Source code for pylablib.core.gui.widgets.param_table

from . import edit, label as widget_label, combo_box, button as widget_button
from . import container
from ...thread import threadprop, controller
from .. import value_handling
from ...utils import py3, dictionary

from .. import QtWidgets

import collections
import contextlib

[docs]class ParamTable(container.QWidgetContainer): """ GUI parameter table. Simplifies creating code-generated controls and displays table layouts. Has methods for adding various kinds of controls (labels, edit boxes, combo boxes, check boxes), automatically creates values table for easy settings/getting. By default supports 2-column (label-control) and 3-column (label-control-indicator) layout, depending on the parameters given to :meth:`setup`. Similar to :class:`.GUIValues`, has three container-like accessor: ``.h`` for getting the value handler (i.e., ``self.get_handler(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.h[name]``), ``.w`` for getting the underlying widget (i.e., ``self.get_widget(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.w[name]``), ``.v`` for settings/getting values using the default getting method (equivalent to ``.wv`` if ``cache_values=False`` in :meth:`setup`, and to ``.cv`` otherwise), ``.wv`` for settings/getting current current widget values without caching (i.e., ``self.get_value(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]``, and ``self.set_value(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]=value``), ``.cv`` for settings/getting values using cached value's table for getting (i.e., ``self.current_values[name]`` is equivalent to ``[name]``, and ``self.set_value(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``[name]=value``), (i.e., ``self.get_value(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]``, and ``self.set_value(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``self.v[name]=value``), ``.i`` for settings/getting indicator values (i.e., ``self.get_indicator(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.i[name]``, and ``self.set_indicator(name, value)`` is equivalent to ``self.i[name]=value``) ``.vs`` for getting the value changed Qt signal (i.e., ``self.get_value_changed_signal(name)`` is equivalent to ``self.s[name]``), Like most widgets, requires calling :meth:`setup` to set up before usage. Args: parent: parent widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None): self.params={} super().__init__(parent,name=name) self.h=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_handler) self.w=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_widget) self.iw=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_indicator_widget) self.lw=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_label_widget) self.wv=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_value,self.set_value) self.v=self.wv name: self.current_values[name],self.set_value) self.i=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_indicator,self.set_indicator) self.vs=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_value_changed_signal) def _make_new_layout(self, kind, *args, **kwargs): layout=super()._make_new_layout(kind,*args,**kwargs) if kind=="grid": layout.setSpacing(5) return layout def _set_main_layout(self): super()._set_main_layout() self.main_layout.setContentsMargins(5,5,5,5) self.main_layout.setColumnStretch(1,1)
[docs] def setup(self, name=None, add_indicator=True, gui_thread_safe=False, cache_values=False, change_focused_control=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed """ Setup the table. Args: name (str): table widget name add_indicator (bool): if ``True``, add indicators for all added widgets by default. gui_thread_safe (bool): if ``True``, all value-access and indicator-access calls (``get/set_value``, ``get/set_all_values``, ``get/set_indicator``, and ``update_indicators``) are automatically called in the GUI thread. cache_values (bool): if ``True`` or ``"update_one"``, store a dictionary with all the current values and update it every time a GUI value is changed; provides a thread-safe way to check current parameters without lag (unlike :meth:`get_value` or :meth:`get_all_values` with ``gui_thread_safe==True``, which re-route calls to a GUI thread and may cause up to 100ms delay) can also be set to ``"update_all"``, in which case change of any value will cause value update of all variables; otherwise, change of a value will only cause update of that same value (might potentially miss some value updates for custom controls). change_focused_control (bool): if ``False`` and :meth:`set_value` method is called while the widget has user focus, ignore the value; note that :meth:`set_all_values` will still set the widget value. """ super().setup(name=name,layout="grid") self.add_indicator=add_indicator self.gui_thread_safe=gui_thread_safe self.change_focused_control=change_focused_control self.cache_values=cache_values self.current_values=dictionary.Dictionary() if cache_values else self.wv
