Source code for pylablib.core.dataproc.callable

from ..utils import functions as function_utils
import numpy as np

[docs]class ICallable: """ Fit function generalization. Has a set of mandatory argument with no default values and a set of parameters with default values (there may or may not be an explicit list of them). All the arguments are passed explicitly by name. Passed value supersede default values. Extra arguments (not used in the calculations) are ignored. Assumed (but not enforced) to be immutable: changes after creation can break the behavior. Implements (possibly; depends on subclasses) call namelist binding boosting: if the function is to be called many times with the same parameter names list, one can first bind parameters list, and then call bound function with the corresponding arguments. This way, ``callable(**p)`` should be equivalent to ``callable.bind(p.keys())(*p.values())``. """
[docs] def has_arg(self, arg_name): """Determine if the function has an argument `arg_name` (of all 3 categories)""" raise NotImplementedError("ICallable.has_arg")
[docs] def filter_args_dict(self, args): """Filter argument names dictionary to leave only the arguments that are used""" return dict((k,v) for (k,v) in args.items() if self.has_arg(k))
[docs] def get_mandatory_args(self): """Return list of mandatory arguments (these are the ones without default values)""" raise NotImplementedError("ICallable.get_mandatory_args")
[docs] def is_mandatory_arg(self, arg_name): """Check if the argument `arg_name` is mandatory""" return arg_name in self.get_mandatory_args()
[docs] def get_arg_default(self, arg_name): """ Return default value of the argument `arg_name`. Raise :exc:`KeyError` if the argument is not defined or :exc:`ValueError` if it has no default value. """ raise NotImplementedError("ICallable.get_arg_default")
def __call__(self, **params): raise NotImplementedError("ICallable.__call__")
[docs] def bind(self, arg_names, **bound_params): """Bind function to a given parameters set, leaving `arg_names` as free parameters (in the given order)""" bound_params=bound_params.copy() covered_args=set(bound_params) covered_args.update(arg_names) uncovered_mand_args=self.get_mandatory_args().difference(covered_args) if len(uncovered_mand_args)>0: raise TypeError("mandatory parameters not supplied: {0}".format(list(uncovered_mand_args))) def bound_call(*args, **call_params): params=bound_params.copy() params.update(call_params) params.update(zip(arg_names,args)) return self(**params) return bound_call
#sig=FunctionSignature(arg_names=arg_names,kwarg_name="kwargs") #return sig.wrap_function(bound_call)
[docs] class NamesBoundCall: def __init__(self, func, names, bound_params): self._func=func self._names=names self._bound_params=bound_params def __call__(self, *params): self._bound_params.update(zip(self._names,params)) return self._func(self._bound_params)
[docs] def bind_namelist(self, arg_names, **bound_params): """ Bind namelist to boost subsequent calls. Similar to ``bind(arg_names)``, but bound function doesn't accept additional parameters and can be boosted. """ bound_call=self.NamesBoundCall(self,arg_names,bound_params) return bound_call
#sig=FunctionSignature(arg_names=arg_names,kwarg_name="kwargs") #return sig.wrap_function(bound_call) def _join_list_results(res_vec, join_method="stack"): if len(res_vec)>0 and np.ndim(res_vec[0])>0: if join_method=="list": return res_vec elif join_method=="stack": return np.column_stack(res_vec) elif join_method=="concatenate": return np.concatenate(res_vec) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized joining method: {0}".format(join_method)) else: return np.array(res_vec)
