Source code for pylablib.devices.utils.load_lib

from ...core.utils import files, general, library_parameters

import platform
import ctypes
import sys
import os
import threading
import contextlib
import collections


[docs] def get_os_lib_folder(): """Get default Windows DLL folder (``System32`` or ``SysWOW64``, depending on Python and Windows bitness)""" if sys.platform!="win32": return "" arch=platform.architecture()[0] winarch="64bit" if platform.machine().endswith("64") else "32bit" if winarch==arch: return os.path.join(os.environ.get("WINDIR","C:\\Windows"),"System32") else: # 32 bit Python on 64 but OS (the reverse is impossible) return os.path.join(os.environ.get("WINDIR","C:\\Windows"),"SysWOW64")
[docs] def get_program_files_folder(subfolder="", arch=None): """ Get default Windows Program Files folder or a subfolder within it. If `arch` is ``None``, use the current Python architecture to determine the folder; otherwise, it specifies the architecture (``"32bit"`` for ``Program Files (x86)``, ``"64bit"`` for ``Program Files``) """ if sys.platform!="win32": return "" if subfolder: return os.path.join(get_program_files_folder(arch=arch),subfolder) if arch is None: arch=platform.architecture()[0] elif arch not in ["32bit","64bit"]: raise ValueError("unrecognized architecture: {}".format(arch)) winarch="64bit" if platform.machine().endswith("64") else "32bit" if arch=="32bit" and winarch=="64bit": return os.environ.get("PROGRAMFILES(X86)",r"C:\Program Files (x86)") else: return os.environ.get("PROGRAMFILES",r"C:\Program Files")
[docs] def get_appdata_folder(subfolder="", kind="roaming"): """ Get user AppData folder (used to install software only for specific users). `kind` can be ``"roaming"`` (return ``Roaming`` AppData folder) or ``"local"`` (return ``Local`` AppData folder). """ if subfolder: folder=get_appdata_folder(kind=kind) return os.path.join(folder,subfolder) if folder is not None else None if kind=="roaming": return os.environ.get("APPDATA") if kind=="local": return os.environ.get("LOCALAPPDATA") raise ValueError("unrecognized appdata folder kind: {}".format(kind))
[docs] def get_environ_folder(var, subfolder="", error_missing=False): """ Get subfolder of a folder based on the environment variable. If the environment variable is missing and ``error_missing==True``, raise an error; otherwise, return ``None``. """ folder=os.environ.get(var,None) if folder is None: if error_missing: raise ValueError("could not find environment variable {}".format(var)) return None return os.path.join(folder,subfolder)
_load_lock=threading.RLock() par_error_message="If you already have it, specify its path as pylablib.par['devices/dlls/{}']='path/to/dll/'" def _load_dll(path, kind, add_environ_paths=True): """Load dll using PATH environment variable in Python 3.8+""" if add_environ_paths and hasattr(os,"add_dll_directory"): try: return _load_dll(path,kind,add_environ_paths=False) except OSError: pass add_paths=[os.path.abspath(p) for p in os.environ.get("PATH","").split(os.pathsep) if p] add_paths+=[os.path.abspath(".")] added_dirs=[] try: for p in add_paths: try: added_dirs.append(os.add_dll_directory(p)) # pylint: disable=no-member except OSError: # missing folder pass return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(path) if kind=="cdecl" else ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(path) finally: for d in added_dirs: d.close() else: return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(path) if kind=="cdecl" else ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(path)
[docs] def load_lib(name, locations=("global",), call_conv="cdecl", locally=False, depends=None, depends_required=True, error_message=None, check_order="location", return_location=False): """ Load DLL. Args: name: name or path of the library (can also be a list or a tuple with several names, which are tried in that order). locations: list or tuple of locations to search for a library; the function tries locations in order and returns the first successfully loaded library a location is a string which can be a path to the containing folder, ``"parameter/*"`` (the remaining part is a subpath inside ``"devices/dlls"`` library parameters; if this parameter is defined, it names folder or file for the dll), or ``"global"`` (load path as is; also searches in the standard OS specified locations determined by ``PATH`` variable, e.g., ``System32`` folder). depends: if specified, it is a list of dependency libraries which need to be loaded first before the main DLL; they are assumed to be in the same location as the main file depends_required: if ``False``, ignore errors during dependency loads locally(bool): if ``True``, prepend path to the DLL containing folder to the environment ``PATH`` folders; this is usually required, if the loaded DLL imports other DLLs in the same folder call_conv(str): DLL call convention; can be either ``"cdecl"`` (corresponds to ``ctypes.cdll``) or ``"stdcall"`` (corresponds to ``ctypes.windll``) error_message(str): error message to add in addition to the default error message shown when the DLL is not found check_order(str): determines the order in which possible combinations of names and locations are looped over; can be ``"location"`` (loop over locations, and for each location loop over names), ``"name"`` (loop over names, and for each name loop over locations), or a list of tuples ``[(loc,name)]`` specifying order of checking (in the latter case, `name` and `location` arguments are ignored, except for generating error message). return_location(bool): if ``True``, return a tuple ``(dll, location, folder)`` instead of a single dll. """ if platform.system()!