Source code for pylablib.core.gui.widgets.layout_manager

from .. import utils
from ...utils import py3, funcargparse

from .. import QtCore, QtWidgets

import contextlib

[docs]class IQLayoutManagedWidget: """ GUI widget which can manage layouts. Typically, first it is set up using :meth:`setup` method to specify the master layout kind; afterwards, widgets and sublayout can be added using :meth:`add_to_layout`. In addition, it can directly add named sublayouts using :meth:`add_sublayout` method. Abstract mix-in class, which needs to be added to a class inheriting from ``QWidget``. Alternatively, one can directly use :class:`QLayoutManagedWidget`, which already inherits from ``QWidget``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self,QtWidgets.QWidget): raise RuntimeError("IQLayoutManagedWidget should be mixed with a QWidget class or subclass") super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.main_layout=None self._default_layout="main" def _make_new_layout(self, kind, *args, **kwargs): """Make a layout of the given kind""" if kind=="grid": return QtWidgets.QGridLayout(*args,**kwargs) if kind=="vbox": return QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(*args,**kwargs) if kind=="hbox": return QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(*args,**kwargs) raise ValueError("unrecognized layout kind: {}".format(kind)) def _set_main_layout(self): self.main_layout=self._make_new_layout(self.main_layout_kind,self) name=getattr(self,"name",None) self.main_layout.setObjectName(name+"_main_layout" if name else "main_layout") if self.no_margins: self.main_layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0)
[docs] def setup(self, layout="grid", no_margins=False): """ Setup the layout. Args: layout: layout kind; can be ``"grid"``, ``"vbox"`` (vertical single-column box), or ``"hbox"`` (horizontal single-row box). no_margins: if ``True``, set all layout margins to zero (useful when the widget is in the middle of layout hierarchy) """ self.main_layout_kind=layout self.no_margins=no_margins self._set_main_layout() self._sublayouts={"main":(self.main_layout,self.main_layout_kind)} self._spacers=[]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def using_layout(self, name): """Use a different sublayout as default inside the ``with`` block""" current_layout,self._default_layout=self._default_layout,name try: yield finally: self._default_layout=current_layout
def _normalize_location(self, location, default_location=None, default_layout=None): if location=="skip": return None,"skip" if not isinstance(location,(list,tuple)): location=() if location is None else (location,) if location and isinstance(location[0],py3.textstring) and location[0]!="next": lname,location=location[0],location[1:] else: lname=default_layout or self._default_layout layout,lkind=self._sublayouts[lname] if default_location is None: default_location=("next",0,1,1) location+=(None,)*(4-len(location)) location=[d if l is None else l for (l,d) in zip(location,default_location)] row,col,rowspan,colspan=location if lkind=="grid": row_cnt,col_cnt=layout.rowCount(),layout.columnCount() elif lkind=="vbox": col,colspan=0,1 row_cnt,col_cnt=layout.count(),1 else: if col==0: col=row if colspan==1: colspan=rowspan row,rowspan=0,1 row_cnt,col_cnt=1,layout.count() if lkind in {"grid","vbox"}: if row=="next": row=row_cnt if layout.count() else 0 else: row=(row%max(row_cnt,1) if row<0 else row) if rowspan=="end": rowspan=max(row_cnt-row,1) elif rowspan<0: rowspan=max(row_cnt+rowspan-row,1) if lkind in {"grid","hbox"}: if col=="next": col=col_cnt if layout.count() else 0 else: col=(col%max(col_cnt,1) if col<0 else col) if colspan=="end": colspan=max(col_cnt-col,1) elif colspan<0: colspan=max(col_cnt+colspan-col,1) return lname,(row,col,rowspan,colspan) def _insert_layout_element(self, lname, element, location, kind="widget"): layout,lkind=self._sublayouts[lname] if lkind=="grid": if kind=="widget": layout.addWidget(element,*location) elif kind=="item": layout.addItem(element,*location) elif kind=="layout": layout.addLayout(element,*location) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized element kind: {}".format(kind)) else: idx=location[0] if lkind=="vbox" else location[1] if lkind=="vbox" and (location[1]!=0 or location[3]!=1): raise ValueError("vbox layout only has one column") if lkind=="hbox" and (location[0]!=0 or location[2]!=1): raise ValueError("hbox layout only has one row") if kind=="widget": layout.insertWidget(idx,element) elif kind=="item": layout.insertItem(idx,element) elif kind=="layout": layout.insertLayout(idx,element) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized element kind: {}".format(kind))
