Source code for pylablib.core.gui.widgets.container

from ...utils import general, dictionary
from .. import value_handling
from ..value_handling import _hasattr
from .. import QtCore, QtWidgets, Signal
from ...thread import controller
from .layout_manager import IQLayoutManagedWidget

import collections

[docs]class IQContainer: """ Basic controller object which combines and controls several other widget. Can either corresponds to a widget (e.g., a frame or a group box), or simply be an organizing entity. Args: name: entity name (used by default when adding this object to a values table) Abstract mix-in class, which needs to be added to a class inheriting from ``QObject``. Alternatively, one can directly use :class:`QContainer`, which already inherits from ``QObject``. """ TimerUIDGenerator=general.NamedUIDGenerator(thread_safe=True) def __init__(self, *args, name=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self,QtCore.QObject): raise RuntimeError("IQContainer should be mixed with a QObject class or subclass") super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.setup_name(name) self._timers={} self._timer_events={} self._running=False self._stopping=False self._children=dictionary.Dictionary() self.gui_values=value_handling.GUIValues() self.ctl=None self.c=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_child) self.w=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_widget) self.v=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_value,self.set_value) self.i=dictionary.ItemAccessor(self.get_indicator,self.set_indicator) _ignore_set_values=[] _ignore_get_values=[] contained_value_changed=Signal(object,object)
[docs] def setup_name(self, name): """Set the object's name""" if name is not None: self.setObjectName(name) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def setup(self, name=None): """Setup the container by initializing its GUI values and setting the ``ctl`` attribute""" if is None: self.setup_name(name) self.ctl=controller.get_gui_controller()
[docs] def add_timer(self, name, period, autostart=True): """ Add a periodic timer with the given `name` and `period`. Rarely needs to be called explicitly (one is created automatically if timer event is created). If ``autostart==True`` and the container has been started (by calling :meth:`start` method), start the timer as well. """ if name is None: while True: name=self.TimerUIDGenerator("timer") if name not in self._timers: break if name in self._timers: raise ValueError("timer {} already exists".format(name)) timer=QtCore.QTimer(self) timer.timeout.connect(controller.exsafe(lambda: self._on_timer(name))) self._timers[name]=TTimer(name,period,timer) if self._running and autostart: self.start_timer(name) return name
def _get_timer(self, name): if name not in self._timers: raise KeyError("timer {} does not exist".format(name)) return self._timers[name]
[docs] def start_timer(self, name): """Start the timer with the given name (also called automatically on :meth:`start` method)""" if not self.is_timer_running(name): self._call_timer_events(name,"start") _,period,timer=self._get_timer(name) timer.start(max(int(period*1000),1))
[docs] def stop_timer(self, name): """Stop the timer with the given name (also called automatically on :meth:`stop` method)""" running=self.is_timer_running(name) _,_,timer=self._get_timer(name) if running: timer.stop() self._call_timer_events(name,"stop")
[docs] def is_timer_running(self, name): """Check if the timer with the given name is running""" _,_,timer=self._get_timer(name) return timer.isActive()
def _on_timer(self, name): self._call_timer_events(name,"loop")
[docs] def add_timer_event(self, name, loop=None, start=None, stop=None, period=None, timer=None, autostart=True): """ Add timer event with the given `name`. Add an event which should be called periodically (e.g., a GUI update). Internally implemented through Qt timers. `loop`, `start` and `stop` are the functions called, correspondingly, on timer (periodically), when timer is start, and when it's finished. One can either specify the timer by name (`timer` parameter), or create a new one with the given `period`. If ``autostart==True`` and the container has been started (by calling :meth:`start` method), start the timer as well. """ if timer is None and period is None: raise ValueError("either a period or a timer name should be provided") if name in self._timer_events: raise ValueError("timer event {} already exists".format(name)) if timer is None: timer=self.add_timer(None,period,autostart=autostart) if start is not None and self.is_timer_running(timer): start() self._timer_events[name]=TTimerEvent(start,loop,stop,timer) return timer
