Source code for pylablib.core.utils.files

Utilities for working with the file system: creating/removing/listing folders, comparing folders and files, working with zip archives.

from . import general, string, funcargparse

import os
import sys
import errno
import stat
import filecmp
import shutil
import datetime
import time
import zipfile
import collections
import pathlib

### General routines ###
[docs]def eof(f, strict=False): """ Standard EOF function. Return ``True`` if the the marker is at the end of the file. If ``strict==True``, only return ``True`` if the marker is exactly at the end of file; otherwise, return ``True`` if it's at the end of further. """ p=f.tell(),2) ep=f.tell() return (ep==p) or (ep<=p and not strict)
[docs]def get_file_creation_time(path, timestamp=True): """ Try to find a file creation time. Return current time if an error occurs. If ``timestamp==True``, return UNIX timestamp; otherwise, return :class:`datetime.datetime`. """ if not timestamp: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(get_file_creation_time(path,timestamp=True)) try: return os.path.getctime(path) except OSError: return time.time()
[docs]def get_file_modification_time(path, timestamp=True): """ Try to find a file modification time. Return current time if an error occurs. If ``timestamp==True``, return UNIX timestamp; otherwise, return :class:`datetime.datetime` """ if not timestamp: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(get_file_modification_time(path,timestamp=True)) try: return os.path.getmtime(path) except OSError: return time.time()
[docs]def touch(fname, times=None): """ Update file access and modification times. Args: times(tuple): Access and modification times; if `times` is ``None``, use current time. """ with open(fname,'ab'): os.utime(fname,times)
### Working with paths ###
[docs]def generate_indexed_filename(name_format, idx_start=0, folder=""): """ Generate an unused indexed filename in `folder`. The name has `name_format` (using standard Python :func:`format()` rules, e.g., ``"data_{:03d}.dat"``), and the index starts with `idx_start`. """ while True: name=name_format.format(idx_start) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder,name)): return name idx_start=idx_start+1
[docs]def generate_prefixed_filename(prefix="", suffix="", idx_start=None, idx_fmt="d", folder=None): """ Generate an unused filename with the given `prefix` and `suffix` in the given `folder`. By default, the format is ``prefix_{:d}_suffix``, where the parameter is the index starting with `idx_start`. If `idx_start` is ``None``, first check simply ``prefix+suffix`` name before using numbered indices. """ if idx_start is None: name=prefix+suffix if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder,name)): return name idx_start=0 return generate_indexed_filename(prefix+"_{:"+idx_fmt+"}"+suffix,idx_start=idx_start,folder=folder)
[docs]def generate_temp_filename(prefix="__tmp__", idx_start=0, idx_template="d", folder=""): """ Generate a temporary filename with a given prefix. `idx_template` is the number index format (only the parameter itself, not the whole string). """ name_format=prefix+"{:"+idx_template+"}" return generate_indexed_filename(name_format=name_format,idx_start=idx_start,folder=folder)
[docs]def fullsplit(path, ignore_empty=True): """ Split path into a list. If ``ignore_empty==True``, exclude empty folder names. """ names=[] while True: path,name=os.path.split(path) if name!="" or not ignore_empty: names.append(name) if path=="" or path[-1] in "\\/": if not all([e in "\\/" for e in path]): names.append(path) break return names[::-1]
[docs]def normalize_path(p): """Normalize filesystem path (case and origin). If two paths are identical, they should be equal when normalized""" return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(p))
[docs]def case_sensitive_path(): """Check if OS path names are case-sensitive (e.g., Linux)""" return os.path.normcase("TEMP")!="temp"
[docs]def paths_equal(a, b): """Determine if the two paths are equal (can be local or have different case)""" a_norm=normalize_path(a) b_norm=normalize_path(b) return a_norm==b_norm
[docs]def relative_path(a, b, check_paths=True): """ Determine return path `a` as seen from `b`. If ``check_paths==True``, check if `a` is contained in `b` and raise the :exc:`OSError` if it isn't. """ a_split=fullsplit(os.path.abspath(a)) b_split=fullsplit(os.path.abspath(b)) blen=len(b_split) if check_paths and not ( paths_equal(os.path.join(*a_split[:blen]),os.path.join(*b_split)) and len(a_split)>=blen ): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter raise OSError("path {0} is not contained in a path {1}".format(a,b)) if len(a_split)==blen: return "" return os.path.join(*a_split[blen:]) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