[docs] def add_to_layout(self, element, location=None, kind="widget"): """ Add an existing `element` to the layout at the given `location`. `kind` can be ``"widget"`` for widgets, ``"layout"`` for other layouts, or ``"item"`` for layout items (spacers). """ lname,location=self._normalize_location(location) if location!="skip": self._insert_layout_element(lname,element,location,kind=kind) return element
[docs] def remove_layout_element(self, element): """Remove a previously added layout element""" for layout,_ in self._sublayouts.values(): idx=utils.find_layout_element(layout,element) if idx is not None: utils.delete_layout_item(layout,idx) return True return False
[docs] def get_element_position(self, element): """ Get the sublayout and the position of the given widget. Return tuple ``(sublayout, location)``, where ``sublayout`` is the sublayout name (``"name"`` for the main layout), and ``location`` is a tuple ``(row, column, rowspan, colspan)``. If the given widget is not in this layout, return ``None``. """ for name,(layout,kind) in self._sublayouts.items(): idx=utils.find_layout_element(layout,element) if idx is not None: if kind=="grid": location=layout.getItemPosition(idx) elif kind=="hbox": location=(0,idx,1,1) elif kind=="vbox": location=(idx,0,1,1) return name,location return None
[docs] def add_sublayout(self, name, kind="grid", location=None): """ Add a sublayout to the given location. `name` specifies the sublayout name, which can be used to refer to it in specifying locations later. `kind` can be ``"grid"``, ``"vbox"`` (vertical single-column box), or ``"hbox"`` (horizontal single-row box). """ if name in self._sublayouts: raise ValueError("sublayout {} already exists".format(name)) layout=self._make_new_layout(kind) layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) layout.setObjectName(name) self.add_to_layout(layout,location,kind="layout") self._sublayouts[name]=(layout,kind) return layout
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def using_new_sublayout(self, name, kind="grid", location=None): """ Create a different sublayout and use it as default inside the ``with`` block. `kind` can be ``"grid"``, ``"vbox"`` (vertical single-column box), or ``"hbox"`` (horizontal single-row box). """ self.add_sublayout(name,kind=kind,location=location) with self.using_layout(name): yield
[docs] def get_sublayout(self, name=None): """Get the previously added sublayout""" return self._sublayouts[name or self._default_layout][0]
def _iter_layout_items(self, layout, include, nested=False): for idx in range(layout.count()): item=layout.itemAt(idx) if item.widget() is not None and "widget" in include: yield "widget",item.widget() if item.layout() is not None: if "layout" in include: yield "layout",item.layout() if nested: for itm in self._iter_layout_items(item.layout(),include,nested=True): yield itm
[docs] def iter_sublayout_items(self, name=None, include=("widget",), nested=False): """ Iterate over items contained in a given sublayout. `include` is a tuple which contains items to iterate over; can include ``"widget"`` or ``"layout"``. If ``nested==True``, iterate over items in contained layouts as well. """ if include=="all": include=("widget","layout") elif not isinstance(include,(tuple,list)): include=(include,) include=set(include) if include-{"widget","layout"}: raise ValueError("unrecognized include kinds: {}".format(include-{"widgets","layout"})) for itm in self._iter_layout_items(self.get_sublayout(name=name),include,nested=nested): yield itm
[docs] def get_sublayout_kind(self, name=None): """Get the kind of the previously added sublayout""" return self._sublayouts[name or self._default_layout][1]
[docs] def get_layout_shape(self, name=None): """Get shape ``(rows, cols)`` of the current layout""" layout,kind=self._sublayouts[name or self._default_layout] if kind=="grid": return layout.rowCount(),layout.columnCount() elif kind=="hbox": return 1,layout.count() else: return layout.count(),1
[docs] def add_spacer(self, height=0, width=0, stretch_height=False, stretch_width=False, stretch=0, location="next"): """ Add a spacer with the given width and height to the given location. If ``stretch_height==True`` or ``stretch_width==True``, the widget will stretch in these directions; otherwise, the widget size is fixed. If `stretch` is not ``None``, it specifies stretch of the spacer the corresponding direction (applied to the upper row and leftmost column for multi-cell spacer); if `kind=="both"``, it can also be a tuple with two stretches along vertical and horizontal directions. """ spacer=QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(width,height, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding if stretch_width else QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding if stretch_height else QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) lname,lpos=self._normalize_location(location) self.add_to_layout(spacer,location,kind="item") self._spacers.append(spacer) # otherwise the reference is lost, and the object might be deleted if lname is not None: r,c=lpos[:2] layout,lkind=self._sublayouts[lname] if not isinstance(stretch,tuple): stretch=(stretch,stretch) if lkind=="grid": if stretch_height: layout.setRowStretch(r,stretch[0]) if stretch_width: layout.setColumnStretch(c,stretch[1]) elif lkind=="vbox" and stretch_height: layout.setStretch(r,stretch[0]) elif lkind=="hbox" and stretch_width: layout.setStretch(c,stretch[1]) return spacer
[docs] def add_padding(self, kind="auto", location="next", stretch=0): """ Add a padding (expandable spacer) of the given kind to the given location. `kind` can be ``"vertical"``, ``"horizontal"``, ``"auto"`` (vertical for ``grid`` and ``vbox`` layouts, horizontal for ``hbox``), or ``"both"`` (stretches in both directions). If `stretch` is not ``None``, it specifies stretch of the spacer the corresponding direction (applied to the upper row and leftmost column for multi-cell spacer); can also be a tuple with two stretches along vertical and horizontal directions. """ funcargparse.check_parameter_range(kind,"kind",{"auto","horizontal","vertical","both"}) if kind=="auto": lname,_=self._normalize_location(location) if lname is None: kind="vertical" else: _,lkind=self._sublayouts[lname] kind="horizontal" if lkind=="hbox" else "vertical" stretch_height=kind in {"vertical","both"} stretch_width=kind in {"horizontal","both"} return self.add_spacer(stretch_height=stretch_height,stretch_width=stretch_width,location=location,stretch=stretch)
def _normalize_stretch(self, args): if len(args)==1: return list(enumerate(args[0])) if len(args)==2: return [(args[0],args[1])] raise TypeError("method takes one or two positional arguments, {} supplied".format(len(args)))
[docs] def set_row_stretch(self, *args, layout=None): """ Set row stretch for a given layout. Takes either two arguments ``index`` and ``stretch``, or a single list of stretches for all rows. """ layout,lkind=self._sublayouts[layout or self._default_layout] for i,s in self._normalize_stretch(args): if lkind=="grid": layout.setRowStretch(i,s) elif lkind=="vbox": layout.setStretch(i,s) else: raise ValueError("only gird and vbox layout support column stretch")
[docs] def set_column_stretch(self, *args, layout=None): """ Set column stretch for a given layout. Takes either two arguments ``index`` and ``stretch``, or a single list of stretches for all columns. """ layout,lkind=self._sublayouts[layout or self._default_layout] for i,s in self._normalize_stretch(args): if lkind=="grid": layout.setColumnStretch(i,s) elif lkind=="hbox": layout.setStretch(i,s) else: raise ValueError("only gird and hbox layout support column stretch")
[docs] def add_decoration_label(self, text, location="next"): """Add a decoration text label with the given text""" label=QtWidgets.QLabel(self) label.setText(str(text)) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.add_to_layout(label,location) return label
[docs] def insert_row(self, row, sublayout=None, stretch=0): """Insert a new row at the given location in the grid layout""" layout,kind=self._sublayouts[sublayout or self._default_layout] if kind!="grid": raise ValueError("can add rows only to grid layouts (vbox layouts work automatically)") utils.insert_layout_row(layout,row%(layout.rowCount() or 1),stretch=stretch)
[docs] def insert_column(self, col, sublayout=None, stretch=0): """Insert a new column at the given location in the grid layout""" layout,kind=self._sublayouts[sublayout or self._default_layout] if kind!="grid": raise ValueError("can add columns only to grid layouts (hbox layouts work automatically)") utils.insert_layout_column(layout,col%(layout.colCount() or 1),stretch=stretch)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the layout and remove all the added elements""" utils.clean_layout(self.main_layout,delete_layout=True) if self.main_layout is not None: self._set_main_layout() self._sublayouts={"main":(self.main_layout,self.main_layout_kind)} self._spacers=[]
[docs]class QLayoutManagedWidget(IQLayoutManagedWidget, QtWidgets.QWidget): """ GUI widget which can manage layouts. Typically, first it is set up using :meth:`setup` method to specify the master layout kind; afterwards, widgets and sublayout can be added using :meth:`add_to_layout`. In addition, it can directly add named sublayouts using :meth:`add_sublayout` method. Simply a combination of :class:`IQLayoutManagedWidget` and ``QWidget``. """