Source code for pylablib.devices.Attocube.anc300

from ...core.devio import comm_backend, interface
from ...core.utils import py3

import numpy as np

import re
import collections
import time

from ..interface import stage
from .base import AttocubeError, AttocubeBackendError

[docs]def muxaxis(*args, **kwargs): return stage.muxaxis(*args,return_kind="dict",**kwargs)
[docs]class ANC300(comm_backend.ICommBackendWrapper,stage.IMultiaxisStage): """ Attocube ANC300 controller. Args: conn: connection parameters; for Ethernet connection is a tuple ``(addr, port)``, a string ``"addr:port"``, or a string ``"addr"`` (default port 7240 us assumed) backend(str): communication backend; by default, try to determine from the communication parameters pwd(str): connection password for Ethernet connection (default is ``"123456"``) """ Error=AttocubeError def __init__(self, conn, backend="auto", pwd="123456"): defaults={"serial":("COM1",38400,8,"N",1,0), "network":{"port":7230}} instr=comm_backend.new_backend(conn,backend=backend,timeout=3.,defaults=defaults,term_write="\r\n",reraise_error=AttocubeBackendError) self.pwd=pwd super().__init__(instr) self._correction={} self._add_info_variable("device_info",self.get_device_info) self._add_info_variable("axes_serial",self.get_axis_serial) self._add_status_variable("modes",self.get_mode) self._add_settings_variable("voltages",self.get_voltage,lambda v: self.set_voltage("all",v),ignore_error=AttocubeError) self._add_settings_variable("offsets",self.get_offset,lambda v: self.set_offset("all",v),ignore_error=AttocubeError) self._add_settings_variable("frequencies",self.get_frequency,lambda v: self.set_frequency("all",v),ignore_error=AttocubeError) self._add_status_variable("external_inputs",self.get_external_input_modes) self._add_status_variable("voltage_outputs",self.get_output) self._add_status_variable("capacitances",self.get_capacitance) self._add_status_variable("trigger_inputs",self.get_trigger_input,priority=-5)
[docs] def open(self): """Open the connection to the stage""" if self.instr._backend=="network" and self.pwd is not None: self.instr.write(self.pwd) self.instr.write("echo off") self.instr.read_multichar_term(["ERROR","OK"],remove_term=False) time.sleep(0.05) self.instr.flush_read() self.update_available_axes() return res
[docs] def query(self, msg): """Send a query to the stage and return the reply""" self.instr.flush_read() self.instr.write(msg) reply=self.instr.read_multichar_term(["ERROR","OK"],remove_term=False) # self.instr.flush_read() if reply.upper().endswith(b"ERROR"): err=py3.as_str(reply)[:-5].strip() raise AttocubeError(err) return py3.as_str(reply[:-2].strip())
[docs] def update_available_axes(self): """ Update the list of available axes. Need to call only if the hardware configuration of the ANC module has changed. """ axes=[] for ax in range(1,8): try: self.query("getm {}".format(ax)) axes.append(ax) except AttocubeError: pass self._update_axes(axes) return list(axes)
[docs] def get_device_info(self): """Get the device info of the controller board: ``(serial, version)``""" return TDeviceInfo(self.query("getcser"),self.query("ver"))
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_axis_serial(self, axis="all"): """Get serial number of the controller board""" return self.query("getser {}".format(axis))
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames="mode") @interface.use_parameters def set_mode(self, axis="all", mode="stp"): """ Set axis mode. `axis` is either an axis index (starting from 1), or ``"all"`` (all axes). `mode` can be ``"gnd"`` (ground), ``"stp"`` (step), ``"cap"`` (measure capacitance, then ground), ``"offs"`` (offset only, no stepping), ``"stp+"`` (offset with added stepping waveform), ``"stp-"`` (offset with subtracted stepping). Note that not all modes are supported by all modules: ANM150 doesn't support offset voltage (``"offs"``, ``"stp+"``, ``"stp-"`` modes), ANM200 doesn't support stepping (``"stp"``, ``"stp+"``, ``"stp-"`` modes). """ self.query("setm {} {}".format(axis,mode)) return self._wip.get_mode(axis=axis)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_mode(self, axis="all"): """ Get axis mode. `axis` is either an axis index (starting from 1), or ``"all"`` (all axes). See :meth:`set_mode` for the description of the modes. """ reply=self.query("getm {}".format(axis)).strip() if reply.startswith("mode = "): return reply[7:].strip() raise AttocubeError("unexpected reply: {}".format(reply))
