Source code for pylablib.core.gui.widgets.label

from .. import QtWidgets, Signal

from ..limiter import as_limiter, LimitError, NumberLimit
from ..formatter import as_formatter, str_to_float

[docs]class TextLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ Labview-style text label. The main difference from the standard ``QLabel`` is the changed event. """ def __init__(self, parent, value=None): super().__init__(parent) self._value=None if value is not None: self.set_value(value) clicked=Signal()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, ev): self.clicked.emit() return super().mousePressEvent(ev)
value_changed=Signal(object) """Signal emitted when value is changed"""
[docs] def get_value(self): """Get current numerical value""" return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set and display current text value""" if value is not None: if self._value!=value: self._value=value self.setText(str(self._value)) self.value_changed.emit(self._value)
[docs]class EnumLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ Labview-style label for enumerated values. Can automatically convert input enum values into corresponding text labels based on the `options` dictionary. Can also specify a function which takes a single value argument and converts into a enum value before checking `options`; useful for "fuzzy" options (e.g., when 0 and ``False`` mean the same thing) """ def __init__(self, parent, options, value=None, prep=None): super().__init__(parent) self._value=None self._options=options if isinstance(options,dict) else dict(zip(range(len(options)),options)) self._out_of_range_action="error" self._prep=prep if value is not None: self.set_value(value) clicked=Signal()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, ev): self.clicked.emit() return super().mousePressEvent(ev)
[docs] def set_out_of_range(self, action="error"): """ Set behavior when out-of-range value is applied. Can be ``"error"`` (raise error), ``"text"`` (turn value into text and display it), or ``"ignore"`` (keep current value). """ if action not in ["error","text","ignore"]: raise ValueError("unrecognized out-of-range action: {}".format(action)) self._out_of_range_action=action
[docs] def set_options(self, options, value=None, index=None): """ Set new set of options. If `index_values` is not ``None``, set these as the new index values; otherwise, index values are reset. If `options` is a dictionary, interpret it as a mapping ``{option: index_value}``. If `value` is specified, set as the new values. If `index` is specified, use it as the index of a new value; if both `value` and `index` are specified, the `value` takes priority. """ self._options=options if isinstance(options,dict) else dict(zip(range(len(options)),options)) if value is not None: self.set_value(value) elif index is not None: self.set_value(list(self._options)[index]) else: self.set_value(self._value)
value_changed=Signal(object) """Signal emitted when value is changed"""
[docs] def get_value(self): """Get current numerical value""" return self._value
def _prepare_value(self, value): if self._prep is not None: value=self._prep(value) if value not in self._options: if self._out_of_range_action=="ignore": return None elif self._out_of_range_action=="error": raise ValueError("value {} is not among available option {}".format(value,list(self._options))) else: value=str(value) return value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set and display current text value""" if value is not None: value=self._prepare_value(value) if value is None: return self.setText(self._options.get(value,value)) if self._value!=value: self._value=value self.value_changed.emit(self._value)
[docs] def repr_value(self, value): """Return representation of `value` as a combo box text""" if value is not None: value=self._prepare_value(value) if value is None: return None return self._options.get(value,value)
[docs]class NumLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ Labview-style numerical label. Supports different number representations and metric prefixes. Args: parent: parent widget value: initial value (``None`` means no value is set) limiter: number limiter (for details, see :meth:`set_limiter`) formatter: number formatter (for details, see :meth:`set_formatter`) allow_text: if ``True``, can also take text values (which are displayed as is); otherwise, raise an error. """ def __init__(self, parent, value=None, limiter=None, formatter=None, allow_text=True): super().__init__(parent) self.limiter=as_limiter(limiter) self.formatter=as_formatter(formatter) self._value=None self.allow_text=allow_text if value is not None: self.set_value(value) clicked=Signal()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, ev): self.clicked.emit() return super().mousePressEvent(ev)
[docs] def set_limiter(self, limiter, new_value=None): """ Change current numerical limiter. Limiter can be a callable object which takes a single value and either returns a limited value, or raises :exc:`.limiter.LimitError` if it should be ignored; or it can be a tuple ``(lower, upper, action, value_type)``, where ``lower`` and ``upper`` are the limits (``None`` means no limits), ``action`` defines out-of-limit action (either ``"ignore"`` to ignore entered value, or ``"coerce"`` to truncate to the nearest limit), and ``value_type`` can be ``None`` (keep value as is), ``"float"`` (cast value to float), ``"int"`` (cast value to int). If the tuple is shorter, the missing parts are filled by default values ``(None, None, "ignore", None)``. """ self.limiter=as_limiter(limiter) if new_value is None: new_value=self._value new_value=self._coerce_value(new_value,coerce_on_limit=True) if new_value!=self._value: self.set_value(new_value)
[docs] def set_formatter(self, formatter): """ Change current numerical formatter. Formatter can be a callable object turning value into a string, a string (``"float"``, ``"int"``, or a format string, e.g., ``".5f"``), or a tuple starting with ``"float"`` which contains arguments to the :class:`.formatter.FloatFormatter`. """ self.formatter=as_formatter(formatter) self.set_value(None)
[docs] def set_float_formatter(self, output_format="auto", digits=9, add_trailing_zeros=True, leading_zeros=0, explicit_sign=False): """ Set up float formatter. Has the same functionality as :meth:`set_formatter` (i.e., ``set_float_formatter(*args)`` is equivalent to ``set_formatter(("float",)+args)``), but explicitly lists the arguments. Args: output_format(str): can be ``"auto"`` (use standard Python conversion), ``"SI"`` (use SI prefixes if possible), or ``"sci"`` (scientific "E" notation). digits (int): if ``add_trailing_zeros==False``, determines the number of significant digits; otherwise, determines precision (number of digits after decimal point). add_trailing_zeros (bool): if ``True``, always show fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with zero padding if necessary. leading_zeros (bool): determines the minimal size of the integer part (before the decimal point) of the number; pads with zeros if necessary. explicit_sign (bool): if ``True``, always add explicit plus sign. """ self.set_formatter(("float",output_format,digits,add_trailing_zeros,leading_zeros,explicit_sign))
def _coerce_value(self, value, coerce_on_limit=False): for _ in range(10): str_value=self.formatter(value) num_value=str_to_float(str_value) try: new_value=self.limiter(num_value) except LimitError: if coerce_on_limit and isinstance(self.limiter,NumberLimit): if self.limiter.range[0] is not None and num_value<self.limiter.range[0]: new_value=self.limiter.range[0] else: new_value=self.limiter.range[1] else: raise if new_value==value: return new_value value=new_value raise ValueError("couldn't coerce the new value")
[docs] def repr_value(self, value): """Return representation of `value` according to the current numerical format""" return self.formatter(value)
value_changed=Signal(object) """Signal emitted when value is changed"""
[docs] def get_value(self): """Get current numerical value""" return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set and display current numerical value""" if value is not None: if self._value==value: return True try: if isinstance(value,str): if self.allow_text: self._value=value self.setText(self._value) else: raise ValueError("this label doesn't accept text values") else: value=self.limiter(value) self._value=value self.setText(self.formatter(self._value)) self.value_changed.emit(self._value) return True except LimitError: pass if self._value is not None: self.setText(self.formatter(self._value)) return False