def _call_timer_events(self, timer, meth="loop"): t=self._get_timer(timer).timer for evt in self._timer_events.values(): if evt.timer==timer: if meth=="start" and evt.start is not None: evt.start() elif meth=="stop" and evt.stop is not None: evt.stop() elif evt.loop is not None and t.isActive(): # discard all possible after-stop queued events evt.loop()
[docs] def add_child_values(self, name, widget, path, add_change_event=True): """ Add child's values to the container's table. If `widget` is a container and ``path==""`` or ends in ``"/*"`` (e.g., ``"subpath/*"``), use its ``setup_gui_values`` to make it share the same GUI values; otherwise, simply add it to the GUI values under the given path. if ``add_change_event==True``, changing of the widget's value emits the container's ``contained_value_changed`` event """ path=self._normalize_name(path) if path=="" or path=="*" or path.endswith("/*"): if path.endswith("*"): path=path[:-1] self.gui_values.add_widget((path,"."+name),widget) else: self.gui_values.add_widget(path,widget) if add_change_event: if _hasattr(widget,"value_changed"): widget.value_changed.connect(lambda value: self.contained_value_changed.emit(path,value)) elif _hasattr(widget,"contained_value_changed"): widget.contained_value_changed.connect(lambda name,value: self.contained_value_changed.emit(self._normalize_name((path,name)),value))
def _setup_child_name(self, widget, name): if name is None: name=getattr(widget,"name",None) if name is None: raise ValueError("widget name must be provided") elif _hasattr(widget,"setup_name"): widget.setup_name(name) return name
[docs] def add_child(self, name, widget, gui_values_path=True, add_change_event=True): """ Add a contained child widget. If `gui_values_path` is ``False`` or ``None``, do not add it to the GUI values table; if it is ``True``, add it under the same root (``path==""``) if it's a container, and under `name` if it's not; otherwise, ``gui_values_path`` specifies the path under which the widget values are stored. if ``add_change_event==True``, changing of the widget's value emits the container's ``contained_value_changed`` event """ name=self._setup_child_name(widget,name) if name in self._children: raise ValueError("child {} is already present".format(name)) if gui_values_path!=False and gui_values_path is not None: if gui_values_path==True: gui_values_path="" if _hasattr(widget,"get_all_values") else name self.add_child_values(name,widget,gui_values_path,add_change_event=add_change_event) else: gui_values_path=None self._children[name]=TChild(name,widget,gui_values_path) return widget
[docs] def get_child(self, name): """Get the child widget with the given name""" path,subpath=self._children.get_max_prefix(name,kind="leaf") if path: return self._children[path].widget.get_child(subpath) if subpath else self._children[path].widget raise KeyError("can't find widget {}".format(name))
def _clear_child(self, child): if _hasattr(child.widget,"clear"): child.widget.clear() if child.gui_values_path is not None: try: self.gui_values.remove_handler(child.gui_values_path,remove_indicator=True,disconnect=True) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def remove_child(self, name): """Remove child from the container and clear it""" path,subpath=self._children.get_max_prefix(name,kind="leaf") if path: if subpath: return self._children[path].widget.remove_child(subpath) ch=self._children.pop(path) self._clear_child(ch) else: raise KeyError("can't find widget {}".format(name))
[docs] def add_virtual_element(self, name, value=None, multivalued=False, add_indicator=True): """ Add a virtual value element. Doesn't correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view (its value can be set or read, it has on-change events, it can have indicator). The element value is simply stored on set and retrieved on get. If ``multivalued==True``, the internal value is assumed to be complex, so it is forced to be a :class:`.Dictionary` every time it is set. If ``add_indicator==True``, add default indicator handler as well. """ self.gui_values.add_virtual_element(name,value=value,multivalued=multivalued,add_indicator=add_indicator)
[docs] def add_property_element(self, name, getter=None, setter=None, add_indicator=True): """ Add a property value element. Doesn't correspond to any actual widget, but behaves very similarly from the application point of view; each time the value is set or get, the corresponding setter and getter methods are called. If ``add_indicator==True``, add default (stored value) indicator handler as well. """ self.gui_values.add_property_element(name,getter=getter,setter=setter,add_indicator=add_indicator)
