Source code for pylablib.core.utils.functions

Utilities for dealing with function, methods and function signatures.

from .py3 import textstring

import inspect
from types import MethodType

### Function arguments introspection ###

[docs]class FunctionSignature: """ Description of a function signature, including name, argument names, default values, names of varg and kwarg arguments, class and object (for methods) and docstring. Args: arg_names (list): Names of the arguments. default (dict): Dictionary ``{name: value}`` of default values. varg_name (str): Name of ``*varg`` parameter (``None`` means no such parameter). kwarg_name (str): Name of ``**kwarg`` parameter (``None`` means no such parameter). cls: Caller class, for methods. obj: Caller object, for methods. name (str): Function name. doc (str): Function docstring. """ def __init__(self, arg_names=None, defaults=None, varg_name=None, kwarg_name=None, kwonly_arg_names=None, cls=None, obj=None, name=None, doc=None): self.arg_names=arg_names or [] self.kwonly_arg_names=kwonly_arg_names or [] self.defaults=defaults or {} self.varg_name=varg_name self.kwarg_name=kwarg_name self.cls=cls self.obj=obj self.doc=doc
[docs] def get_defaults_list(self): """ Get list of default values for arguments in the order specified in the signature. """ defaults_list=[] for arg in self.arg_names[::-1]: if arg in self.defaults: defaults_list.append(self.defaults[arg]) return defaults_list[::-1]
[docs] def signature(self, pass_order=None): """ Get string containing a signature (arguments list) of the function (call or definition), including ``*vargs`` and ``**kwargs``. If `pass_order` is not ``None``, it specifies the order in which the arguments are passed. """ if pass_order is None: args_sig=", ".join(self.arg_names) else: args_sig=", ".join(pass_order) varg_sig=("*"+self.varg_name) if self.varg_name else "" kwonly_args_sig=", ".join(["{}={}".format(n,self.defaults[n]) for n in self.kwonly_arg_names]) kwarg_sig=("**"+self.kwarg_name) if self.kwarg_name else "" sigs=[args_sig,varg_sig,kwonly_args_sig,kwarg_sig] sigs=[s for s in sigs if s!=""] return ", ".join(sigs)
[docs] def wrap_function(self, func, pass_order=None): """ Wrap a function `func` into a containing function with this signature. Sets function name, argument names, default values, object and class (for methods) and docstring. If `pass_order` is not ``None``, it determines the order in which the positional arguments are passed to the wrapped function. """ eval_string="lambda {0}: _func_({1})".format(self.signature(),self.signature(pass_order)) wrapped=eval(eval_string,{'_func_':func}) # pylint: disable=eval-used wrapped.__defaults__=tuple(self.get_defaults_list()) if self.doc: wrapped.__doc__=self.doc else: wrapped.__doc__=func.__doc__ if else: wrapped.__name__=func.__name__ if self.obj is not None: wrapped=MethodType(wrapped,self.obj) return wrapped
[docs] def as_kwargs(self, args, kwargs, add_defaults=False, exclude=None): """ Turn ``args`` and ``kwargs`` into a single ``kwargs`` dictionary using the names of positional arguments. If ``add_defaults==True``, add all the non-specified default arguments as well. If the function takes ``*args`` argument and some of the supplied arguments go there, place them into a list under ``"*"`` key in the result. If `exclude` is not ``None`` is specifies arguments which should be excluded. """ arg_names=self.arg_names if self.obj is None else self.arg_names[1:] args_dict=dict(zip(arg_names,args)) if len(args)>len(arg_names): if self.varg_name is None: raise ValueError("supplied more positional arguments than the function can take") else: args_dict["*"]=args[len(arg_names):] for n in args_dict: if n in kwargs: raise ValueError("argument {} is supplied twice".format(n)) args_dict.update(kwargs) if add_defaults: ext_args_dict=self.defaults.copy() ext_args_dict.update(args_dict) args_dict=ext_args_dict if exclude: for k in exclude: if k in args_dict: del args_dict[k] return args_dict
[docs] def arg_value(self, argname, args=None, kwargs=None): """Get the value of the argument with the given name for given args and kwargs""" if kwargs and argname in kwargs: return kwargs[argname] arg_names=self.arg_names if self.obj is None else self.arg_names[1:] if args and argname in arg_names: i=arg_names.index(argname) if i<len(args): return args[i] if argname in self.defaults: return self.defaults[argname] raise TypeError("argument {} is not supplied".format(argname))