@controller.exsafeSlot() def _update_cache_values(self, name=None, value=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.cache_values: if name is None or self.cache_values=="update_all": self.current_values=self.get_all_values() else: self.current_values[name]=self.get_value(name)
[docs] def add_sublayout(self, name, kind="grid", location=("next",0,1,"end")): return super().add_sublayout(name,kind=kind,location=location)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def using_new_sublayout(self, name, kind="grid", location=("next",0,1,"end")): with super().using_new_sublayout(name,kind=kind,location=location): yield
[docs] def pad_borders(self, kind="both", stretch=0): """ Add expandable paddings on the bottom and/or right border. `kind` can be ``"bottom"``, ``"right"``, ``"both"``, or ``"none"`` (do nothing). Note that if more elements are added, they will be placed after the padding, so the table will be padded in the middle. """ if kind in ["bottom","both"]: self.add_padding("vertical",location=("next",0),stretch=stretch) if kind in ["right","both"]: self.add_padding("horizontal",location=(0,"next"),stretch=stretch)
[docs] def add_frame(self, name, layout="vbox", location=("next",0,1,"end"), gui_values_path=True, no_margins=True): return super().add_frame(name,layout=layout,location=location,gui_values_path=gui_values_path,no_margins=no_margins)
[docs] def add_group_box(self, name, caption, layout="vbox", location=("next",0,1,"end"), gui_values_path=True, no_margins=True): return super().add_group_box(name,caption,layout=layout,location=location,gui_values_path=gui_values_path,no_margins=no_margins)
ParamRow=collections.namedtuple("ParamRow",["widget","label","indicator","value_handler","indicator_handler"]) def _add_widget(self, name, params, add_change_event=True): name=self._normalize_name(name) self.params[name]=params if params.widget is not None: self.add_child(name,params.widget,location="skip",gui_values_path=False) self.gui_values.add_handler(name,params.value_handler) if params.indicator_handler: self.gui_values.add_indicator_handler(name,params.indicator_handler) if add_change_event: params.value_handler.connect_value_changed_handler(lambda value: self.contained_value_changed.emit(name,value),only_signal=True) if self.cache_values: params.value_handler.connect_value_changed_handler(lambda value: self._update_cache_values(name,value),only_signal=False) self._update_cache_values()
[docs] def add_simple_widget(self, name, widget, label=None, value_handler=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True): """ Add a 'simple' (single-spaced, single-valued) widget to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) widget: widget to add label (str): if not ``None``, specifies label to put in front of the widget in the layout value_handler: value handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected value handler (works for many simple built-in or custom widgets) add_indicator: if ``True``, add an indicator label in the third column and a corresponding indicator handler in the built-in values table; by default, use the default value supplied to :meth:`setup` location (tuple): tuple ``(row, column)`` specifying location of the widget (or widget label, if it is specified); by default, add to a new row in the end and into the first column can also be a string ``"skip"``, which means that the widget is added to some other location manually later (this option only works if ``label=None``, and doesn't add any indicator) tooltip: widget tooltip (mouseover text) add_change_event (bool): if ``True``, changing of the widget's value emits the table's ``contained_value_changed`` event Return the widget's value handler """ name=self._normalize_name(name) if name in self.params: raise KeyError("widget {} already exists".format(name)) if add_indicator is None: add_indicator=self.add_indicator if isinstance(location,dict): llocation=location.get("label",None) ilocation=location.get("indicator",None) location=location.get("widget",None) else: ilocation=llocation=None lname,location=self._normalize_location(location,default_location=("next",0,1,3 if add_indicator else 2)) if location!="skip": row,col,rowspan,colspan=location labelspan=1 if label is not None else 0 indspan=1 if (add_indicator and ilocation is None) else 0 if colspan<indspan+labelspan+1: raise ValueError("column span {} should be at least {} to accommodate the widget, the label, and the indicator".format(colspan,indspan+labelspan+1)) else: if label is not None: raise ValueError("label can not be combined with 'skip' location") add_indicator=False if add_indicator and ilocation!