Source code for pylablib.core.dataproc.table_wrap

Utilities for uniform treatment of pandas tables and numpy arrays for functions which can deal with them both.

from ..utils.general import AccessIterator
from ..utils.array_utils import get_shape
from ..utils.indexing import ListIndex

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class IGenWrapper: """ The interface for a wrapper that gives a uniform access to basic methods of wrapped objects'. """ def __init__(self, container): self.cont=container def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.cont[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self.cont[idx]=val def __iter__(self): return self.cont.__iter__()
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" raise NotImplementedError("IGenWrapper.get_type")
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the object copy; otherwise, just return the copy. """ raise NotImplementedError("IGenWrapper.copy")
[docs] def ndim(self): return self.cont.ndim
[docs] def shape(self): return self.cont.shape
def __len__(self): return self.shape()[0]
[docs]class I1DWrapper(IGenWrapper): """ A wrapper containing a 1D object (a 1D numpy array or a pandas Series object). Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container): IGenWrapper.__init__(self,container) self.r=self.Accessor(self) self.t=self.Accessor(self)
[docs] class Accessor: """ An accessor: creates a simple uniform interface to treat the wrapped object element-wise (get/set/iterate over elements). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, wrapper): self._wrapper=wrapper def __iter__(self): return self._wrapper.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._wrapper.subcolumn(idx) def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._wrapper[idx]=val
[docs] def subcolumn(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subcolumn at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ raise NotImplementedError("I1DWrapper.subtable")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a 1D numpy array or a list). If ``force_copy==True``, make a copy of supplied array. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ raise NotImplementedError("I1DWrapper.from_array")
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns, column_names=None, index=None, wrapped=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `columns` (a list of columns; only length-1 lists is supported). `column_names` parameter is ignored. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ if len(columns)!=1: raise ValueError("Array1DWrapper only supports single columns, got {} columns".format(len(columns))) return cls.from_array(columns[0],index=index,wrapped=wrapped)
[docs] def array_replaced(self, array, force_copy=False, preserve_index=False, wrapped=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Return a copy of the column with the data replaced by `array`. All of the parameters are the same as in :meth:`from_array`. """ return self.from_array(array,index=self.get_index() if preserve_index else None,force_copy=force_copy,wrapped=wrapped)
[docs] def get_index(self): """Get index of the given 1D trace, or ``None`` if none is available""" return None
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" raise NotImplementedError("I1DWrapper.get_type")
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the object copy; otherwise, just return the copy. """ raise NotImplementedError("I1DWrapper.copy")
[docs] def ndim(self): return 1
[docs]class Array1DWrapper(I1DWrapper): """ A wrapper for a 1D numpy array. Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container): container=np.asarray(container) if container.ndim!=1: raise ValueError("Array1DWrapper only supports 1D arrays, got {}D array".format(container.ndim)) I1DWrapper.__init__(self,container)
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data at index `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=np.delete(self.cont,idx,axis=0) return Array1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): self.cont=self.get_deleted(idx)
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data `val` added at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=np.insert(self.cont,idx,val,axis=0) return Array1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def insert(self, idx, val): """Add data `val` to index `idx`""" self.cont=self.get_inserted(idx,val)
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data `val` appended at the end. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=np.append(self.cont,val,axis=0) return Array1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def append(self, val): """Append data `val` to the end""" self.cont=self.get_appended(val)
[docs] def subcolumn(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subcolumn at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ return Array1DWrapper(self.cont[idx]) if wrapped else self.cont[idx]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a 1D numpy array or a list). If ``force_copy==True``, make a copy of supplied array. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=np.array(array) if force_copy else np.asarray(array) return Array1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" return "1d.array"
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the object copy; otherwise, just return the copy. """ new_cont=self.cont.copy() return Array1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs]class Series1DWrapper(I1DWrapper): """ A wrapper for a pandas Series object. Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container): if not isinstance(container,pd.Series): container=pd.Series(container) I1DWrapper.__init__(self,container) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.cont.iloc[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self.cont.iloc[idx]=val
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data at index `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=self.cont.drop(self.cont.index[idx]) return Series1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): self.cont.drop(self.cont.index[idx],inplace=True)