[docs] def mandatory_args_num(self): """ Get minimal number of arguments which have to be passed to the function. The mandatory arguments are the ones which are not bound to caller object (i.e., not ``self``) and don't have default values. """ mand_args=len(self.arg_names)-len(self.defaults) if self.obj is not None: return mand_args-1 if mand_args>0 else 0 else: return mand_args
[docs] def max_args_num(self, include_positional=True, include_keywords=True): """ Get maximal number of arguments which can be passed to the function. Args: include_positional (bool): If ``True`` and function accepts ``*vargs``, return ``None`` (unlimited number of arguments). include_keywords (bool): If ``True`` and function accepts ``**kwargs``, return ``None`` (unlimited number of arguments). """ if (include_positional and self.varg_name is not None) or (include_keywords and self.kwarg_name is not None): return None if self.obj is not None: return len(self.arg_names)-1 else: return len(self.arg_names)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_function(func, follow_wrapped=True): """ Get signature of the given function or method. If ``follow_wrapped==True``, follow ``__wrapped__`` attributes until the innermost function (useful for getting signatures of functions wrapped using ``functools`` methods). """ ifunc=func if follow_wrapped: while hasattr(ifunc,"__wrapped__"): ifunc=ifunc.__wrapped__ try: try: args=inspect.getfullargspec(ifunc) except TypeError: ifunc=ifunc.__call__ args=inspect.getfullargspec(ifunc) defaults=dict(zip(args.args[::-1],args.defaults[::-1])) if args.defaults else {} if args.kwonlydefaults: defaults.update(args.kwonlydefaults) kwonly_arg_names=args.kwonlyargs kwargs=args.varkw except AttributeError: # Python 2 (use getargspec instead of getfullargspec) try: args=inspect.getargspec(ifunc) # pylint: disable=deprecated-method,no-member except TypeError: ifunc=ifunc.__call__ args=inspect.getargspec(ifunc) # pylint: disable=deprecated-method,no-member defaults=args.defaults and dict(zip(args.args[::-1],args.defaults[::-1])) kwonly_arg_names=None kwargs=args.keywords try: cls=func.__self__.__class__ obj=func.__self__ func=func.__func__ except AttributeError: cls=None obj=None return FunctionSignature(arg_names=args.args,defaults=defaults,varg_name=args.varargs,kwarg_name=kwargs,kwonly_arg_names=kwonly_arg_names, cls=cls,obj=obj,name=func.__name__,doc=func.__doc__)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy""" return FunctionSignature(arg_names=self.arg_names,defaults=self.defaults,varg_name=self.varg_name,kwarg_name=self.kwarg_name,kwonly_arg_names=self.kwonly_arg_names, cls=self.cls,obj=self.obj,,doc=self.doc)
[docs] def as_simple_func(self): """ Turn the signature into a simple function (as opposed to a bound method). If the signature corresponds to a bound method, get rid of the first argument in the signature (``self``) and the bound object. Otherwise, return unchanged. """ if self.obj is None: return self.copy() else: return FunctionSignature(arg_names=self.arg_names[1:],defaults=self.defaults,varg_name=self.varg_name,kwarg_name=self.kwarg_name,kwonly_arg_names=self.kwonly_arg_names, cls=None,obj=None,,doc=self.doc)
[docs] @staticmethod def merge(inner, outer, add_place="front", merge_duplicates=True, overwrite=None, hide_outer_obj=False): """ Merge two signatures (used for wrapping functions). The signature describes the function would take arguments according to the `outer` signature and pass them according to the `inner` signature. The arguments are combined: - if ``add_place=='front'``, the outer arguments are placed in the beginning, followed by inner arguments not already listed; - if ``add_place=='back'``, the inner arguments are placed in the beginning, followed by outer arguments not already listed. The default values are joined, with the outer values superseding the inner values. `overwrite` is a set or a list specifying which inner parameters are overwritten by the outer. It includes ``'name'``, ``'doc'``, ``'cls'``, ``'obj'``, ``'varg_name'`` and ``'kwarg_name'``; the default value is all parameters. If the inner signature is a bound method and ``hide_inner_obj==True``, treat it as a function (with ``self`` argument missing). In this case, the wrapped signature ``.obj`` field will be ``None``. Returns: tuple: ``(signature, pass_order)`` `pass_order` is the