[docs] @muxaxis def is_enabled(self, axis="all"): """Check if the axis is enabled""" return self.get_mode(axis) in ["stp","stp+","stp-","off","in"]
[docs] def enable_axis(self, axis="all", mode="stp"): """Enable specific axis (set to step mode)""" self.set_mode(axis,mode=mode)
[docs] def disable_axis(self, axis="all"): """Disable specific axis (set to ground mode)""" self.set_mode(axis,mode="gnd")
@interface.use_parameters def _wait_for_capacitance(self, axis): self.query("capw {}".format(axis))
[docs] @muxaxis def measure_capacitance(self, axis="all", wait=True): """ Measure axis capacitance; finish in the GND mode. If ``wait==True``, wait until the capacitance measurement is finished (takes about a second per axis). """ if self.get_mode(axis)!="gnd": self.set_mode(axis,mode="gnd") time.sleep(0.1) self.set_mode(axis,mode="cap") if wait: self._wait_for_capacitance(axis)
def _parse_string_reply(self, reply, name): patt="^"+name+r"\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$" m=re.match(patt,reply,re.IGNORECASE) if not m: raise AttocubeError("unexpected reply: {}".format(reply)) return m[1] def _parse_float_reply(self, reply, name, units): patt="^"+name+r"\s*=\s*([\d.]+)\s*"+units+"$" m=re.match(patt,reply,re.IGNORECASE) if not m: raise AttocubeError("unexpected reply: {}".format(reply)) return float(m[1])
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_voltage(self, axis="all"): """Get axis step amplitude in Volts""" reply=self.query("getv {}".format(axis)) return self._parse_float_reply(reply,"voltage","V")
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames="voltage") @interface.use_parameters def set_voltage(self, axis, voltage): """Set axis step amplitude in Volts""" self.query("setv {} {}".format(axis,voltage)) return self._wip.get_voltage(axis)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_offset(self, axis="all"): """Get axis offset voltage in Volts""" reply=self.query("geta {}".format(axis)) return self._parse_float_reply(reply,"voltage","V")
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames="voltage") @interface.use_parameters def set_offset(self, axis, voltage): """Set axis offset voltage in Volts""" self.query("seta {} {}".format(axis,voltage)) return self._wip.get_offset(axis)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_output(self, axis="all"): """Get axis current output voltage in Volts""" reply=self.query("geto {}".format(axis)) return self._parse_float_reply(reply,"voltage","V")
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_frequency(self, axis="all"): """Get axis step frequency in Hz""" reply=self.query("getf {}".format(axis)) return self._parse_float_reply(reply,"frequency","Hz")
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames="freq") @interface.use_parameters def set_frequency(self, axis, freq): """Set axis step frequency in Hz""" self.query("setf {} {}".format(axis,freq)) return self._wip.get_frequency(axis)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_capacitance(self, axis="all", measure=False): """ Get capacitance measurement on the axis. If ``measure==True``, re-measure axis capacitance (takes about a second); otherwise, get the last measurement value. """ if measure: self._wip.measure_capacitance(axis,wait=True) reply=self.query("getc {}".format(axis)) return self._parse_float_reply(reply,"capacitance","nF")*1E-9
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(kind="pattern_kind") def get_voltage_pattern(self, axis, kind): """ Get axis voltage pattern. `kind` be either ``"up"`` for up pattern or ``"down"`` for down pattern. The pattern is a numpy array of 256 numbers from 0 to 255 corresponding to the output voltage from 0 to the axis voltage. This pattern is output (repeatedly) for each step. The default is a simple linear ramp. """ comm="getpu" if kind=="up" else "getpd" data=self.query("{} {}".format(comm,axis)) return np.array([int(v) for v in data.split()])