@controller.exsafe def start(self): """ Start the container. Starts all the internal timers, and calls ``start`` method for all the contained widgets. """ if self._running: return for ch in self._children.iternodes(): if _hasattr(ch.widget,"start"): ch.widget.start() for n in self._timers: self.start_timer(n) self._stopping=False self._running=True def _notify_stop(self): if not self._stopping: self._stopping=True for ch in self._children.iternodes(): if _hasattr(ch.widget,"_notify_stop"): ch.widget._notify_stop() @controller.exsafe def stop(self): """ Stop the container. Stops all the internal timers, and calls ``stop`` method for all the contained widgets. """ if not self._running: return self._notify_stop() self._running=False for n in self._timers: self.stop_timer(n) for ch in self._children.iternodes(): if _hasattr(ch.widget,"stop"): ch.widget.stop()
[docs] def is_running(self): """Check if the container is running (started and not yet stopped)""" return self._running
[docs] def is_stopping(self): """Check if the container is stopping (stopping initialized and not yet done)""" return self._stopping
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the container. Stop all timers and widgets, and call ``clear`` methods of all contained widgets, remove all widgets from the values table, remove all widgets from the table. """ if self._running: self.stop() for ch in self._children.paths(): self.remove_child(ch) self._children=dictionary.Dictionary()
def _filter_values(self, values, exclude): if exclude and any(k in values for k in exclude): values=values.copy() for v in exclude: if v in values: del values[v] return values def _normalize_name(self, name): if isinstance(name,tuple): name=dictionary.normalize_path(name) if isinstance(name,(list,tuple)): return "/".join(name) return name
[docs] def get_handler(self, name): """Get value handler of a widget with the given name""" return self.gui_values.get_handler(name)
[docs] def get_widget(self, name): """Get a widget corresponding to a value with the given name""" return self.gui_values.get_widget(name)
[docs] def get_value(self, name=None): """Get value of a widget with the given name (``None`` means all values)""" return self.gui_values.get_value(name)
[docs] def get_all_values(self): """Get values of all widget in the container""" return self._filter_values(self.gui_values.get_all_values(),self._ignore_get_values)
[docs] def set_value(self, name, value): """Set value of a widget with the given name (``None`` means all values)""" return self.gui_values.set_value(name,value)
[docs] def set_all_values(self, value): """Set values of all widgets in the container""" return self.gui_values.set_all_values(self._filter_values(value,self._ignore_set_values))
[docs] def get_value_changed_signal(self, name): """Get a value-changed signal for a widget with the given name""" return self.gui_values.get_value_changed_signal(name)
[docs] def update_value(self, name=None): """ Send update signal for a handler with a given name or list of names. Emit a value changed signal with the current value to notify the subscribed slots. If `name` is ``None``, emit for all values in the table. """ return self.gui_values.update_value(name=name)
[docs] def get_indicator(self, name=None): """Get indicator value for a widget with the given name (``None`` means all indicators)""" return self.gui_values.get_indicator(name)
[docs] def get_all_indicators(self): """Get indicator values of all widget in the container""" return self.gui_values.get_all_indicators()
[docs] def set_indicator(self, name, value, ignore_missing=False): """Set indicator value for a widget or a branch with the given name""" return self.gui_values.set_indicator(name,value,ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def set_all_indicators(self, value, ignore_missing=True): return self.gui_values.set_all_indicators(value,ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def update_indicators(self): """Update all indicators to represent current values""" return self.gui_values.update_indicators()
[docs]class QContainer(IQContainer, QtCore.QObject): """ Basic controller object which combines and controls several other widget. Can either corresponds to a widget (e.g., a frame or a group box), or simply be an organizing entity. Args: name: entity name (used by default when adding this object to a values table) Simply a combination of :class:`IQContainer` and ``QObject``. """