order in which the arguments of the combined signature may be passed to the inner signature; it may be different from the signature order if ``add_place=='front'``. If ``merge_duplicates==True``, duplicate entries in `pass_order` are omitted; otherwise, they're repeated. """ overwrite=overwrite or {"kwarg_name","varg_name","doc","name","cls","obj"} if hide_outer_obj: outer=outer.as_simple_func() if add_place=="back": arg_names=inner.arg_names+[a for a in outer.arg_names if not a in inner.arg_names] elif add_place=="front": arg_names=outer.arg_names+[a for a in inner.arg_names if not a in outer.arg_names] else: raise ValueError("unrecognized add_place: {0}".format(add_place)) kwonly_arg_names=inner.kwonly_arg_names+[a for a in outer.kwonly_arg_names if not a in inner.kwonly_arg_names] if (inner.obj is None) and (outer.obj is not None): # hide "self" argument from the inner function, as it will be bound later out_arg_names=outer.arg_names[1:] else: out_arg_names=outer.arg_names if merge_duplicates: pass_order=inner.arg_names+[a for a in out_arg_names if not a in inner.arg_names] else: pass_order=inner.arg_names+out_arg_names defaults=inner.defaults.copy() defaults.update(outer.defaults) varg_name =outer.varg_name if "varg_name" in overwrite else inner.varg_name kwarg_name=outer.kwarg_name if "kwarg_name" in overwrite else inner.kwarg_name if "name" in overwrite else doc=outer.doc if ("doc" in overwrite or inner.doc is None) else inner.doc ow_cls="cls" in overwrite or ("obj" in overwrite and outer.obj is not None) cls=outer.cls if ow_cls or inner.cls is None else inner.cls obj=outer.obj if "obj" in overwrite or inner.obj is None else inner.obj return FunctionSignature(arg_names=arg_names,defaults=defaults,varg_name=varg_name,kwarg_name=kwarg_name,kwonly_arg_names=kwonly_arg_names, cls=cls,obj=obj,name=name,doc=doc),pass_order
[docs]def funcsig(func, follow_wrapped=True): """Return a function signature object""" return FunctionSignature.from_function(func,follow_wrapped=follow_wrapped)
[docs]def getargsfrom(source, **merge_params): """ Decorator factory. Returns decorator that conforms function signature to the source function. ``**merge_params`` are passed to the :meth:`FunctionSignature.merge` method merging wrapped and source signature. The default behavior (conforming parameter names, default values args and kwargs names) is useful for wrapping universal functions like ``g(*args, **kwargs)``. Example:: def f(x, y=2): return x+y @getargsfrom(f) def g(*args): # Now g has the same signature as f, including parameter names and default values. return prod(args) """ out_sig=FunctionSignature.from_function(source) def wrapper(dest): in_sig=FunctionSignature.from_function(dest) full_sig,pass_order=FunctionSignature.merge(in_sig,out_sig,**merge_params) return full_sig.wrap_function(dest,pass_order=pass_order) return wrapper
[docs]def call_cut_args(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Call `func` with the given arguments, omitting the ones that don't fit its signature. """ sig=FunctionSignature.from_function(func) if sig.kwarg_name is not None: cut_kwargs=kwargs else: cut_kwargs={} arg_names=sig.arg_names+sig.kwonly_arg_names for n,v in kwargs.items(): if n in arg_names: cut_kwargs[n]=v max_args_num=sig.max_args_num() if max_args_num is None: return func(*args,**cut_kwargs) else: return func(*args[:max_args_num],**cut_kwargs)
### Functions for accessing object attributes ###
[docs]def getattr_call(obj, attr_name, *args, **vargs): """ Call the getter for the attribute `attr_name` of `obj`. If the attribute is a property, pass ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` to the getter (`fget`); otherwise, ignore them. """ try: return getattr(type(obj),attr_name).fget(obj,*args,**vargs) except AttributeError: return getattr(obj,attr_name)
[docs]def setattr_call(obj, attr_name, *args, **vargs): """ Call the setter for the attribute `attr_name` of `obj`. If the attribute is a property, pass ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` to the setter (`fset`); otherwise, the set value is assumed to be either the first argument, or the keyword argument with the name ``'value'``. """ try: return getattr(type(obj),attr_name).fset(obj,*args,**vargs) except AttributeError: value=args[0] if len(args)>0 else vargs["value"] return setattr(obj,attr_name,value)