[docs]class MultiplexedCallable(ICallable): """ Multiplex a single callable based on a single parameter. If the function is called with this parameter as an iterable, then the underlying callable will be called for each value of the parameter separately, and the results will be joined into a single array (if return the values are scalar, they're joined in 1D array; otherwise, they're joined using `join_method`). Args: func (callable): Function to be parallelized. multiplex_by (str): Name of the argument to be multiplexed by. join_method (str): Method for combining individual results together if they're non-scalars. Can be either ``'list'`` (combine the results in a single list), ``'stack'`` (combine using :func:`numpy.column_stack`, i.e., add dimension to the result), or ``'concatenate'`` (concatenate the return values; the dimension of the result stays the same). Multiplexing also makes use of call signatures for underlying function even if ``__call__`` is used. Note that this operation is slow, and should be used only for high-dimensional multiplexing; for 1D case it's much better to just use numpy arrays as arguments and rely on numpy parallelizing. """ def __init__(self, func, multiplex_by, join_method="stack"): ICallable.__init__(self) self._func=to_callable(func) self._mvar=multiplex_by self._join_method=join_method if not func.has_arg(multiplex_by): raise ValueError("can't multiplex by non-existing arguments: {0}".format(multiplex_by))
[docs] def has_arg(self, arg_name): return self._func.has_arg(arg_name)
[docs] def get_mandatory_args(self): return self._func.get_mandatory_args()
[docs] def get_arg_default(self, arg_name): return self._func.get_arg_default(arg_name)
[docs] class NamesBoundCall: def __init__(self, func, names, bound_params): self._join_method=func._join_method if func._mvar in names: self._mvar_source=names.index(func._mvar) self._subfunc_bound=func._func.bind_namelist(names,**bound_params) else: self._mvar_source='default' if func._mvar in bound_params: bound_params=bound_params.copy() self._mvar_default=bound_params.pop(func._mvar) else: self._mvar_default=func.get_arg_default(func._mvar) self._subfunc_bound=func._func.bind_namelist(names+[func._mvar],**bound_params) def __call__(self, *params): subfunc=self._subfunc_bound if self._mvar_source=='default': if np.isscalar(self._mvar_default): return subfunc(*(list(params)+[self._mvar_default])) else: res_vec=[] params=list(params)+[None] for m in self._mvar_default: params[-1]=m res_vec.append(subfunc(*params)) return _join_list_results(res_vec,join_method=self._join_method) else: m_source=self._mvar_source if np.isscalar(params[m_source]): return subfunc(*params) else: res_vec=[] params=list(params) for m in params[m_source]: params[m_source]=m res_vec.append(subfunc(*params)) return _join_list_results(res_vec,join_method=self._join_method)
def __call__(self, **params): return self.bind_namelist([],**params)()
[docs]class JoinedCallable(ICallable): """ Join several callables sharing the same arguments list. The results will be joined into a single array (if return the values are scalar, they're joined in 1D array; otherwise, they're joined using `join_method`). Args: funcs ([callable]): List of functions to be joined together. join_method (str): Method for combining individual results together if they're non-scalars. Can be either ``'list'`` (combine the results in a single list), ``'stack'`` (combine using :func:`numpy.column_stack`, i.e., add dimension to the result), or ``'concatenate'`` (concatenate the return values; the dimension of the result stays the same). """ def __init__(self, funcs, join_method="stack"): ICallable.__init__(self) if len(funcs)==0: raise ValueError("can't joint zero functions") self._funcs=[to_callable(f) for f in funcs] self._mand_args=set() for f in funcs: self._mand_args.update(f.get_mandatory_args()) self._join_method=join_method
[docs] def has_arg(self, arg_name): for f in self._funcs: if f.has_arg(arg_name): return True return False
[docs] def get_mandatory_args(self): return self._mand_args
[docs] def get_arg_default(self, arg_name): for f in self._funcs: if f.has_arg(arg_name): return f.get_arg_default(arg_name) raise KeyError("no argument with name {0}".format(arg_name))
def __call__(self, **params): return _join_list_results([f(**params) for f in self._funcs],join_method=self._join_method)
[docs] class NamesBoundCall: def __init__(self, func, names, bound_params): self._join_method=func._join_method self._funcs=[f.bind_namelist(names,**bound_params) for f in func._funcs] def __call__(self, *params): return _join_list_results([f(*params) for f in self._funcs],join_method=self._join_method)
