Source code for pylablib.core.gui.widgets.combo_box

from .. import QtWidgets, Signal

[docs]class ComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): """ Expanded combo box. Maintains internally stored consistent value (which can be, e.g., accessed from different threads). Allows setting values which are reported via ``value_changed`` signal instead of simple indices. """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.activated.connect(self._on_index_changed) self._index=-1 self._index_values=None self._out_of_range_action="error" self._direct_index_action="ignore"
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): event.ignore()
[docs] def set_out_of_range(self, action="error"): """ Set behavior when out-of-range value is applied. Can be ``"error"`` (raise error), ``"reset"`` (reset to no-value position), ``"reset_start"`` (reset to the first position) or ``"ignore"`` (keep current value). """ if action not in ["error","reset","reset_start","ignore"]: raise ValueError("unrecognized out-of-range action: {}".format(action)) self._out_of_range_action=action
[docs] def set_direct_index_action(self, action="error"): """ Set behavior when index values are specified, but direct indexing is used. Can be ``"ignore"`` (do not allow direct indexing and treat any value as index value), ``"value_default"`` (allow direct indexing, but prioritize index values with the same value), or ``"index_default"`` (allow direct indexing and prioritize it if index value with the same value exists). """ if action not in ["ignore","value_default","index_default"]: raise ValueError("unrecognized direct index action: {}".format(action)) self._direct_index_action=action
[docs] def index_to_value(self, idx): """Turn numerical index into value""" if (self._index_values is None) or (idx<0) or (idx>=len(self._index_values)): return idx else: return self._index_values[idx]
[docs] def value_to_index(self, value): """Turn value into a numerical index""" try: if value==-1 or self._index_values is None: return value if isinstance(value,int) and value>=0 and value<len(self._index_values): if self._direct_index_action=="value_default" and value in self._index_values: return self._index_values.index(value) if self._direct_index_action!="ignore": return value return self._index_values.index(value) except ValueError as err: if self._out_of_range_action=="error": raise ValueError("value {} is not among available options {}".format(value,self._index_values)) from err if self._out_of_range_action=="reset_start": return 0 return -1
def _on_index_changed(self, index): if self._index!=index: self._index=index self.value_changed.emit(self.index_to_value(self._index))
[docs] def set_index_values(self, index_values, value=None, index=None): """ Set a list of values corresponding to combo box indices. Can be either a list of values, whose length must be equal to the number of options, or ``None`` (simply use indices). Note: if the number of combo box options changed (e.g., using ``addItem`` or ``insertItem`` methods), the index values need to be manually updated; otherwise, the errors might arise if the index is larger than the number of values. If `value` is specified, set as the new values. If `index` is specified, use it as the index of a new value; if both `value` and `index` are specified, the `value` takes priority. """ if index_values is not None: if len(index_values)!=self.count(): raise ValueError("number of values {} is different from the number of options {}".format(len(index_values),self.count())) if -1 in index_values: raise ValueError("index values {} contain -1, which is reserved to represent no selection".format(index_values)) curr_value=self.get_value() self._index_values=index_values if value is not None: self.set_value(value) elif index is not None: self.set_value(self.get_index_values()[index]) else: self._index=-1 self.setCurrentIndex(-1) try: self.set_value(curr_value) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def get_index_values(self): """Return the list of values corresponding to combo box indices""" return list(self._index_values) if self._index_values is not None else list(range(self.count()))
[docs] def get_options(self): """Return the list of labels corresponding to combo box indices""" return [self.itemText(i) for i in range(self.count())]
[docs] def get_options_dict(self): """Return the dictionary ``{value: label}`` of the option labels""" return dict(zip(self.get_index_values(),self.get_options()))
[docs] def set_options(self, options, index_values=None, value=None, index=None): """ Set new set of options. If `index_values` is not ``None``, set these as the new index values; otherwise, index values are reset. If `options` is a dictionary, interpret it as a mapping ``{option: index_value}``. If `value` is specified, set as the new values. If `index` is specified, use it as the index of a new value; if both `value` and `index` are specified, the `value` takes priority. """ while self.count(): self.removeItem(0) if isinstance(options,dict): index_values=list(options) options=[options[v] for v in index_values] self.addItems(options) self.set_index_values(index_values,value=value,index=index)
[docs] def insert_option(self, option, index_value=None, index=None): """ Insert or append a new option to the list Insertion (i.e., ``index is not None``) only works for index-valued combo boxes. """ if self._index_values is None: if index is not None: raise ValueError("insertion only works for index-valued combo boxes") self.set_options(self.get_options()+[option]) else: if index_value is None: raise ValueError("can not add None-valued element") options,index_values=self.get_options(),self.get_index_values() index=len(index_values) if index is None else index options.insert(index,option) index_values.insert(index,index_value) self.set_options(options,index_values)
value_changed=Signal(object) """Signal emitted when value is changed"""
[docs] def get_value(self): """Get current numerical value""" return self.index_to_value(self._index)
[docs] def set_value(self, value, notify_value_change=True): """ Set current value. If ``notify_value_change==True``, emit the `value_changed` signal; otherwise, change value silently. """ if not self.count() or value==-1: return False index=self.value_to_index(value) if self._out_of_range_action=="ignore" and index==-1: return False index=max(-1,min(index,self.count()-1)) if self._index!=index: self._index=index self.setCurrentIndex(self._index) if notify_value_change: self.value_changed.emit(self.index_to_value(self._index)) return True else: return False
[docs] def repr_value(self, value): """Return representation of `value` as a combo box text""" if value==-1: return "N/A" index=self.value_to_index(value) return self.itemText(index)