[docs]def delattr_call(obj, attr_name, *args, **vargs): """ Call the deleter for the attribute `attr_name` of `obj`. If the attribute is a property, pass ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` to the deleter (`fdel`); otherwise, ignore them. """ try: return getattr(type(obj),attr_name).fdel(obj,*args,**vargs) except AttributeError: return delattr(obj,attr_name)
### Universal wrappers for object calls (includes methods, attributes and properties) ###
[docs]class IObjectCall: """ Universal interface for object method call (makes methods, attributes and properties look like methods). Should be called with an object as a first argument. """ def __call__(self, obj, *args, **vargs): raise NotImplementedError("IEventCallback.__call__")
[docs]class MethodObjectCall(IObjectCall): """ Object call created from an object method. Args: method: Either a method object or a method name which is used for the call. """ def __init__(self, method): IObjectCall.__init__(self) self.method=method self.named=isinstance(method,textstring) def __call__(self, obj, *args, **vargs): """ Call this method for the object `obj` with the given arguments. """ if self.named: return getattr(obj,self.method)(*args,**vargs) else: return self.method(obj,*args,**vargs)
[docs]class AttrObjectCall(IObjectCall): """ Object call created from an object attribute (makes attributes and properties look like methods). Args: name (str): Attribute name. as_getter (bool): If ``True``, call the getter when invoked; otherwise, call the setter. If an attribute is a simple attribute, than getter gets no arguments and setter gets one argument (either the first argument, or the keyword argument named ``'value'``). If it's a property, pass all the parameters to the property call. """ def __init__(self, name, as_getter): IObjectCall.__init__(self) self.as_getter=as_getter def __call__(self, obj, *args, **vargs): """ Access this attribute of the object `obj`. If it is a simple attribute, than the getter gets no arguments and the setter gets one argument (either the first argument, or the keyword argument named ``'value'``). If it's a property, pass all the parameters to the property call (`fget` or `fset`). """ if self.as_getter: try: return getattr(type(obj),,*args,**vargs) except AttributeError: return getattr(obj, else: try: return getattr(type(obj),,*args,**vargs) except AttributeError: value=args[0] if len(args)>0 else vargs["value"] return setattr(obj,,value)
### Universal interfaces for object properties (includes methods, attributes and properties) ###
[docs]class IObjectProperty: """ Universal interface for an object property (makes methods, attributes and properties look like properties). Can be used to get, set or remove a property. """ def __call__(self, obj, *args): if len(args)==0: return self.get(obj) else: return self.set(obj,args[0])
[docs] def get(self, obj, params=None): raise NotImplementedError("IObjectProperty.get")
[docs] def set(self, obj, value): raise NotImplementedError("IObjectProperty.set")
[docs] def rem(self, obj, params=None): raise NotImplementedError("IObjectProperty.rem")
[docs]class MethodObjectProperty(IObjectProperty): """ Object property created from object methods (makes methods look like properties). Args: getter (callable): Method invoked on ``get()``. If ``None``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when called. setter (callable): Method invoked on ``set()``. If ``None``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when called. remover (callable): Method invoked on ``rem()``. If ``None``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when called. expand_tuple (bool): If ``True`` and if the first argument in the method call is a tuple, expand it as an argument list for the underlying function call. """ def __init__(self, getter=None, setter=None, remover=None, expand_tuple=True): IObjectProperty.__init__(self) self.setter=MethodObjectCall(setter) if setter else None self.getter=MethodObjectCall(getter) if getter else None self.remover=MethodObjectCall(remover) if remover else None self.expand_tuple=expand_tuple
[docs] def get(self, obj, params=None): if self.getter is not None: if params is not None: if self.expand_tuple and isinstance(params,tuple): return self.getter(obj,*params) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.getter(obj,params) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.getter(obj) # pylint: disable=not-callable raise RuntimeError("getter is not supplied")