[docs]class FunctionCallable(ICallable): """ Callable based on a function or a method. Args: func: Function to be wrapped. function_signature: A :class:`.functions.FunctionSignature` object supplying information about function's argument names and default values, if they're different from what's extracted from its signature. defaults (dict): A dictionary ``{name: value}`` of additional default parameters values. Override the defaults from the signature. All default values must be pass-able to the function as a parameter alias (dict): A dictionary ``{alias: original}`` for renaming some of the original arguments. Original argument names can't be used if aliased (though, multi-aliasing can be used explicitly, e.g., ``alias={'alias':'arg','arg':'arg'}``). A name can be blocked (its usage causes error) if it's aliased to None (``alias={'blocked_name':None}``). Optional non-named arguments in the form ``*args`` are not supported, since all the arguments are passed to the function by keywords. Optional named arguments in the form ``**kwargs`` are supported only if their default values are explicitly provided in defaults (otherwise it would be unclear whether argument should be added into ``**kwargs`` or ignored altogether). """ def __init__(self, func, function_signature=None, defaults=None, alias=None): ICallable.__init__(self) self._func=func self._set_alias(alias) if function_signature is None: function_signature=function_utils.FunctionSignature.from_function(func) self._defaults=function_signature.defaults.copy() if defaults is not None: self._defaults.update(self._apply_unalias_dict(defaults)) self._declared_args=set(function_signature.arg_names) self._mand_args=set([a for a in function_signature.arg_names if not a in self._defaults]) self._mand_args_alias=set(self._apply_alias(self._mand_args)) self._use_keywords=function_signature.kwarg_name is not None def _set_alias(self, alias): self._alias=alias self._masked=set() if alias is not None: self._masked.update(alias.values()) self._rev_alias=dict((v,k) for (k,v) in self._alias.items() if v is not None) else: self._rev_alias=None def _apply_alias(self, params): if self._alias is None: return params try: return [self._rev_alias.get(p,p) for p in params] except TypeError: return self._rev_alias.get(params,params) def _apply_unalias(self, param): if self._alias is None: return param if param in self._alias: return self._alias[param] elif param in self._masked: raise KeyError("no argument with name {0}".format(param)) else: return param def _apply_unalias_dict(self, params): if self._alias is None: return params alias=self._alias masked=self._masked unalias_params={} for k,v in params.items(): if k in alias: unalias_params[alias[k]]=v elif k in masked: raise KeyError("no argument with name {0}".format(k)) else: unalias_params[k]=v return unalias_params
[docs] def has_arg(self, arg_name): if self._use_keywords: return True # assume that any parameter works arg_name=self._apply_unalias(arg_name) return arg_name in self._declared_args
[docs] def get_mandatory_args(self): return self._mand_args_alias
[docs] def get_arg_default(self, arg_name): arg_name=self._apply_unalias(arg_name) if arg_name in self._defaults: return self._defaults[arg_name] if arg_name in self._mand_args: raise ValueError("argument {0} has no default value".format(arg_name)) else: raise KeyError("no argument with name {0}".format(arg_name))
def __call__(self, **params): for n in self._mand_args: if not n in params: raise TypeError("mandatory parameter not supplied: {0}".format(n)) named_params=self._defaults.copy() named_params.update(self._apply_unalias_dict(params)) named_params=self.filter_args_dict(named_params) return self._func(**named_params)
[docs] class NamesBoundCall: def __init__(self, func, names, bound_params): for n in func._mand_args: if not (n in bound_params or n in names): raise TypeError("mandatory parameter not supplied: {0}".format(n)) self._func=func._func self._names_dest=[] for n in names: un=func._apply_unalias(n) if func.has_arg(n): dest=("named",un) else: dest=("unused",) self._names_dest.append(dest) self._named_params=func._defaults.copy() self._named_params.update(func._apply_unalias_dict(bound_params)) def __call__(self, *params): n_par=self._named_params for p,d in zip(params,self._names_dest): if d[0]=='named': n_par[d[1]]=p return self._func(**n_par)