[docs]def is_path_valid(p): """ Check if the string is a valid path. Not guaranteed to have complete success rate, but catches most likely errors (invalid characters, reserved file names, too long, etc.) Does not check if the path actually exists or if it can be written into. """ try: pathlib.Path(os.path.join(p,"file")).resolve() absp=os.path.splitdrive(pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(p)).resolve())[1].lstrip(os.path.sep) if sys.platform=="win32" and len(absp)>256: return False return True except (ValueError,OSError): return False
### Temp file ###
[docs]class TempFile: """ Temporary file context manager. Upon creation, generate an unused temporary filename. Upon entry, create the file using supplied mode and return self. Upon exit, close and remove the file. Can be mostly substituted by :func:`tempfile.TemporaryFile`, but generates file locally, and with specified/determined name. Preserved largely for legacy reasons. Args: folder (str): Containing folder. name (str): File name. If ``None``, generate new temporary name. mode (str): File opening mode. wait_time (float): Waiting time between attempts to create the file if the first try fails. rep_time (int): Number of attempts to create the file if the first try fails. Attributes: f: File object. name (str): File name. full_name (str): File name including containing folder. """ _default_wait_time=0.3 _default_rep_time=5 def __init__(self, folder="", name=None, mode="w", wait_time=None, rep_time=None): self.folder=folder if name is None: name=generate_temp_filename(folder=folder) self.full_name=os.path.join(self.folder, self.wait_time=self._default_wait_time if wait_time is None else wait_time self.rep_time=self._default_rep_time if rep_time is None else rep_time self.mode=mode self.f=None def __enter__(self): self.f=general.retry_wait(lambda: open(self.full_name,mode=self.mode),self.rep_time,self.wait_time) self.f=self.f.__enter__() if self.wait_time!=0: time.sleep(self.wait_time) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **vargs): res=self.f.__exit__(*args,**vargs) retry_remove(self.full_name,self.rep_time,self.wait_time) return res
### Moving and copying files ###
[docs]def copy_file(source, dest, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_metadata=True): """ Copy file, creating a containing folder if necessary. Return ``True`` if the operation was performed. Args: overwrite (bool): If ``True``, overwrite existing file. cmp_on_overwrite (bool): If ``True`` and the two files are compared to be the same, don't perform overwrite. preserve_metadata (bool): If ``True``, preserve file metadata (such as creation time) by using :func:`shutil.copy2`; otherwise, use :func:`shutil.copy` """ if paths_equal(source,dest): return False if os.path.exists(dest): if not overwrite or (cmp_on_overwrite and filecmp.cmp(source,dest,shallow=False)): return False else: ensure_dir(os.path.split(dest)[0]) if preserve_metadata: shutil.copy2(source,dest) else: shutil.copy(source,dest) return True
[docs]def move_file(source, dest, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_if_not_move=False): """ Move file, creating a containing folder if necessary. Returns ``True`` if the operation was performed. Args: overwrite (bool): If ``True``, overwrite existing file (if the existing file isn't overwritten, preserve the original). cmp_on_overwrite (bool): If ``True`` and the two files are compared to be the same, don't perform overwrite. preserve_if_not_move (bool): If ``True`` and the files are identical, preserve the original. """ if paths_equal(source,dest): return if os.path.exists(dest): if not overwrite or (cmp_on_overwrite and filecmp.cmp(source,dest,shallow=False)): if not preserve_if_not_move: os.remove(source) return else: ensure_dir(os.path.split(dest)[0]) shutil.move(source,dest)
### Creating directories ###
[docs]def ensure_dir_singlelevel(path, error_on_file=True): if os.path.exists(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): if error_on_file: raise OSError("path {0} is not a directory".format(path)) else: os.mkdir(path)
[docs]def ensure_dir(path, error_on_file=True): """ Ensure that the folder exists (create a new one if necessary). If ``error_on_file==True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name. """ dirs=fullsplit(path) for i in range(len(dirs)): ensure_dir_singlelevel(os.path.join(*dirs[:i+1]),error_on_file=error_on_file)
def _handleRemoveReadonly(func, path, exc): excvalue = exc[1] if func in (os.rmdir,os.remove,os.unlink) and excvalue.errno==errno.EACCES: os.chmod(path,stat.S_IRWXU|stat.S_IRWXG|stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777 func(path) else: raise # pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise