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data `val` added at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=pd.concat([self.cont.iloc[:idx],pd.Series(val,copy=False),self.cont.iloc[idx:]]) return Series1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data `val` appended at the end. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=self.cont.append(val) return Series1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def subcolumn(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subcolumn at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ return Series1DWrapper(self.cont.iloc[idx]) if wrapped else self.cont.iloc[idx]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a 1D numpy array or a list). If ``force_copy==True``, make a copy of supplied array. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=pd.Series(array,index=index,copy=force_copy) return Series1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def get_index(self): """Get index of the given 1D trace, or ``None`` if none is available""" return self.cont.index
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" return "1d.series"
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the object copy; otherwise, just return the copy. """ new_cont=self.cont.copy() return Series1DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs]class I2DWrapper(IGenWrapper): """ A wrapper containing a 2D object (a 2D numpy array or a pandas DataFrame object). Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container, r=None, c=None, t=None): IGenWrapper.__init__(self,container) self.r=r self.c=c self.t=t
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns, column_names=None, index=None, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `columns` (a list of columns). `column_names` supplies names of the columns (only relevant for :class:`DataFrame2DWrapper`). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.from_columns")
[docs] def columns_replaced(self, columns, preserve_index=False, wrapped=False): """ Return copy of the object with the data replaced by `columns`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ return self.from_columns(columns,self.c.get_names(),index=self.get_index() if preserve_index else None,wrapped=wrapped)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, column_names=None, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a list of rows or a 2D numpy array). `column_names` supplies names of the columns (only relevant for :class:`DataFrame2DWrapper`). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.from_array")
[docs] def array_replaced(self, array, preserve_index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data replaced by `array`. All of the parameters are the same as in :meth:`from_array`. """ return self.from_array(array,self.c.get_names(),index=self.get_index() if preserve_index else None,force_copy=force_copy,wrapped=wrapped)
[docs] def get_index(self): """Get index of the given 2D table, or ``None`` if none is available""" return None
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.get_type")
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.copy")
[docs] def column(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Get a column at index `idx`. Return a 1D numpy array for a 2D numpy array object, and an Series object for a pandas DataFrame. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.column")
[docs] def subtable(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subtable at index `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ raise NotImplementedError("I2DWrapper.subtable")
[docs] def ndim(self): return 2
[docs]class Array2DWrapper(I2DWrapper): """ A wrapper for a 2D numpy array. Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container): container=np.asarray(container) if container.ndim!=2: raise ValueError("Array2DWrapper only supports 2D arrays, got {}D array".format(container.ndim)) I2DWrapper.__init__(self,container, self.RowAccessor(self,container),self.ColumnAccessor(self,container),self.TableAccessor(container))
[docs] def set_container(self,cont): self.cont=cont self.r._storage=cont self.c._storage=cont self.t._storage=cont
[docs] class RowAccessor: """ A row accessor: creates a simple uniform interface to treat the wrapped object row-wise (append/insert/delete/iterate over rows). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, wrapper, storage): self._wrapper=wrapper self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): return AccessIterator(self._storage,lambda obj,idx: obj[idx]) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage[idx]=val
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with the rows at `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.delete(self._storage,idx,axis=0) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_deleted(idx))
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new rows given by `val` inserted at `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.insert(self._storage,idx,val,axis=0) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def insert(self, idx, val): """ Insert new rows given by `val` at index `idx`. """ self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_inserted(idx,val))
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new rows given by `val` appended to the end of the table. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.append(self._storage,val,axis=0) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def append(self, val): """Insert new rows given by `val` to the end of the table""" self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_appended(val))
