cut off the status-line-containing row/column), ``"zero"`` (set it to zero), ``"value"`` (set it to a given value), ``"median"`` (set it to the image median), or ``"duplicate"`` (set it equal to the previous row; default) ``"cut"`` is only possible of the status line is on the edge of the image. copy: if ``True``, make copy of the original frames; otherwise, attempt to remove the line in-place """ if copy: frame=frame.copy() if status_line is None: return frame if frame.ndim==2: frame_2d=True frame=frame[None] else: frame_2d=False nr,nc=frame.shape[-2:] r0,r1,c0,c1=_normalize_sline_pos(status_line,frame.shape) is_row=r1-r0<c1-c0 if policy=="duplicate" and r0==0 and r1==nr-1 and c0==0 and c1==nc-1: policy="zero" if policy=="zero": policy="value" value=0 if policy=="median": pframe=_get_partial_frame(frame,(r0,r1,c0,c1)) if pframe is None or any([d==0 for d in pframe.shape]): med=np.median(frame,axis=(1,2)) else: med=np.median(pframe,axis=(1,2)) frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0:c1+1]=med[:,None,None] elif policy=="value": frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0:c1+1]=value elif policy=="cut": pframe=_get_partial_frame(frame,(r0,r1,c0,c1)) if pframe is not None: frame=pframe elif policy=="duplicate": if is_row and not (r0==0 and r1==nr-1): graft=frame[:,r0-1,c0:c1+1] if r0>0 else frame[:,r1+1,c0:c1+1] frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0:c1+1]=graft[:,None,:] else: graft=frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0-1] if c0>0 else frame[:,r0:r1+1,c1+1] frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0:c1+1]=graft[:,:,None] return frame[0] if frame_2d else frame
[docs] def extract_status_line(frame, status_line, copy=True): """ Extract status line, if present. Args: frame: a frame to process (2D or 3D numpy array; if 3D, the first axis is the frame number) status_line: status line descriptor (from the frames message) copy: if ``True``, make copy of the original status line data. """ if status_line is None: return None if frame.ndim==2: frame_2d=True frame=frame[None,:,:] else: frame_2d=False r0,r1,c0,c1=_normalize_sline_pos(status_line,frame.shape) sline=frame[:,r0:r1+1,c0:c1+1] if copy: sline=sline.copy() return sline[0] if frame_2d else sline
[docs] def insert_status_line(frame, status_line, value, copy=True): """ Insert status line, if present. Args: frame: a frame to process (2D or 3D numpy array; if 3D, the first axis is the frame number) status_line: status line descriptor (from the frames message) value: status line value copy: if ``True``, make copy of the original status line data. """ if status_line is None: return frame.copy() if copy else frame r0,r1,c0,c1=_normalize_sline_pos(status_line,frame.shape) if value.ndim==2: value=value[None,:,:] value=value[:,:r1-r0+1,:c1-c0+1] return remove_status_line(frame,status_line,policy="value",value=value,copy=copy)
[docs] def get_status_line_roi(frame, status_line): """Return ROI taken by the status line in the given frame""" if status_line is None: return None r0,r1,c0,c1=_normalize_sline_pos(status_line,frame.shape) return image_utils.ROI(r0,r1+1,c0,c1+1)