Source code for pylablib.core.dataproc.specfunc

Specific useful functions.

from ..utils.py3 import textstring

import numpy as np

### Kernels ###

[docs]def gaussian_k(x, sigma=1., height=None): """ Gaussian kernel function. Normalized by the area if `height` is ``None``, otherwise `height` is the value at 0. """ if height is None: return 1./np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2)*np.exp(-(x**2)/(2.*sigma**2)) else: return np.exp(-x**2/(2.*sigma**2))*height
[docs]def rectangle_k(x, width=1., height=None): """" Symmetric rectangle kernel function. Normalized by the area if `height` is ``None``, otherwise `height` is the value at 0. """ if height is None: return (abs(x)<width/2)/width else: return (abs(x)<width/2)*height
[docs]def lorentzian_k(x, gamma=1., height=None): """ Lorentzian kernel function Normalized by the area if `height` is ``None``, otherwise `height` is the value at 0. """ if (height is None): return gamma/(x**2+(gamma/2.)**2)/np.pi else: return (gamma/2.)**2/(x**2+(gamma/2.)**2)*height
[docs]def complex_lorentzian_k(x, gamma=1., amplitude=1.j): """ Complex Lorentzian kernel function. """ return (gamma/2.)/(gamma/2.+1j*x)*amplitude
[docs]def exp_decay_k(x, width=1., height=None, mode="causal"): """ Exponential decay kernel function Normalized by area if ``height=None`` (if possible), otherwise `height` is the value at 0. Mode determines value for ``x<0``: - ``'causal'`` - it's 0 for ``x<0``; - ``'step'`` - it's constant for ``x<=0``; - ``'continue'`` - it's a continuous decaying exponent; - ``'mirror'`` - function is symmetric: ``exp(-|x|/width)``. """ if mode=="causal": if height is None: return (x>=0)*np.exp(-x/float(width))/width else: return (x>=0)*np.exp(-x/float(width))*height elif mode=="step": if height is None: return ((x>=0)*np.exp(-x/float(width))+(x<0)*1.)/width else: return ((x>=0)*np.exp(-x/float(width))+(x<0)*1.)*height elif mode=="continue": if height is None: return np.exp(-x/float(width))/width else: return np.exp(-x/float(width))*height elif mode=="mirror": if height is None: return np.exp(-np.abs(x)/float(width))/width else: return np.exp(-np.abs(x)/float(width))*height
_kernel_functions={"gaussian":gaussian_k, "rectangle":rectangle_k, "lorentzian":lorentzian_k, "exp_decay":exp_decay_k, "complex_lorentzian":complex_lorentzian_k}
[docs]def get_kernel_func(kernel): """ Get a kernel function by its name. Available functions are: ``'gaussian'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'lorentzian'``, ``'exp_decay'``, ``'complex_lorentzian'``. """ if isinstance(kernel,textstring): try: return _kernel_functions[kernel] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unrecognized kernel name: "+kernel) else: return kernel
### Windows ### # TODO: different compensations (total power, peak height, etc.?)
[docs]def rectangle_w(x, N, ft_compensated=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Rectangle FT window function""" return x*0+1
[docs]def gen_hamming_w(x, N, alpha, beta, ft_compensated=False): """ Generalized Hamming FT window function. If ``ft_compensated==True``, multiply the window function by a compensating factor to preserve power in the spectrum. """ if ft_compensated: return (alpha-beta*np.cos(2*np.pi*x/(N-1)))/np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2/2.) else: return alpha-beta*np.cos(2*np.pi*x/(N-1))
[docs]def hann_w(x, N, ft_compensated=False): """ Hann FT window function. If ``ft_compensated==True``, multiply the window function by a compensating factor to preserve power in the spectrum. """ return gen_hamming_w(x,N,0.5,0.5,ft_compensated=ft_compensated)
[docs]def hamming_w(x, N, ft_compensated=False): """ Specific Hamming FT window function. If ``ft_compensated==True``, multiply the window function by a compensating factor to preserve power in the spectrum. """ return gen_hamming_w(x,N,0.54,0.46,ft_compensated=ft_compensated)
_window_functions={"hamming":hamming_w, "rectangle":rectangle_w, "hann":hann_w}
[docs]def get_window_func(window): """ Get a window function by its name. Available functions are: ``'hamming'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'hann'``. """ if isinstance(window,textstring): try: return _window_functions[window] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unrecognized window name: "+window) else: return window
[docs]def gen_hamming_w_ft(f, t, alpha, beta): """ Get Fourier Transform of a generalized Hamming FT window function. `f` is the argument, `t` is the total window size. """ lim=beta/(2.*alpha) gen=np.sinc(f*t)*(1-(f*t)**2 *(alpha-beta)/alpha)/(1-(f*t)**2) if isinstance(gen,np.ndarray): return np.where(f*t==1,lim,gen) return lim if f*t==1 else gen
[docs]def rectangle_w_ft(f, t): """ Get Fourier Transform of the rectangle FT window function. `f` is the argument, `t` is the total window size. """ return gen_hamming_w_ft(f,t,1.,0.)
[docs]def hann_w_ft(f, t): """ Get Fourier Transform of the Hann FT window function. `f` is the argument, `t` is the total window size. """ return gen_hamming_w_ft(f,t,.5,.5)
[docs]def hamming_w_ft(f, t): """ Get Fourier Transform of the specific Hamming FT window function. `f` is the argument, `t` is the total window size. """ return gen_hamming_w_ft(f,t,.54,.46)
_window_ft_functions={"hamming":hamming_w_ft, "rectangle":rectangle_w_ft, "hann":hann_w_ft}
[docs]def get_window_ft_func(window): """ Get a Fourier Transform of a window function by its name. Available functions are: ``'hamming'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'hann'``. """ if isinstance(window,textstring): try: return _window_ft_functions[window] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unrecognized window name: "+window) else: return window