[docs]def remove_dir(path, error_on_file=True): """ Remove the folder recursively if it exists. If ``error_on_file==True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name. """ if os.path.exists(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): if error_on_file: raise IOError("path {0} is not a directory".format(path)) else: for _ in range(10): os.remove(path) if not os.path.exists(path): return True for _ in range(10): shutil.rmtree(path,ignore_errors=False,onerror=_handleRemoveReadonly) if not os.path.exists(path): return True else: return False
[docs]def remove_dir_if_empty(path, error_on_file=True): """ Remove the folder only if it's empty. If ``error_on_file==True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name. """ if os.path.exists(path) and dir_empty(path,error_on_file=error_on_file): return remove_dir(path) else: return False
[docs]def clean_dir(path, error_on_file=True): """ Remove the folder and then recreate it. If ``error_on_file==True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name. """ remove_dir(path,error_on_file=error_on_file) ensure_dir(path,error_on_file=error_on_file)
### Folder walking, extension of os.walk ###
[docs]class FolderList(collections.namedtuple("FolderList",["folders","files"])): # making Sphinx autodoc generate correct docstring """Describes folder content"""
[docs]def list_dir(folder="", folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, separate_kinds=True, error_on_file=True): """ Return folder content filtered by `folder_filter` and `file_filter`. Args: folder (str): Path to the folder. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). separate_kinds (bool): if ``True``, return :class:`FolderList` with files and folder separate; otherwise, return a single list (works much faster). error_on_file (bool): if ``True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name as the target folder. """ folder=folder or "." if not os.path.exists(folder): return FolderList([], []) if not os.path.isdir(folder): if error_on_file: raise IOError("path {0} is not a directory".format(folder)) else: return FolderList([], []) elements=os.listdir(folder) elements.sort() file_filter=string.get_string_filter(file_filter,match_case=case_sensitive_path()) folder_filter=string.get_string_filter(folder_filter,match_case=case_sensitive_path()) if separate_kinds: folders,files=general.partition_list(lambda p: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder,p)), elements) files=string.filter_string_list(files,file_filter) folders=string.filter_string_list(folders,folder_filter) return FolderList(folders, files) else: elements=string.filter_string_list(elements,folder_filter) elements=string.filter_string_list(elements,file_filter) return elements
[docs]def dir_empty(folder, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, level="single", error_on_file=True): """ Check if the folder is empty (only checks content filtered by `folder_filter` and `file_filter`). Args: folder (str): Path to the folder. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). level (str): if ``'single'``, check only immediate folder content; if ``'recursive'``, follow recursively in all folders passing `folder_filter`. error_on_file (bool): if ``True``, raise :exc:`OSError` if there's a file with the same name as the target folder. """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(level,"level",{"single","recursive"}) folders,files=list_dir(folder,folder_filter,file_filter,error_on_file=error_on_file) if level=="single": return len(folders)==0 and len(files)==0 else: if len(files)!=0: return False for f in folders: if not dir_empty(os.path.join(folder,f),folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter,level="recursive"): return False return True
[docs]def walk_dir(folder, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, rel_path=True, topdown=True, visit_folder_filter=None, max_depth=None): """ Modification of :func:`os.walk` function. Acts in a similar way, but `followlinks` is always ``False`` and errors of :func:`os.listdir` are always passed. Args: folder (str): Path to the folder. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). rel_path (bool): If ``True``, the returned folder path is specified relative to the initial path. topdown (bool): If ``True``, return folder before its subfolders. visit_folder_filter: Filter for visiting folders (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). If not ``None``, specifies filter for visiting folders which is different from `folder_filter` (filter for returned folders). max_depth (int): If not ``None``, limits the recursion depth. Yields: For each folder (including the original) yields a tuple ``(folder_path, folders, files)``, where `folder_path` is the containing folder name and `folders` and `files` are its content (similar to :func:`list_dir`). """ folder=folder or "." if max_depth is not None and max_depth<0: return if not os.path.exists(folder): return if not os.path.isdir(folder): raise OSError("path {0} is not a directory".format(folder)) if visit_folder_filter