[docs]class MethodCallable(FunctionCallable): """ Similar to :class:`FunctionCallable`, but accepts class method instead of a function. The only addition is that now object's attributes can also parameters to the function: all the parameters which are not explicitly mentioned in the method signature are assumed to be object's attributes. The parameters are affected by alias, but NOT affected by defaults (since it's impossible to ensure that all object's attributes are kept constant, and it's impractical to reset them all to default values at every function call). Args: method: Method to be wrapped. function_signature: A :class:`.functions.FunctionSignature` object supplying information about function's argument names and default values, if they're different from what's extracted from its signature. If it's assumed that the first self argument is already excluded. defaults (dict): A dictionary ``{name: value}`` of additional default parameters values. Override the defaults from the signature. All default values must be pass-able to the function as a parameter alias (dict): A dictionary ``{alias: original}`` for renaming some of the original arguments. Original argument names can't be used if aliased (though, multi-aliasing can be used explicitly, e.g., ``alias={'alias':'arg','arg':'arg'}``). A name can be blocked (its usage causes error) if it's aliased to None (``alias={'blocked_name':None}``). This callable is implemented largely to be used with ``TheoryCalculator`` class (currently deprecated). """ def __init__(self, method, function_signature=None, defaults=None, alias=None): if method.__self__ is None: raise ValueError("supplied method is unbound; use FunctionCallable instead") if function_signature is None: function_signature=function_utils.FunctionSignature.from_function(method) del function_signature.arg_names[0] # remove self FunctionCallable.__init__(self,method,function_signature,defaults,alias) self._obj=function_signature.obj
[docs] def has_arg(self, arg_name): if self._use_keywords: return True # assume that any parameter works arg_name=self._apply_unalias(arg_name) return (arg_name in self._declared_args) or (hasattr(self._obj,arg_name))
[docs] def get_arg_default(self, arg_name): arg_name=self._apply_unalias(arg_name) if arg_name in self._defaults: return self._defaults[arg_name] if hasattr(self._obj,arg_name): return getattr(self._obj,arg_name) if arg_name in self._mand_args: raise ValueError("argument {0} has no default value".format(arg_name)) else: raise KeyError("no argument with name {0}".format(arg_name))
def _is_func_arg(self, arg_name): # arg_name is assumed to be un-aliased return arg_name in self._declared_args def __call__(self, **params): for n in self._mand_args: if not n in params: raise TypeError("mandatory parameter not supplied: {0}".format(n)) named_params=self._defaults.copy() named_params.update(self._apply_unalias_dict(params)) for n in list(named_params): if not self._is_func_arg(n): if hasattr(self._obj,n): setattr(self._obj,n,named_params.pop(n)) elif not self._use_keywords: named_params.pop(n) return self._func(**named_params)
[docs] class NamesBoundCall: def __init__(self, func, names, bound_params): for n in func._mand_args: if not (n in bound_params or n in names): raise TypeError("mandatory parameter not supplied: {0}".format(n)) self._func=func._func self._obj=func._obj self._names_dest=[] for n in names: un=func._apply_unalias(n) if func._is_func_arg(un): dest=('named',un) elif hasattr(func._obj,un): dest=('attr',un) else: dest=('unused',) self._names_dest.append(dest) named_params=func._defaults.copy() named_params.update(func._apply_unalias_dict(bound_params)) self._object_params=[] self._named_params={} for n,p in named_params.items(): if func._is_func_arg(n): self._named_params[n]=p elif hasattr(func._obj,n): self._object_params.append((n,p)) def __call__(self, *params): obj=self._obj for n,p in self._object_params: setattr(obj,n,p) n_par=self._named_params for p,d in zip(params,self._names_dest): if d[0]=='named': n_par[d[1]]=p elif d[0]=='attr': setattr(obj,d[1],p) return self._func(**n_par)
[docs]def to_callable(func): """ Convert a function to an :class:`ICallable` instance. If it's already :class:`ICallable`, return unchanged. Otherwise, return :class:`FunctionCallable` or :class:`MethodCallable` depending on whether it's a function or a bound method. """ if isinstance(func, ICallable): return func else: if getattr(func,"__self__",None) is None: return FunctionCallable(func) else: return MethodCallable(func)