[docs] def set(self, obj, value): if self.setter is not None: if self.expand_tuple and isinstance(value,tuple): return self.setter(obj,*value) # pylint: disable=not-callable else: return self.setter(obj,value) # pylint: disable=not-callable raise RuntimeError("setter is not supplied")
[docs] def rem(self, obj, params=None): if self.remover is not None: if params is not None: if self.expand_tuple and isinstance(params,tuple): return self.remover(obj,*params) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.remover(obj,params) # pylint: disable=not-callable return self.remover(obj, *params) # pylint: disable=not-callable raise RuntimeError("remover is not supplied")
[docs]class AttrObjectProperty(IObjectProperty): """ Object property created from object attribute. Works with attributes or properties. Args: name (str): Attribute name. use_getter (bool): If ``False``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when calling ``get`` method. use_setter (bool): If ``False``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when calling ``set`` method. use_remover (bool): If ``False``, raise :exc:`RuntimeError` when calling ``rem`` method. expand_tuple (bool): If ``True`` and if the first argument in the method call is a tuple, expand it as an argument list for the underlying function call. """ def __init__(self, name, use_getter=True, use_setter=True, use_remover=True, expand_tuple=True): IObjectProperty.__init__(self) self.use_getter=use_getter self.use_setter=use_setter self.use_remover=use_remover self.expand_tuple=expand_tuple
[docs] def get(self, obj, params=None): if self.use_getter: try: if params is None: return getattr(type(obj), elif self.expand_tuple and isinstance(params,tuple): return getattr(type(obj),,*params) else: return getattr(type(obj),,params) except AttributeError: return getattr(obj, raise RuntimeError("getter is not supplied")
[docs] def set(self, obj, value): if self.use_setter: try: if self.expand_tuple and isinstance(value,tuple): return getattr(type(obj),,*value) else: return getattr(type(obj),,value) except AttributeError: if self.expand_tuple and isinstance(value,tuple): return setattr(obj,,value[0]) return setattr(obj,,value) raise RuntimeError("setter is not supplied")
[docs] def rem(self, obj, params=None): if self.use_remover: try: if params is None: return getattr(type(obj), elif self.expand_tuple and isinstance(params,tuple): return getattr(type(obj),,*params) else: return getattr(type(obj),,params) except AttributeError: return delattr(obj, raise RuntimeError("remover is not supplied")
[docs]def empty_object_property(value=None): """ Dummy property which does nothing and returns `value` on `get` (``None`` by default). """ return MethodObjectProperty(lambda *_, **__:value, lambda *_, **__:None, lambda *_, **__:None)
[docs]def obj_prop(*args, **kwargs): """ Build an object property wrapper. If no arguments (or a single ``None`` argument) are supplied, return a dummy property. If one argument is supplied, return :class:`AttrObjectProperty` for a property with a given name. Otherwise, return :class:`MethodObjectProperty` property. """ if len(args)==0: return empty_object_property() if len(args)==1: if args[0] is None: # empty property return empty_object_property() return AttrObjectProperty(args[0],**kwargs) elif len(args)<=3: return MethodObjectProperty(*args,**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("invalid number of arguments")
[docs]def as_obj_prop(value): """ Turn value into an object property using :func:`obj_prop` function. If it's already :class:`IObjectProperty`, return unchanged. If `value` is a tuple, expand as an argument list. """ if isinstance(value,IObjectProperty): return value if isinstance(value,tuple): return obj_prop(*value) if isinstance(value,textstring): return obj_prop(value) return value
##### Delayed definition #####
[docs]def delaydef(gen): """ Wrapper for a delayed definition of a function inside of a module. Useful if defining a function is computationally costly. The wrapped function should be a generator of the target function rather than the function itself. On the first call the generator is executed to define the target function, which is then substituted for all subsequent calls. """ @getargsfrom(gen) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): func=gen() globals()[gen.__name__]=func return func(*args,**kwargs) return wrapped