[docs] class ColumnAccessor: """ A column accessor: creates a simple uniform interface to treat the wrapped object column-wise (append/insert/delete/iterate over columns). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, wrapper, storage): self._wrapper=wrapper self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): return AccessIterator(self._storage,lambda obj,idx: obj[:,idx]) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage[:,idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage[:,idx]=val
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with the columns at `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.delete(self._storage,idx,axis=1) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_deleted(idx))
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new columns given by `val` inserted at `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.insert(self._storage,idx,val,axis=1) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def insert(self, idx, val): """ Insert new columns given by `val` at index `idx`. """ self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_inserted(idx,val))
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new columns given by `val` appended to the end of the table. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=np.append(self._storage,val,axis=1) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def append(self, val): """Insert new columns given by `val` to the end of the table""" self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_appended(val))
[docs] def set_names(self, names): """Set column names (does nothing)"""
[docs] def get_names(self): """Get column names (all names are ``None``)""" return [None]*self._storage.shape[1]
[docs] def get_column_index(self, idx): """Get number index for a given column index""" return (idx if idx>=0 else self._storage.shape[1]-idx)
[docs] class TableAccessor: """ A table accessor: accessing the table data through this interface returns an object of the appropriate type (numpy array for numpy wrapped object, and a DataFrame for a pandas DataFrame wrapped object). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, storage): self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): return AccessIterator(self) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage[idx]=val
[docs] def subtable(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subtable at index `idx` of the appropriate type (2D numpy array). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ return Array2DWrapper(self.cont[idx]) if wrapped else self.cont[idx]
[docs] def column(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Get a column at index `idx` as a 1D numpy array. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ return Array1DWrapper(self.cont[:,idx]) if wrapped else self.cont[:,idx]
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns, column_names=None, index=None, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `columns` (a list of columns). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. `column_names` parameter is ignored. """ new_cont=np.column_stack(columns) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, column_names=None, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a list of rows or a 2D numpy array). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. `column_names` parameter is ignored. """ new_cont=np.array(array) if force_copy else np.asarray(array) return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" return "2d.array"
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """ Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=self.cont.copy() return Array2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs]class DataFrame2DWrapper(I2DWrapper): """ A wrapper for a pandas DataFrame object. Provides a uniform access to basic methods of a wrapped object. """ def __init__(self, container): if not isinstance(container,pd.DataFrame): container=pd.DataFrame(container,copy=False) if container.ndim!=2: raise ValueError("DataFrame2DWrapper only supports 2D arrays, got {}D array".format(container.ndim)) I2DWrapper.__init__(self,container, self.RowAccessor(self,container),self.ColumnAccessor(self,container),self.TableAccessor(container)) def __getitem__(self, idx): res=self.cont.iloc[idx] return np.asarray(res) if len(get_shape(res))>0 else res def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self.cont.iloc[idx]=val
[docs] class RowAccessor: """ A row accessor: creates a simple uniform interface to treat the wrapped object row-wise (append/insert/delete/iterate over rows). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, wrapper, storage): self._wrapper=wrapper self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): return self._storage.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage.iloc[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage.iloc[idx]=val
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a copy of the column with the data at index `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ new_cont=self._storage.drop(self._storage.index[idx]) return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): self._storage.drop(self._storage.index[idx],inplace=True)
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new rows given by `val` inserted at `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=pd.concat([self._storage.iloc[:idx],pd.DataFrame(val,copy=False),self._storage.iloc[idx:]]) return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def insert(self, idx, val): """ Insert new rows given by `val` at index `idx`. """ self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_inserted(idx,val))
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new rows given by `val` appended to the end of the table. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=self._storage.append(val) return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def append(self, val): """Insert new rows given by `val` to the end of the table""" self._wrapper.set_container(self.get_appended(val))