="next_line": ilname,ilocation=self._normalize_location(ilocation,default_location=(row,col+colspan-1,rowspan,1),default_layout=lname) if label is not None: wlabel=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) wlabel.setObjectName("{}__label".format(name)) llname,llocation=self._normalize_location(llocation,default_location=(row,col,rowspan,1),default_layout=lname) self._insert_layout_element(llname,wlabel,llocation) wlabel.setText(label) else: wlabel=None if location!="skip": self._insert_layout_element(lname,widget,(row,col+labelspan,rowspan,colspan-labelspan-indspan)) value_handler=value_handler or value_handling.create_value_handler(widget) if add_indicator: windicator=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) windicator.setObjectName("{}__indicator".format(name)) if ilocation=="next_line": ilname,ilocation=self._normalize_location((row+1,col+labelspan,1,colspan-labelspan),default_location=(row,col+colspan-1,rowspan,1),default_layout=lname) self._insert_layout_element(ilname,windicator,ilocation) indicator_handler=value_handling.LabelIndicatorHandler(windicator,formatter=value_handler if add_indicator==True else add_indicator) else: windicator=None indicator_handler=None if tooltip is not None: if wlabel is not None: wlabel.setToolTip(tooltip) else: widget.setToolTip(tooltip) self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(widget,wlabel,windicator,value_handler,indicator_handler),add_change_event=add_change_event) return value_handler
[docs] def add_custom_widget(self, name, widget, value_handler=None, indicator_handler=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True): """ Add a 'custom' (multi-spaced, possibly complex-valued) widget to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) widget: widget to add value_handler: value handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected value handler (works for many simple built-in or custom widgets) indicator_handler: indicator handler of the widget; by default, use auto-detected indicator handler (use ``set/get_indicator`` methods if present, or no indicator otherwise) location (tuple): tuple ``(row, column, rowspan, colspan)`` specifying location of the widget; by default, add to a new row in the end and into the first column, span one row and all table columns can also be a string ``"skip"``, which means that the widget is added to some other location manually later add_change_event (bool): if ``True``, changing of the widget's value emits the table's ``contained_value_changed`` event Return the widget's value handler """ name=self._normalize_name(name) if name in self.params: raise KeyError("widget {} already exists".format(name)) lname,location=self._normalize_location(location,default_location=("next",0,1,3)) if location!="skip": self._insert_layout_element(lname,widget,location) value_handler=value_handler or value_handling.create_value_handler(widget) indicator_handler=indicator_handler or value_handling.create_indicator_handler(widget) if tooltip is not None: widget.setToolTip(tooltip) self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(widget,None,None,value_handler,indicator_handler),add_change_event=add_change_event) return value_handler
[docs] def remove_widget(self, name): """Remove the widget and, if applicable, its indicator and label""" name=self._normalize_name(name) par=self.params.pop(name) self.gui_values.remove_handler(name,remove_indicator=True) if par.widget is not None: self.remove_child(name) if par.label is not None: self.remove_layout_element(par.label) if par.indicator is not None: self.remove_layout_element(par.indicator)
[docs] def add_virtual_element(self, name, value=None, multivalued=False, add_indicator=None): """ Add a virtual table element. Doesn't correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view (its value can be set or read, it has on-change events, it can have indicator). The element value is simply stored on set and retrieved on get. If ``multivalued==True``, the internal value is assumed to be complex, so it is forced to be a :class:`.Dictionary` every time it is set. If ``add_indicator==True``, add default indicator handler as well. """ value_handler=value_handling.VirtualValueHandler(value,multivalued=multivalued) if add_indicator is None: add_indicator=self.add_indicator indicator_handler=value_handling.VirtualIndicatorHandler(multivalued=multivalued) if add_indicator else None self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(None,None,None,value_handler,indicator_handler))
[docs] def add_property_element(self, name, getter=None, setter=None, add_indicator=True): """ Add a property value element. Doesn't correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view; each time the value is set or get, the corresponding setter and getter methods are called. If ``add_indicator==True``, add default (stored value) indicator handler as well. """ value_handler=value_handling.PropertyValueHandler(getter=getter,setter=setter) if add_indicator is None: add_indicator=self.add_indicator indicator_handler=value_handling.VirtualIndicatorHandler if add_indicator else None self._add_widget(name,self.ParamRow(None,None,None,value_handler,indicator_handler))