is not None: all_folders,files=list_dir(folder,file_filter=file_filter) file_filter=string.get_string_filter(file_filter,match_case=case_sensitive_path()) folder_filter=string.get_string_filter(folder_filter,match_case=case_sensitive_path()) return_folders=string.filter_string_list(all_folders,folder_filter) walk_folders=string.filter_string_list(all_folders,visit_folder_filter) else: walk_folders,files=list_dir(folder,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) return_folders=walk_folders def process_folders(): for f in walk_folders: for path,dirs,files in walk_dir(os.path.join(folder,f),folder_filter,file_filter,rel_path=True,topdown=topdown, visit_folder_filter=visit_folder_filter,max_depth=None if (max_depth is None) else max_depth-1): if path=="": path=f else: path=os.path.join(f,path) if not rel_path: path=os.path.join(folder,path) yield path,dirs,files if topdown: yield ("" if rel_path else folder), return_folders, files for t in process_folders(): yield t else: for t in process_folders(): yield t yield ("" if rel_path else folder), return_folders, files
[docs]def list_dir_recursive(folder, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, topdown=True, visit_folder_filter=None, max_depth=None): """ Recursive walk analog of :func:`list_dir`. Parameters are the same as :func:`walk_dir`. Returns: :class:`FolderList` """ all_folders=[] all_files=[] for cf, folders, files in walk_dir(folder,folder_filter,file_filter,topdown=topdown,visit_folder_filter=visit_folder_filter,max_depth=max_depth): all_folders=all_folders+[os.path.join(cf,f) for f in folders] all_files=all_files+[os.path.join(cf,f) for f in files] return FolderList(all_folders,all_files)
[docs]def copy_dir(source, dest, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_metadata=True): """ Copy files satisfying the filtering conditions. Args: source (str): Source path. dest (str): Destination path. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). overwrite (bool): If ``True``, overwrite existing files. cmp_on_overwrite (bool): If ``True`` and the two files are compared to be the same, don't perform overwrite. preserve_metadata (bool): If ``True``, preserve file metadata (such as creation time) by using :func:`shutil.copy2`; otherwise, use :func:`shutil.copy` """ if paths_equal(source,dest): return for path,_,files in walk_dir(source,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter): source_dir=os.path.join(source,path) dest_dir=os.path.join(dest,path) ensure_dir(dest_dir) for f in files: source_path=os.path.join(source_dir,f) dest_path=os.path.join(dest_dir,f) copy_file(source_path,dest_path,overwrite=overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite=cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_metadata=preserve_metadata)
[docs]def move_dir(source, dest, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_if_not_move=False): """ Move files satisfying the filtering conditions. Args: source (str): Source path. dest (str): Destination path. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). overwrite (bool): If ``True``, overwrite existing files (if the existing file isn't overwritten, preserve the original). cmp_on_overwrite (bool): If ``True`` and the two files are compared to be the same, don't perform overwrite. preserve_if_not_move (bool): If ``True`` and the files are identical, preserve the original. """ if paths_equal(source,dest): return for path,folders,files in walk_dir(source,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter,topdown=False): source_dir=os.path.join(source,path) dest_dir=os.path.join(dest,path) ensure_dir(dest_dir) for f in files: source_path=os.path.join(source_dir,f) dest_path=os.path.join(dest_dir,f) move_file(source_path,dest_path,overwrite=overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite=cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_if_not_move=preserve_if_not_move) for f in folders: if dir_empty(f): remove_dir(f)
def _diff_from_cnt(c1, c2): if c1 and c2: return "*" if c1: return "+" if c2: return "-" return "="
[docs]def combine_diff(d1, d2): if d1=="=": return d2 if d2=="=": return d1 return d1 if (d1==d2) else "*"
def _diff_dirs(a, b, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, shallow=True): list_a=list_dir(a,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) list_b=list_dir(b,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) files_both,files_a_only,files_b_only=general.compare_lists(list_a.files,list_b.files,sort_lists=True) diff=_diff_from_cnt(files_a_only,files_b_only) if diff=="*": return diff for f in files_both: if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(a,f),os.path.join(b,f),shallow=shallow): return "*" folders_both,folders_a_only,folders_b_only=general.compare_lists(list_a.folders,list_b.folders,sort_lists=True) diff=combine_diff(diff,_diff_from_cnt(folders_a_only,folders_b_only)) if diff=="*": return diff for f in folders_both: sub_diff=_diff_dirs(os.path.join(a,f),os.path.join(b,f),shallow=shallow,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) diff=combine_diff(diff,sub_diff) if diff=="*": return "*" return diff