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(kind="pattern_kind") def set_voltage_pattern(self, axis, kind, pattern=None): """ Set axis voltage pattern. `kind` be either ``"up"`` for up pattern or ``"down"`` for down pattern. The pattern is an array of 256 numbers from 0 to 255 corresponding to the output voltage from 0 to the axis voltage. This pattern is output (repeatedly) for each step. The default is a simple linear ramp, which is set if ``pattern is None``. """ if pattern is None: pattern=np.arange(256) if kind=="up" else np.arange(255,-1,-1) else: pattern=np.array(pattern,dtype=int) if len(pattern)!=256: raise ValueError("pattern length should be 256; received {}".format(len(pattern))) pattern[pattern<0]=0 pattern[pattern>255]=255 spattern=" ".join([str(v) for v in pattern]) comm="setpu" if kind=="up" else "setpd" self.query("{} {} {}".format(comm,axis,spattern)) return self._wip.get_voltage_pattern(axis,kind)
def _parse_trigger_reply(self, reply): v=self._parse_string_reply(reply,"trigger") return "off" if v=="off" else int(v)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_trigger_input(self, axis="all"): """ Get trigger input lines for the given axis. Return tuple ``(up, down)`` with values for up and down step triggers, which can be either integer with the trigger line number, or ``"off"`` if the trigger is off. """ tup=self._parse_trigger_reply(self.query("gettu {}".format(axis))) tdown=self._parse_trigger_reply(self.query("gettd {}".format(axis))) return (tup,tdown)
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames=("up","down")) @interface.use_parameters def set_trigger_input(self, axis, up=None, down=None): """ Set trigger input lines for the given axis. `up` and `down` are can be integer with the trigger line number, ``"off"`` if the trigger is off, or ``None`` (keep the value unchanged). """ if up is not None: self.query("settu {} {}".format(axis,up)) if down is not None: self.query("settd {} {}".format(axis,down)) return self._wip.get_trigger_input(axis)
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_external_input_modes(self, axis="all"): """ Get external BNC input modes. Return tuple ``(acin, dcin)`` indicating whether AC-IN and DC-IN channels are enabled. """ reply=self.query("getaci {}".format(axis)) acin=self._parse_string_reply(reply,"acin")=="on" reply=self.query("getdci {}".format(axis)) dcin=self._parse_string_reply(reply,"dcin")=="on" return acin,dcin
[docs] @muxaxis(mux_argnames=("acin","dcin")) @interface.use_parameters def set_external_input_modes(self, axis, acin=None, dcin=None): """ Enable or disable external BNC inputs. `acin` and `dcin` are can be boolean indicating if the corresponding input is enabled, or ``None`` (keep the value unchanged). """ if acin is not None: self.query("setaci {} {}".format(axis,"on" if acin else "off")) if dcin is not None: self.query("setdci {} {}".format(axis,"on" if dcin else "off")) return self._wip.get_external_input_modes(axis)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def get_axis_correction(self, axis): """ Get axis correction factor. The factor is automatically applied when the motion is in the negative direction. """ return self._correction[axis]
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def set_axis_correction(self, axis, factor=1.): """ Set axis correction factor. The factor is automatically applied when the motion is in the negative direction. """ self._correction[axis]=factor
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def jog(self, axis, direction): """ Jog continuously in the given direction (``"+"`` or ``"-"``). The motion will continue until another move or stop command is called. """ comm="stepu" if direction else "stepd" self.query("{} {} c".format(comm,axis))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def move_by(self, axis, steps=1): """Move a given axis for a given number of steps""" if steps<0: steps*=self._correction.get(axis,1.) steps=int(steps) if not steps: return comm="stepu" if steps>0 else "stepd" self.query("{} {} {}".format(comm,axis,abs(steps)))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def wait_move(self, axis, timeout=30.): """ Wait for a given axis to stop moving. If the motion is not finished after `timeout` seconds, raise a backend error. """ if axis=="all": for ax in self.get_all_axes(): self.wait_move(ax,timeout=timeout) return with self.instr.using_timeout(timeout): self.query("stepw {}".format(axis))
[docs] def is_moving(self, axis): """Check if a given axis is moving""" return self.get_output(axis)!=0.
[docs] @muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def stop(self, axis="all"): """Stop motion of a given axis""" self.query("stop {}".format(axis))