[docs] def add_button(self, name, caption, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a button to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str): text on the button virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=QtWidgets.QPushButton(self) widget.setText(caption) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_toggle_button(self, name, caption, value=False, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a toggle button to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str or list): text on the button; can be a single string, or a list of two strings which specifies the caption for off and on states value (bool): specifies initial value virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=widget_button.ToggleButton(self) if isinstance(caption,(tuple,list)): widget.set_value_labels([c for c in caption]) else: widget.setText(caption) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) widget.set_value(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_dropdown_button(self, name, caption, options=None, index_values=None, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a button which shows a dropdown menu when clicked. Similar in behavior to a regular button, but its changed event provides a single argument which is the name of the selected item. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str or list): text on the button options (list): list of strings specifying menu options index_values (list): list of values corresponding to menu options; if supplied, these values are used when setting/getting values or sending signals. virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=widget_button.DropdownButton(self) widget.setText(caption) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) if options: if index_values is None: index_values=list(range(len(options))) for i,o in zip(index_values,options): widget.add_item(i,o) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_check_box(self, name, caption, value=False, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a checkbox to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) caption (str): text on the checkbox value (bool): specifies initial value virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self) widget.setText(caption) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) widget.setChecked(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_text_label(self, name, value="", label=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=False, virtual=False): """ Add a text label to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value) widget=widget_label.TextLabel(self,value=value) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=False,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_enum_label(self, name, options, value=None, out_of_range="error", prep=None, label=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=False, virtual=False): """ Add a text label to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) options (list): dictionary ``{option: index_value}`` which converts values into text out_of_range (str): behavior when out-of-range value is applied; can be ``"error"`` (raise error), ``"text"`` (convert value into text), or ``"ignore"`` (keep current value). prep: a function which takes a single value argument and converts into an option; useful for "fuzzy" options (e.g., when 0 and ``False`` mean the same thing) virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value) widget=widget_label.EnumLabel(self,options=options,value=value,prep=prep) widget.set_out_of_range(out_of_range) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=False,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_num_label(self, name, value=0, limiter=None, formatter=None, label=None, tooltip=None, location=None, add_change_event=False, virtual=False): """ Add a numerical label to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (float): specifies initial value limiter (tuple): tuple ``(upper_limit, lower_limit, action, value_type)`` specifying value limits; see :func:`.limiter.as_limiter` for details formatter (tuple): either ``"int"`` (for integer values), or tuple specifying floating value format; see :func:`.formatter.as_formatter` for details virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value) widget=widget_label.NumLabel(self,value=value,limiter=limiter,formatter=formatter) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=False,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_text_edit(self, name, value="", label=None, multiline=False, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a text edit to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value multiline (bool): if ``True``, use multi-line text edit widget; otherwise, use a standard single-line