Source code for pylablib.core.dataproc.transform

import numpy as np

[docs]class LinearTransform: """ A generic linear transform which combines an affine transform with a given matrix and an additional shift. Args: tmatr: translational matrix (if ``None``, use a unity matrix) shift: added shift (if ``None``, use a zero shift) ndim: if both `tmatr` and `shift` are ``None``, specifies the dimensionality of the transform; otherwise, ignored """ def __init__(self, tmatr=None, shift=None, ndim=2): tmatr=np.asarray(tmatr) if tmatr is not None else None shift=np.asarray(shift) if shift is not None else None if tmatr is not None: ndim=tmatr.shape[0] elif shift is not None: ndim=shift.shape[0] self.tmatr=tmatr if tmatr is not None else np.eye(ndim) self.shift=shift if shift is not None else np.zeros(ndim) if self.tmatr.ndim!=2 or self.tmatr.shape[0]!=self.tmatr.shape[1]: raise ValueError("transformation matrix should be a 2D square array") if self.shift.ndim!=1: raise ValueError("shift should be a 1D array") if self.tmatr.shape[0]!=self.shift.shape[0]: raise ValueError("transformation matrix and shift should have the same size") def _build_new(self, tmatr, shift): return type(self)(tmatr,shift) def __call__(self, coord, shift=True): coord=np.asarray(coord) return,coord)+self.shift if shift else,coord)
[docs] def i(self, coord, shift=True): tmatr=np.linalg.inv(self.tmatr) return,coord),self.shift) if shift else,coord)
def _check_ndim(self, ndims): if self.tmatr.shape[0] not in ndims: raise ValueError("method only applies to dimensions {}".format(ndims))
[docs] def inverted(self): """Return inverted transformation""" tmatr=np.linalg.inv(self.tmatr),self.shift) return self._build_new(tmatr,shift)
[docs] def preceded(self, trans): """Return a combined transformation which result from applying this transformation followed by `trans`""" return trans.followed(self)
[docs] def followed(self, trans): """Return a combined transformation which result from applying `trans` followed by this transformation""",self.tmatr),self.shift) return self._build_new(tmatr,shift)
def _combined(self, trans, preceded): return self.preceded(trans) if preceded else self.followed(trans)
[docs] def shifted(self, shift, preceded=False): """Return a transform with an added shift before or after (depending of `preceded`) the current one""" return self._combined(LinearTransform(shift=shift),preceded)
[docs] def multiplied(self, mult, preceded=False): """ Return a transform with an added scaling before or after (depending of `preceded`) the current one. `mult` can be a single number (scale), a 1D vector (scaling for each axis independently), or a matrix. """ if np.ndim(mult)==0: tmatr=np.eye(self.tmatr.shape[0])*mult elif np.ndim(mult)==1: tmatr=np.diag(mult) else: tmatr=np.asarray(mult) return self._combined(LinearTransform(tmatr),preceded)
[docs] def rotated2d(self, deg, preceded=False): """ Return a transform with an added rotation before or after (depending of `preceded`) the current one. Only applies to 2D transforms. """ self._check_ndim(2) rad=deg*np.pi/180 tmatr=[[np.cos(rad),-np.sin(rad)],[np.sin(rad),np.cos(rad)]] return self.multiplied(tmatr,preceded=preceded)
[docs]class Indexed2DTransform(LinearTransform): """ A restriction of :class:`LinearTransform` which only applies to 2D and only allows rotations by multiples of 90 degrees. Args: tmatr: translational matrix (if ``None``, use a unity matrix) shift: added shift (if ``None``, use a zero shift) rigid: if ``True``, only allow orthogonal transforms, i.e., no scaling """ def __init__(self, tmatr=None, shift=None, rigid=False): super().__init__(tmatr=tmatr,shift=shift,ndim=2) self.rigid=rigid self._check_tmatr() def _check_tmatr(self): if self.tmatr.shape[0]!=2: raise ValueError("only 2D transform are allowed") if not (self.tmatr[0,0]==self.tmatr[1,1]==0 or self.tmatr[0,1]==self.tmatr[1,0]==0): raise ValueError("only 90 degree rotations and inversions are allowed") if self.rigid:,self.tmatr) if not np.all(pmatr==np.eye(2)): raise ValueError("only orthogonal transformations are allowed") def _build_new(self, tmatr, shift): return type(self)(tmatr,shift,rigid=self.rigid)
[docs] def rotated2d(self, deg, preceded=False): deg=deg%360 if deg%90!=0: raise ValueError("only 90 degree rotations are allowed") if deg==0: tmatr=[[1,0],[0,1]] elif deg==90: tmatr=[[0,-1],[1,0]] elif deg==180: tmatr=[[-1,0],[0,-1]] else: tmatr=[[0,1],[-1,0]] return self.multiplied(tmatr,preceded=preceded)