="Windows": raise OSError("DLLs are not available on non-Windows platform") if not isinstance(name,(list,tuple)): name=[name] if not isinstance(locations,(list,tuple)): locations=[locations] if check_order=="location": check_order=[(loc,n) for loc in locations for n in name] elif check_order=="name": check_order=[(loc,n) for n in name for loc in locations] for loc,n in check_order: if loc=="global": folder="" else: if loc.startswith("parameter/"): par_name=loc[len("parameter/"):] if ("devices/dlls",par_name) in library_parameters.library_parameters: loc=library_parameters.library_parameters["devices/dlls",par_name] else: continue if loc.lower().endswith(".dll"): folder,n=os.path.split(loc) else: folder=loc if folder.startswith("."): folder=os.path.abspath(folder) path=os.path.join(folder,n) lock=_load_lock if locally else general.DummyResource() with lock: if locally: loc_folder,loc_name=os.path.split(path) old_env_path=os.environ.get("PATH",None) env_paths=old_env_path.split(os.pathsep) if old_env_path else [] if not any([files.paths_equal(loc_folder,ep) for ep in env_paths if ep]): os.environ["PATH"]=files.normalize_path(loc_folder)+(os.pathsep+old_env_path if old_env_path else "") path=loc_name folder=loc_folder depends=depends or [] paths=[os.path.join(folder,dn) for dn in depends]+[path] try: dlls=[] add_environ_paths=library_parameters.library_parameters.get("devices/dlls/add_environ_paths",True) for p in paths: if call_conv in ["cdecl","stdcall"]: try: dlls.append(_load_dll(p,call_conv,add_environ_paths=add_environ_paths)) if _store_loaded_dlls: _loaded_dlls.append((p,dlls[-1])) except OSError: if depends_required or p==paths[-1]: raise else: raise ValueError("unrecognized call convention: {}".format(call_conv)) return (dlls[-1],loc,paths[-1]) if return_location else dlls[-1] except OSError: if locally: if old_env_path is None: del os.environ["PATH"] else: os.environ["PATH"]=old_env_path error_message="\n"+error_message if error_message else "" raise OSError("can't import library {}".format(" or ".join(name))+error_message)
TLibraryOpenResult=collections.namedtuple("TLibraryOpenResult",["init_result","open_result","opid"]) TLibraryCloseResult=collections.namedtuple("TLibraryCloseResult",["close_result","uninit_result"])
[docs] class LibraryController: """ Simple wrapper to control libraries which require initialization when a new device is opened or shutdown when all devices are closed. Args: lib: controlled library """ def __init__(self, lib): self.open_devices=0 self.lib=lib self.lock=threading.RLock() self.initialized=False self._counter=general.UIDGenerator() self.opened=set() self.closed=set() def _do_preinit(self): """ Perform pre-initialization. Called only once on the first controller call. """ self.lib.initlib() def _do_init(self): """ Perform initialization. Called whenever the first device is opened (including the instances when after all devices have been previously closed). """ def _do_uninit(self): """ Perform shutdown. Called whenever the last device is closed. """ def _do_open(self): """ Perform opening-related procedures. Called whenever any devices is opened. """ def _do_close(self): """ Perform closing-related procedures. Called whenever any devices is closed. """
[docs] def preinit(self): """Pre-initialize the library, if it hasn't been done already""" with self.lock: if not self.initialized: self._do_preinit() self.initialized=True
[docs] def open(self): """ Mark device opening. Return tuple ``(init_result, open_result, opid)`` with the results of the initialization and the opening, and the opening ID which should afterwards be used for closing. If library is already initialized, set ``init_result=None`` """ with self.lock: self.preinit() init_result=None if self.open_devices==0: init_result=self._do_init() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return open_result=self._do_open() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return self.open_devices+=1 opid=self._counter() self.opened.add(opid) return TLibraryOpenResult(init_result,open_result,opid)
[docs] def close(self, opid): """ Mark device closing. Return tuple ``(close_result, uninit_result)`` with the results of the closing and the shutdown. If library does not need to be shut down yet, set ``uninit_result=None`` """ if opid is None: return with self.lock: if opid in self.opened: self.opened.remove(opid) self.closed.add(opid) elif opid in self.closed: return None,None else: raise ValueError("supplied opid {} has never been issued".format(opid)) self.preinit() self.open_devices-=1 close_result=self._do_close() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return uninit_result=None if self.open_devices==0: uninit_result=self._do_uninit() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return return TLibraryCloseResult(close_result,uninit_result)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_open(self): """Context for temporarily opening a new device connection""" opid=None try: init_result,open_result, yield init_result,open_result finally: self.close(opid)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Close all opened connections and shutdown the library""" for opid in list(self.opened): self.close(opid)
[docs] def get_opened_num(self): """Get number of opened devices""" with self.lock: return self.open_devices