[docs]class IQWidgetContainer(IQLayoutManagedWidget, IQContainer): """ Generic widget container. Combines :class:`IQContainer` management of GUI values and timers with :class:`.IQLayoutManagedWidget` management of the contained widget's layout. Typically, adding widget adds them both to the container values and to the layout; however, this can be skipped by either using :meth:`.QLayoutManagedWidget.add_to_layout` (only add to the layout), or specifying ``location="skip"`` in :meth:`add_child` (only add to the container). Abstract mix-in class, which needs to be added to a class inheriting from ``QWidget``. Alternatively, one can directly use :class:`QWidgetContainer`, which already inherits from ``QWidget``. """
[docs] def setup(self, layout="vbox", no_margins=False, name=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed IQContainer.setup(self,name=name) IQLayoutManagedWidget.setup(self,layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins)
[docs] def add_child(self, name, widget, location=None, gui_values_path=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed """ Add a contained child widget. `name` specifies the child storage name; if ``name==False``, only add the widget to they layout, but not to the container. `location` specifies the layout location to which the widget is added; if ``location=="skip"``, skip adding it to the layout (can be manually added later). Note that if the widget is added to the layout, it will be completely deleted when ``clear`` or ``remove_child`` methods are called; otherwise, simply its ``clear`` method will be called, and its GUI values will be deleted. If `gui_values_path` is ``False`` or ``None``, do not add it to the GUI values table; if it is ``True``, add it under the same root (``path==""``) if it's a container, and under `name` if it's not; otherwise, ``gui_values_path`` specifies the path under which the widget values are stored. """ if name!=False: IQContainer.add_child(self,name=name,widget=widget,gui_values_path=gui_values_path) if isinstance(widget,QtWidgets.QWidget): IQLayoutManagedWidget.add_to_layout(self,widget,location=location) return widget
[docs] def remove_child(self, name): """Remove widget from the container and the layout, clear it, and remove it""" if name in self._children: widget=self._children[name].widget IQContainer.remove_child(self,name) IQLayoutManagedWidget.remove_layout_element(self,widget) else: IQContainer.remove_child(self,name)
[docs] def add_frame(self, name, layout="vbox", location=None, gui_values_path=True, no_margins=True): """ Add a new frame container to the layout. `layout` specifies the layout (``"vbox"``, ``"hbox"``, or ``"grid"``) of the new frame, and `location` specifies its location within the container layout. If ``no_margins==True``, the frame will have no inner layout margins. The other parameters are the same as in :meth:`add_child` method. """ frame=QFrameContainer(self) self.add_child(name,frame,location=location,gui_values_path=gui_values_path) frame.setup(layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins) return frame
[docs] def add_group_box(self, name, caption, layout="vbox", location=None, gui_values_path=True, no_margins=True): """ Add a new group box container with the given `caption` to the layout. `layout` specifies the layout (``"vbox"``, ``"hbox"``, or ``"grid"``) of the new frame, and `location` specifies its location within the container layout. If ``no_margins==True``, the frame will have no inner layout margins. The other parameters are the same as in :meth:`add_child` method. """ group_box=QGroupBoxContainer(self) self.add_child(name,group_box,location=location,gui_values_path=gui_values_path) group_box.setup(caption=caption,layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins) return group_box
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the container. All the timers are stopped, all the contained widgets are cleared and removed. """ IQContainer.clear(self) IQLayoutManagedWidget.clear(self)
[docs]class QWidgetContainer(IQWidgetContainer, QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Generic widget container. Combines :class:`IQContainer` management of GUI values and timers with :class:`.IQLayoutManagedWidget` management of the contained widget's layout. Typically, adding widget adds them both to the container values and to the layout; however, this can be skipped by either using :meth:`.QLayoutManagedWidget.add_to_layout` (only add to the layout), or specifying ``location="skip"`` in :meth:`add_child` (only add to the container). Simply a combination of :class:`IQWidgetContainer` and ``QWidget``. """
[docs]class QFrameContainer(IQWidgetContainer, QtWidgets.QFrame): """An extension of :class:`IQWidgetContainer` for a ``QFrame`` Qt base class"""
[docs]class QDialogContainer(IQWidgetContainer, QtWidgets.QDialog): """An extension of :class:`IQWidgetContainer` for a ``QDialog`` Qt base class"""