[docs]def cmp_dirs(a, b, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, shallow=True, return_difference=False): """ Compare the folders based on the content filtered by `folder_filter` and `file_filter`. Args: a (str): First folder path b (str): Second folder path folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). shallow: If ``True``, do shallow comparison of the files (see :func:`filecmp.cmp`). return_difference: If ``False``, simply return `bool`; otherwise, return difference type (``'='``, ``'+'``, ``'-'`` or ``'*'``). """ if return_difference: return _diff_dirs(a,b,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter,shallow=shallow) list_a=list_dir(a,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) list_b=list_dir(b,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter) files_both,files_a_only,files_b_only=general.compare_lists(list_a.files,list_b.files,sort_lists=True) if len(files_a_only)!=0 or len(files_b_only)!=0: return False for f in files_both: if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(a,f),os.path.join(b,f),shallow=shallow): return False folders_both,folders_a_only,folders_b_only=general.compare_lists(list_a.folders,list_b.folders,sort_lists=True) if len(folders_a_only)!=0 or len(folders_b_only)!=0: return False for f in folders_both: if not cmp_dirs(os.path.join(a,f),os.path.join(b,f),shallow=shallow,return_difference=False,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter): return False return True
### Retrying os modifying calls ###
[docs]def retry_copy(source, dest, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_metadata=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`copy_file`. If the operation raises error, wait for `delay` (in seconds) and call it again. Try total of `try_times` times. """ general.retry_wait(lambda: copy_file(source,dest,overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_metadata), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_move(source, dest, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_if_not_move=False, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`move_file` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: move_file(source,dest,overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_if_not_move), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_remove(path, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`os.remove` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: os.remove(path), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_ensure_dir(path, error_on_file=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`ensure_dir` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: ensure_dir(path,error_on_file=error_on_file), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_copy_dir(source, dest, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_metadata=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`copy_dir` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: copy_dir(source,dest,folder_filter,file_filter,overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_metadata), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_move_dir(source, dest, folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, overwrite=True, cmp_on_overwrite=True, preserve_if_not_move=False, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`move_dir` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: move_dir(source,dest,folder_filter,file_filter,overwrite,cmp_on_overwrite,preserve_if_not_move), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_remove_dir(path, error_on_file=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`remove_dir` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: remove_dir(path,error_on_file=error_on_file), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_remove_dir_if_empty(path, error_on_file=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`remove_dir_if_empty` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ general.retry_wait(lambda: remove_dir_if_empty(path,error_on_file=error_on_file), try_times, delay)
[docs]def retry_clean_dir(path, error_on_file=True, try_times=5, delay=0.3): """ Retrying version of :func:`clean_dir` (see :func:`retry_copy` for details on retrying). """ retry_remove_dir(path,error_on_file,try_times,delay) retry_ensure_dir(path,error_on_file,try_times,delay)
