Source code for pylablib.devices.SmarAct.scu3d

from .SCU3DControl_lib import wlib as lib, SmarActError, EConfiguration
from ...core.utils import general
from ...core.devio import interface
from ..interface import stage

from ..utils import load_lib

import collections
import time

[docs]class LibraryController(load_lib.LibraryController): def _do_init(self): lib.SA_InitDevices(EConfiguration.SA_SYNCHRONOUS_COMMUNICATION) def _do_uninit(self): try: self.lib.SA_ReleaseDevices() except SmarActError: pass
libctl=LibraryController(lib) TDeviceInfo=collections.namedtuple("TDeviceInfo",["device_id","firmware_version","dll_version"]) def _parse_version(v): return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(*[(v>>(n*8))&0xFF for n in range(4)][::-1])
[docs]def get_device_info(idx): """ Get info of the devices with the given index. Return tuple ``(device_id, firmware_version, dll_version)``. """ with libctl.temp_open(): try: device_id=lib.SA_GetDeviceID(idx) dll_version=_parse_version(lib.SA_GetDLLVersion()) firmware_version=_parse_version(lib.SA_GetDeviceFirmwareVersion(idx)) return TDeviceInfo(device_id,dll_version,firmware_version) except SmarActError: return None
[docs]def list_devices(): """List all connected devices""" with libctl.temp_open(): try: n=lib.SA_GetNumberOfDevices() infos=[get_device_info(i) for i in range(n)] return [i for i in infos if i is not None] except SmarActError: return []
[docs]def get_devices_number(): """Get number of connected SCU3D controller""" with libctl.temp_open(): try: return lib.SA_GetNumberOfDevices() except SmarActError: return 0
[docs]class SCU3D(stage.IMultiaxisStage): """ SmarAct SCU3D translation stage controller. Args: idx(int): stage index axis_dir(str): 3-symbol string specifying default directions of the axes (each symbol be ``"+"`` or ``"-"``) """ Error=SmarActError _axes=list("xyz") def __init__(self, idx=0, axis_dir="+++"): super().__init__() self.idx=idx self.axis_dir=list(axis_dir) self._opid=None self._add_info_variable("device_info",self.get_device_info) self._add_settings_variable("axis_dir",self.get_axis_dir,self.set_axis_dir) self._add_status_variable("axis_status",self.get_status) self._add_status_variable("moving",self.is_moving) def _get_connection_parameters(self): return self.idx
[docs] def open(self): """Open the connection to the stage""" if self._opid is None: with libctl.temp_open(): nstages=get_devices_number() if self.idx>=nstages: raise SmarActError("stage index {} is not available ({} stage exist)".format(self.idx,nstages))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection to the stage""" if self._opid is not None: libctl.close(self._opid) self._opid=None
[docs] def is_opened(self): return self._opid is not None
def _parse_version(self, v): return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(*[(v>>(n*8))&0xFF for n in range(4)][::-1])
[docs] def get_device_info(self): """ Get info of the devices with the given index. Return tuple ``(device_id, firmware_version, dll_version)``. """ return get_device_info(self.idx)
[docs] def get_axis_dir(self): """Get axis direction convention (a string of 3 symbols which are either ``"+"`` or ``"-"`` determining if the axis direction is flipped)""" return list(self.axis_dir)
[docs] def set_axis_dir(self, axis_dir): """Set axis direction convention (a string of 3 symbols which are either ``"+"`` or ``"-"`` determining if the axis direction is flipped)""" self.axis_dir=list(axis_dir) return self.get_axis_dir()
def _axisn(self, axis): return self._axes.index(axis)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def move_macrostep(self, axis, steps, voltage, frequency): """ Move along a given axis by a single "macrostep", which consists of several regular steps. `voltage` (in Volts) and `frequency` (in Hz) specify the motion parameters. This simulates the controller operation, where one "step" at large step sizes consists of several small steps. """ axisn=self._axisn(axis) axis_dir=-1 if self.axis_dir[axisn]=="-" else 1 lib.SA_MoveStep_S(self.idx,axisn,int(steps)*axis_dir,int(voltage*10),int(frequency))
_move_presets=[ (1,25.3,1E3), (1,28,1E3), (1,32,1E3), (1,38,1E3), (1,47,1E3), (1,60.5,1E3), (1,80.8,1E3), (2,65.6,1E3), (2,88.4,1E3), (4,88.4,1E3), (7,100.,1E3), (14,100.,1E3), (28,100.,1E3), (56,100.,1.1E3), (100,100.,2.2E3), (200,100.,4.4E3), (400,100.,8.8E3), (1E3,100.,10E3), (1.8E3,100.,10E3)]
[docs] def move_by(self, axis, steps=1, stepsize=10): """ Move along a given axis with a given number of macrosteps using one of the predefined step size. `stepsize` can range from 1 (smallest) to 20 (largest), and roughly corresponds to the handheld controller parameters. """ par=self._move_presets[max(stepsize-1,0)] step_dir=1 if steps>0 else -1 for _ in range(abs(steps)): self.move_macrostep(axis,par[0]*step_dir,par[1],par[2]) self.wait_move(axis)
_chan_status={ 0:"stopped", 1:"setting_amplitude", 2:"moving", 3:"targeting", 4:"holding", 5:"calibrating", 6:"moving_to_reference"} _p_channel_status=interface.EnumParameterClass("channel_status",general.invert_dict(_chan_status)) def _get_status_n(self, axis): return lib.SA_GetStatus_S(self.idx,self._axisn(axis))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters(_returns="channel_status") def get_status(self, axis="all"): """ Get the axis status. Can be ``"stopped"`` (default state), ``"setting_amplitude"`` (setting open-loop step amplitude), ``"moving"`` (open-loop movement), ``"targeting"`` (closed-loop movement), ``"holding"`` (closed-loop position holding), ``"calibrating"`` (sensor calibration), or ``"moving_to_reference"`` (calibrating position sensor). """ return self._get_status_n(axis)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(status="channel_status") def wait_for_status(self, axis, status="stopped", timeout=30.): """ Wait until the axis reaches a given status. By default wait for ``"stopped"`` status (i.e., wait until the motion is finished). """ countdown=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: cur_status=self._get_status_n(axis) if cur_status==status: return if countdown.passed(): raise SmarActError("status waiting timed out") time.sleep(1E-2)
[docs] def wait_move(self, axis, timeout=30.): """Wait for a given axis to stop moving""" if axis=="all": for ax in self.get_all_axes(): self.wait_move(ax,timeout=timeout) return return self.wait_for_status(axis,timeout=timeout)
[docs] @stage.muxaxis def is_moving(self, axis="all"): """Check if a given axis is moving""" return self.get_status(axis)=="moving"
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def stop(self, axis="all"): """Stop motion at a given axis""" lib.SA_Stop_S(self.idx,self._axisn(axis))