edit virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=edit.TextEdit(self,value=value) if not multiline else edit.MultilineTextEdit(self,value=value) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_num_edit(self, name, value=None, limiter=None, formatter=None, custom_steps=None, label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a numerical edit to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value limiter (tuple): tuple ``(upper_limit, lower_limit, action, value_type)`` specifying value limits; see :meth:`.NumEdit.set_limiter` for details formatter (tuple): either ``"int"`` (for integer values), or tuple specifying floating value format; see :meth:`.NumEdit.set_formatter` for details custom_steps: if not ``None``, can specify custom fixed value steps when up/down keys are pressed with a modifier key (Control, Alt, or Shift) specifies a dictionary ``{'ctrl':ctrl_step, 'alt':alt_step, 'shift':shift_step}`` with the corresponding steps (missing elements mean that the modifier key is ignored) virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=edit.NumEdit(self,value=value,limiter=limiter,formatter=formatter,custom_steps=custom_steps) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_progress_bar(self, name, value=None, label=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a progress bar to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value (bool): specifies initial value virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value) widget=QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) if value is not None: widget.setValue(value) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
[docs] def add_combo_box(self, name, value=None, options=None, index_values=None, out_of_range="reset", label=None, add_indicator=None, location=None, tooltip=None, add_change_event=True, virtual=False): """ Add a combo box to the table. Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) value: specifies initial value options (list): list of strings specifying box options or a dictionary ``{option: index_value}`` index_values (list): list of values corresponding to box options; if supplied, these values are used when setting/getting values or sending signals; if `options` is a dictionary, this parameter is ignored out_of_range (str): behavior when out-of-range value is applied; can be ``"error"`` (raise error), ``"reset"`` (reset to no-value position), or ``"ignore"`` (keep current value). virtual (bool): if ``True``, the widget is not added, and a virtual handler is added instead Rest of the arguments and the return value are the same as :meth:`add_simple_widget`. """ if virtual: return self.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,add_indicator=add_indicator) widget=combo_box.ComboBox(self) widget.setObjectName("_"+name) widget.set_out_of_range(action=out_of_range) if options is not None: widget.set_options(options,index_values=index_values) if value is not None: widget.set_value(value) else: index_values=widget.get_index_values() widget.set_value(index_values[0] if index_values else 0) return self.add_simple_widget(name,widget,label=label,add_indicator=add_indicator,location=location,tooltip=tooltip,add_change_event=add_change_event)
def _expand_names_list(self, names): if isinstance(names,py3.anystring): names=[names] if names is None: names=self.params.keys() return names
[docs] def set_enabled(self, names=None, enabled=True, include_indicator=True, include_label=True): """Enable or disable widgets with the given names (by default, all widgets)""" for name in self._expand_names_list(names): name=self._normalize_name(name) par=self.params[name] if par.widget is not None: par.widget.setEnabled(enabled) if include_label and par.label is not None: par.label.setEnabled(enabled) if include_indicator and par.indicator is not None: par.indicator.setEnabled(enabled)
[docs] def set_visible(self, names=None, visible=True, include_indicator=True, include_label=True): """Show or hide widgets with the given names (by default, all widgets)""" for name in self._expand_names_list(names): name=self._normalize_name(name) par=self.params[name] if par.widget is not None: par.widget.setVisible(visible) if include_label and par.label is not None: par.label.setVisible(visible) if include_indicator and par.indicator is not None: par.indicator.setVisible(visible)