### Archiving zip files ### def _ZipFile(path, mode, compression, compresslevel): try: return zipfile.ZipFile(path,mode=mode,compression=compression,compresslevel=compresslevel) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg except TypeError: return zipfile.ZipFile(path,mode=mode,compression=compression)
[docs]def zip_folder(zip_path, source_path, inside_path="", folder_filter=None, file_filter=None, mode="a", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=None): """ Add a folder into a zip archive. Args: zip_path (str): Path to the .zip file. source_path (str): Path to the source folder. inside_path (str): Destination path inside the zip archive. folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). mode (str): Zip archive adding mode (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compression: Zip archive compression (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compresslevel: Zip archive compression level (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`); ignored for Python version below 3.7. """ with _ZipFile(zip_path, mode=mode, compression=compression, compresslevel=compresslevel) as zf: for containing_folder,_,files in walk_dir(source_path,rel_path=True,folder_filter=folder_filter,file_filter=file_filter): for f in files: zf.write(os.path.join(source_path,containing_folder,f),os.path.join(inside_path,containing_folder,f),compress_type=compression)
[docs]def zip_file(zip_path, source_path, inside_name=None, mode="a", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=None): """ Add a file into a zip archive. Args: zip_path (str): Path to the .zip file. source_path (str): Path to the source file. inside_name (str): Destination file name inside the zip archive (source name on the top level by default). mode (str): Zip archive adding mode (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compression: Zip archive compression (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compresslevel: Zip archive compression level (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`); ignored for Python version below 3.7. """ if inside_name is None: inside_name=os.path.split(source_path)[1] with _ZipFile(zip_path, mode=mode, compression=compression, compresslevel=compresslevel) as zf: zf.write(source_path,inside_name,compress_type=compression)
[docs]def zip_multiple_files(zip_path, source_paths, inside_names=None, mode="a", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=None): """ Add a multiple files into a zip archive. Args: zip_path (str): Path to the .zip file. source_paths ([str]): List of path to the source files. inside_names ([str] or None): List of destination file names inside the zip archive (source name on the top level by default). mode (str): Zip archive adding mode (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compression: Zip archive compression (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`). compresslevel: Zip archive compression level (see :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`); ignored for Python version below 3.7. """ if inside_names is None: inside_names=[None]*len(source_paths) for sp,inm in zip(source_paths,inside_names): zip_file(zip_path,sp,inside_name=inm,mode=mode,compression=compression,compresslevel=compresslevel)
[docs]def unzip_folder(zip_path, dest_path, inside_path="", folder_filter=None, file_filter=None): """ Extract a folder from a zip archive (create containing folder if necessary). Args: zip_path (str): Path to the .zip file. dest_path (str): Path to the destination folder. inside_path (str): Source path inside the zip archive; extracted data paths are relative (i.e., they don't include `inside_path`). folder_filter: Folder filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). file_filter: File filter function (more description at :func:`.string.get_string_filter`). """ with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, mode="r") as zf: if inside_path=="" and folder_filter is None and file_filter is None: zf.extractall(dest_path) else: folder_filter=string.get_string_filter(folder_filter) file_filter=string.get_string_filter(file_filter) inside_path=fullsplit(inside_path) for f in zf.filelist: path=fullsplit(f.filename) if path[:len(inside_path)]==inside_path and file_filter(path[-1]) and all([folder_filter(p) for p in path[:-1]]): if len(inside_path)==0: zf.extract(f,dest_path) else: dest_filepath=os.path.join(dest_path,*path[len(inside_path):]) with,"r") as source_file: ensure_dir(os.path.split(dest_filepath)[0]) with open(dest_filepath,"wb") as dest_file: shutil.copyfileobj(source_file,dest_file)
[docs]def unzip_file(zip_path, dest_path, inside_path): """ Extract a file from a zip archive (create containing folder if necessary). Args: zip_path (str): Path to the .zip file. dest_path (str): Destination file path. inside_path (str): Source path inside the zip archive. """ with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, mode="r") as zf: with,"r") as source_file: ensure_dir(os.path.split(dest_path)[0]) with open(dest_path,"wb") as dest_file: shutil.copyfileobj(source_file,dest_file)