[docs] class ColumnAccessor: """ A column accessor: creates a simple uniform interface to treat the wrapped object column-wise (append/insert/delete/iterate over columns). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, wrapper, storage): self._wrapper=wrapper self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): for _,c in self._storage.items(): yield c def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage.iloc[:,idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage.iloc[:,idx]=val
[docs] def get_deleted(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with the columns at `idx` deleted. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ try: new_cont=self._storage.drop(idx,axis="columns") except (TypeError,KeyError): new_cont=self._storage.drop(self._storage.columns[idx],axis="columns") return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
def __delitem__(self, idx): try: self._storage.drop(idx,axis="columns",inplace=True) except (TypeError,KeyError): self._storage.drop(self._storage.columns[idx],axis="columns",inplace=True)
[docs] def get_inserted(self, idx, val, column_name=None, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new columns given by `val` inserted at `idx`. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_wrap=self._wrapper.copy() new_wrap.insert(idx,val,column_name=column_name) return new_wrap if wrapped else new_wrap.cont
[docs] def insert(self, idx, val, column_name=None): """Insert new columns given by `val` at index `idx`""" if column_name is None: column_name=self._storage.shape[1] while column_name in self._storage.columns: column_name+=1 self._storage.insert(idx,column_name,val)
[docs] def get_appended(self, val, column_name=None, wrapped=False): """ Return a new table with new columns given by `val` appended to the end of the table. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ return self.get_inserted(-1,val,column_name=column_name,wrapped=wrapped)
[docs] def append(self, val, column_name=None): """Insert new columns given by `val` to the end of the table""" return self.insert(-1,val,column_name=column_name)
[docs] def set_names(self, names): """Set column names""" self._storage.columns=names
[docs] def get_names(self): """Get column names""" return list(self._storage.columns)
[docs] def get_column_index(self, idx): """Get number index for a given column index""" idx=ListIndex(idx,self.get_names()).idx return (idx if idx>=0 else self._storage.shape[1]-idx)
[docs] class TableAccessor: """ A table accessor: accessing the table data through this interface returns an object of the appropriate type (numpy array for numpy wrapped object, and a DataFrame for a pandas DataFrame wrapped object). Generated automatically for each table on creation, doesn't need to be created explicitly. """ def __init__(self, storage): self._storage=storage def __iter__(self): return self._storage.iloc.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._storage.iloc[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, val): self._storage.iloc[idx]=val
def _get_df_columns(self, idx): try: return self.cont.loc(axis="columns")[idx] except (TypeError,KeyError): return self.cont.iloc(axis="columns")[idx]
[docs] def subtable(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Return a subtable at index `idx` of the appropriate type (pandas DataFrame). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ return DataFrame2DWrapper(self._get_df_columns(idx)) if wrapped else self._get_df_columns(idx)
[docs] def column(self, idx, wrapped=False): """ Get a column at index `idx` as a pandas Series object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the column; otherwise, just return the column. """ return Series1DWrapper(self._get_df_columns(idx)) if wrapped else self._get_df_columns(idx)
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns, column_names=None, index=None, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `columns` (a list of columns). `column_names` supplies names of the columns (only relevant for :class:`DataFrame2DWrapper`). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ if column_names is None: column_names=list(range(len(columns))) new_cont=pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(column_names,columns)),columns=column_names,index=index) return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array, column_names=None, index=None, force_copy=False, wrapped=False): """ Build a new object of the type corresponding to the wrapper from the supplied `array` (a list of rows or a 2D numpy array). `column_names` supplies names of the columns (only relevant for :class:`DataFrame2DWrapper`). If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table. """ new_cont=pd.DataFrame(array,columns=column_names,index=index,copy=force_copy) return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs] def get_index(self): """Get index of the given 2D table, or ``None`` if none is available""" return self.cont.index
[docs] def get_type(self): """Get a string representing the wrapped object type""" return "2d.pandas"
[docs] def copy(self, wrapped=False): """Copy the object. If ``wrapped==True``, return a new wrapper containing the table; otherwise, just return the table""" new_cont=self.cont.copy() return DataFrame2DWrapper(new_cont) if wrapped else new_cont
[docs]def wrap1d(container): """Wrap a 1D container (a 1D numpy array or or a pandas Series) into an appropriate wrapper""" if isinstance(container,pd.Series): return Series1DWrapper(container) return Array1DWrapper(container)
[docs]def wrap2d(container): """Wrap a 2D container (a 2D numpy array or a pandas DataFrame) into an appropriate wrapper""" if isinstance(container,pd.DataFrame): return DataFrame2DWrapper(container) return Array2DWrapper(container)
[docs]def wrap(container): """Wrap container (a numpy array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame) into an appropriate wrapper""" if isinstance(container,IGenWrapper): return container ndim=len(get_shape(container)) if ndim==1: return wrap1d(container) elif ndim==2: return wrap2d(container) else: raise ValueError("wrap only supports 1D and 2D arrays, got {}D".format(ndim))