@controller.gui_thread_method def get_value(self, name=None): return super().get_value(name=name) @controller.gui_thread_method def get_all_values(self): return super().get_all_values() @controller.gui_thread_method def set_value(self, name, value, force=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Set value of a widget with the given name. If ``force==True``, force widget value (e.g., ignoring restriction on not changing values of focused widgets) """ if force: return super().set_value(name,value) if name is None: self.set_all_values(value,force=force) name=self._normalize_name(name) try: par=self.params[name] allow_set=par.value_handler.can_set_value(allow_focus=self.change_focused_control) except KeyError: allow_set=True if allow_set: return super().set_value(name,value) @controller.gui_thread_method def set_all_values(self, value, force=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Set values of all widgets in the table. If ``force==True``, force widget value (e.g., ignoring restriction on not changing values of focused widgets) """ if force: return super().set_all_values(value) for n,v in dictionary.as_dictionary(value).iternodes(to_visit="all",topdown=True,include_path=True): path="/".join(n) try: self.set_value(path,v,force=force) except KeyError: pass @controller.gui_thread_method def update_value(self, name=None): return super().update_value(name=name)
[docs] def get_widget(self, name): name=self._normalize_name(name) try: return self.params[name].widget except KeyError: return super().get_widget(name)
[docs] def get_indicator_widget(self, name): """Get indicator widget for a parameter with the given name, or ``None`` if this parameter has no indicator label""" name=self._normalize_name(name) return self.params[name].indicator
[docs] def get_label_widget(self, name): """Get label widget for a parameter with the given name, or ``None`` if this parameter has no label""" name=self._normalize_name(name) return self.params[name].label
[docs] def get_child(self, name): name=self._normalize_name(name) if name in self.params: return self.get_widget(name) return super().get_child(name)
[docs] def remove_child(self, name): name=self._normalize_name(name) if name in self.params: return self.remove_widget(name) return super().remove_child(name)
@controller.gui_thread_method def get_indicator(self, name=None): return super().get_indicator(name=name) @controller.gui_thread_method def get_all_indicators(self): return super().get_all_indicators() @controller.gui_thread_method def set_indicator(self, name, value, ignore_missing=False): return super().set_indicator(name,value,ignore_missing=ignore_missing) @controller.gui_thread_method def set_all_indicators(self, value, ignore_missing=True): return super().set_all_indicators(value,ignore_missing=ignore_missing) @controller.gui_thread_method def update_indicators(self): return super().update_indicators()
[docs] def clear(self, disconnect=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Clear the table (remove all widgets) If ``disconnect==True``, also disconnect all slots connected to the ``contained_value_changed`` signal. """ if self.params: if disconnect: try: self.contained_value_changed.disconnect() except (TypeError,RuntimeError): # no signals connected pass for name in self.params: self.gui_values.remove_handler(name,remove_indicator=True) self.params={} super().clear() self._update_cache_values() else: super().clear()
def __contains__(self, name): name=self._normalize_name(name) return name in self.params
[docs]class StatusTable(ParamTable): """ Expansion of :class:`ParamTable` which adds status lines, which automatically subscribe to signals and update values. """
[docs] def setup(self, name=None, add_indicator=True, gui_thread_safe=False, cache_values=False, change_focused_control=False): super().setup(name=name,add_indicator=add_indicator,gui_thread_safe=gui_thread_safe,cache_values=cache_values,change_focused_control=change_focused_control) self._status_line_params={}
[docs] def add_status_line(self, name, label=None, srcs=None, tags=None, filt=None, fmt=None): """ Add a status line to the table: Args: name (str): widget name (used to reference its value in the values table) label (str): if not ``None``, specifies label to put in front of the status line srcs (list): status signal sources tags (list): status signal tags filt (list): filter function for the signals fmt: if not ``None``, specifies a function which takes 3 arguments (signal source, tag, and value) and generates a status line text. """ self.add_text_label(name,label=label) def update_text(src, tag, value): self.v[name]=fmt(src,tag,value) if fmt is not None else value self._status_line_params[name]=(srcs,tags,update_text) threadprop.current_controller().subscribe_sync(update_text,srcs=srcs,tags=tags,filt=filt,limit_queue=10)
[docs] def update_status_line(self, name, thread=None, path=None): """ Update status line to the variable with the given `path` from the thread with the given `thread` name. If `thread` is ``None``, use ``srcs`` name provided upon creation. If `path` is ``None``, use ``tags`` name provided upon creation. """ srcs,tags,update_text=self._status_line_params[name] thread=thread or srcs path=path or tags try: ctl=controller.get_controller(thread,sync=False) value=ctl.get_variable(path) if value is not None: self.v[name]=update_text(srcs,tags,value) if update_text is not None else value except threadprop.NoControllerThreadError: pass