[docs]class QGroupBoxContainer(IQWidgetContainer, QtWidgets.QGroupBox): """An extension of :class:`IQWidgetContainer` for a ``QGroupBox`` Qt base class"""
[docs] def setup(self, caption=None, layout="vbox", no_margins=False, name=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed super().setup(layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins,name=name) if caption is not None: self.setTitle(caption)
[docs]class QScrollAreaContainer(IQContainer, QtWidgets.QScrollArea): """ An extension of :class:`IQWidgetContainer` for a ``QScrollArea`` Qt base class. Due to Qt organization, this container is "intermediate": it contains only a single :class:`QWidgetContainer` widget (named ``"widget"``), which in turn has all of the standard container traits: layout, multiple widgets, etc. Hence, when dealing with any container methods (adding children, changing layout, etc.), this widget (accessible with ``.widget()`` method) should be used. """
[docs] class QContainedWidget(QWidgetContainer): @controller.exsafe def resizeEvent(self, event): scroll_container=getattr(self,"scroll_container",None) if scroll_container is not None: margins=scroll_container.getContentsMargins() if getattr(self,"hfix",False): scroll_container.setMinimumWidth(self.minimumSizeHint().width()+scroll_container.verticalScrollBar().width()+margins[0]+margins[2]) if getattr(self,"vfix",False): scroll_container.setMinimumHeight(self.minimumSizeHint().height()+scroll_container.horizontalScrollBar().height()+margins[1]+margins[3]) return super().resizeEvent(event)
[docs] def setup(self, layout="vbox", no_margins=False, name=None, fix_width=True, fix_height=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed """ Setup the container. `layout` specifies the container layout, `no_margins` determines whether margins within the container are removed, `name` specifies the widget name (if not specified yet). `fix_width` and `fix_height` determine whether the corresponding direction behaves as a scroll window (i.e., the size is fixed when the content changes), or as a standard widget container (the size is determined by the content). """ super().setup(name=name) self.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) self.setWidgetResizable(True) self._cont=self.QContainedWidget(self) self._cont.scroll_container=self self._cont.hfix=fix_width self._cont.vfix=fix_height self._cont.setup(layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins,name="widget") self.add_child("widget",self._cont) self.setWidget(self._cont)
[docs] def clear(self): cont=self.widget() if cont is not None: cont.clear()
[docs]class QTabContainer(IQContainer, QtWidgets.QTabWidget): """ Container which manages tab widget. Does not have its own layout, but can add or remove tabs, which are represented as :class:`QFrameContainer` widgets. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._tabs={} def _insert_tab(self, tab, caption, index): if index is None: index=self.count() elif index<0: index=index%self.count() else: index=min(index,self.count()) self.insertTab(index,tab,caption)
[docs] def add_tab(self, name, caption, index=None, widget=None, layout="vbox", gui_values_path=True, no_margins=True): """ Add a new tab container with the given `caption` to the widget. `index` specifies the new tab's index (``None`` means adding to the end, negative values count from the end). If `widget` is ``None``, create a new frame widget using the given `layout` (``"vbox"``, ``"hbox"``, or ``"grid"``) and `no_margins` (specifies whether the frame has inner margins) arguments; otherwise, use the supplied widget. The other parameters are the same as in :meth:`add_child` method. """ if name in self._tabs: raise ValueError("tab {} already exists".format(name)) if widget is None: widget=QFrameContainer(self) self.add_child(name=name,widget=widget,gui_values_path=gui_values_path) widget.setup(layout=layout,no_margins=no_margins) else: self.add_child(name=name,widget=widget,gui_values_path=gui_values_path) self._insert_tab(widget,caption,index) self._tabs[name]=widget return widget
[docs] def remove_tab(self, name): """ Remove a tab with the given name. Clear it, remove its GUI values, and delete it and all contained widgets. """ super().remove_child(name) frame=self._tabs.pop(name) idx=self.indexOf(frame) self.removeTab(idx) frame.deleteLater()
[docs] def clear(self): for n in list(self._tabs): self.remove_tab(n) super().clear()
[docs] def get_current_name(self): """Get current tab name""" tab=self.currentWidget() for n,w in self._tabs.items(): if tab is w: return n
[docs] def set_by_name(self, name): """Set tab by name""" tab=self.c[name] self.setCurrentIndex(self.indexOf(tab))