Source code for pylablib.devices.Trinamic.base

from ...core.devio import comm_backend, interface
from ...core.utils import general

from ..interface import stage

import collections
import time
import struct
import math

[docs] class TrinamicError(comm_backend.DeviceError): """Generic Trinamic error"""
[docs] class TrinamicBackendError(TrinamicError,comm_backend.DeviceBackendError): """Generic Trinamic backend communication error"""
[docs] class TrinamicTimeoutError(TrinamicError): """Generic Trinamic timeout error"""
TLimitSwitchParams=collections.namedtuple("TLimitSwitchParams",["left_enable","right_enable"]) TVelocityParams=collections.namedtuple("TVelocityParams",["speed","accel","pulse_divisor","ramp_divisor"]) THomeParams=collections.namedtuple("THomeParams",["mode","search_speed","switch_speed"])
[docs] class TMCM1110(comm_backend.ICommBackendWrapper,stage.IStage): """ Trinamic stepper motor controller TMCM-1110 controlled using TMCL Firmware. Args: conn: serial connection parameters (usually port or a tuple containing port and baudrate) """ Error=TrinamicError def __init__(self, conn): instr=comm_backend.new_backend(conn,"serial",term_read="",term_write="",timeout=3.,defaults={"serial":("COM1",9600)},reraise_error=TrinamicBackendError) super().__init__(instr) self._add_status_variable("position",self.get_position) self._add_settings_variable("velocity_parameters",self.get_velocity_parameters,self.setup_velocity) self._add_settings_variable("limit_switches_parameters",self.get_limit_switches_parameters,self.setup_limit_switches) self._add_settings_variable("home_parameters",self.get_home_parameters,self.setup_home) self._add_status_variable("current_parameters",self.get_current_parameters) self._add_status_variable("velocity_factor",self.get_velocity_factor) self._add_status_variable("acceleration_factor",self.get_acceleration_factor) self._add_status_variable("microstep_resolution",self.get_microstep_resolution) self._add_status_variable("current_speed",self.get_current_speed) self._add_status_variable("moving",self.is_moving)
[docs] def open(self): res=super().open() self.instr.flush_read() self.instr.setup_cooldown(write=0.01) return res
@staticmethod def _build_command(comm, comm_type, value, bank=0, addr=0): data_str=struct.pack(">BBBBi",addr,comm,comm_type,bank,int(value)) chksum=sum([b for b in data_str])%0x100 return data_str+struct.pack("<B",chksum) ReplyData=collections.namedtuple("ReplyData",["comm","status","value","addr","module"]) @staticmethod def _parse_reply(reply, result_format="i"): reply=bytes(reply) data_str=reply[:8] chksum=sum([b for b in data_str])%0x100 if chksum!=reply[8]: raise TrinamicError("Communication error: incorrect checksum") addr,module,status,comm=struct.unpack("<BBBB",reply[:4]) if result_format=="str": value=reply[4:8] else: value,=struct.unpack(">I" if result_format=="u" else ">i",reply[4:8]) return TMCM1110.ReplyData(comm,status,value,addr,module) _status_codes={100:"Success", 101:"Command loaded", 1:"Wrong checksum", 2:"Invalid command", 3:"Wrong type", 4:"Invalid value", 5:"EEPROM locked", 6:"Command not available"} @classmethod def _check_status(cls, status): if status not in cls._status_codes: raise TrinamicError("unrecognized status: {}".format(status)) if status<100: raise TrinamicError("error status: {} ({})".format(status,cls._status_codes[status]))
[docs] def query(self, comm, comm_type, value, result_format="i", bank=0, addr=0): """ Send a query to the stage and return the reply. For details, see TMCM-1110 firmware manual. """ command=self._build_command(comm,comm_type,value,bank=bank,addr=addr) self.instr.write(command) reply=self._parse_reply(reply_str,result_format=result_format) self._check_status(reply.status) return reply
[docs] def get_axis_parameter(self, parameter, result_format="i", addr=0): """Get a given axis parameter""" return self.query(6,parameter,0,result_format=result_format,addr=addr).value
[docs] def set_axis_parameter(self, parameter, value, addr=0): """Set a given axis parameter (volatile; resets on power cycling)""" self.query(5,parameter,value,addr=addr)
[docs] def store_axis_parameter(self, parameter, value=None, addr=0): """Store a given axis parameter in EEPROM (by default, value is the current value)""" if value is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(parameter,value,addr=addr) self.query(7,parameter,value,addr=addr)
[docs] def get_global_parameter(self, parameter, result_format="i", bank=0, addr=0): """Get a given global parameter""" return self.query(10,parameter,0,result_format=result_format,bank=bank,addr=addr).value
[docs] def set_global_parameter(self, parameter, value, bank=0, addr=0): """Set a given global parameter""" self.query(9,parameter,value,bank=bank,addr=addr)
[docs] def get_general_input(self, port=0, bank=0, addr=0): """ Get value of an input at a given bank (0-2) and port. Bank 0 is digital input (7 ports), bank 1 is analog input (1 port, value from 0 to 2**16-1), bank 2 is digital output (8 ports). For port assignments, see TMCM-1110 firmware manual. """ return self.query(15,port,bank=bank,value=0,addr=addr)
[docs] def set_general_output(self, value, port=0, bank=2, addr=0): """ Set value of a digital input at a given bank (only bank 2 is available) and port. For port assignments, see TMCM-1110 firmware manual. """ self.query(14,port,bank=bank,value=1 if value else 0,addr=addr)
[docs] def move_to(self, position, addr=0): """Move to a given position""" self.query(4,0,position,addr=addr)
[docs] def move_by(self, steps=1, addr=0): """Move by a given number of steps""" self.query(4,1,steps,addr=addr)
[docs] def get_position(self, addr=0): """Get the current axis position""" return self.get_axis_parameter(1,addr=addr)
[docs] def set_position_reference(self, pos=0, addr=0): """Set the current axis position as a reference (the actual motor position stays the same)""" self.set_axis_parameter(1,pos,addr=addr) return self.get_position(addr=addr)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def jog(self, direction, speed=None, addr=0): """ Jog in a given direction with a given speed. `direction` can be either ``"-"`` (negative, left) or ``"+"`` (positive, right). The motion continues until it is explicitly stopped, or until a limit is hit. If ``speed is None``, use the standard speed value. """ if speed is None: speed=self.get_velocity_parameters(addr=addr)[0] self.query(1 if direction else 2,0,speed,addr=addr)
[docs] def stop(self, addr=0): """Stop motion""" self.query(3,0,0,addr=addr)
[docs] def get_microstep_resolution(self, addr=0): """Get the number of microsteps per full step (always a power of 2)""" return 2**self.get_axis_parameter(140,addr=addr)
[docs] def set_microstep_resolution(self, resolution, addr=0): """Set the number of microsteps per full step (rounded to a nearest power of 2)""" lresolution=round(math.log2(resolution)) self.set_axis_parameter(140,lresolution,addr=addr) return self.get_microstep_resolution(addr=addr)
[docs] def get_current_parameters(self, addr=0): """ Return diving current parameter ``(drive_current, standby_current)``. ``drive_current`` is the maximal drive current, which is given as a fraction of the maximal generated current current (which is either 1A or 2.8A depending on the hardware jumper). ``standby_current`` is given as a fraction of ``drive_current``. """ return self.get_axis_parameter(6,addr=addr)/255., self.get_axis_parameter(7,addr=addr)/255.
[docs] def setup_current(self, drive_current=None, standby_current=None, addr=0): """ Set drive and standby currents. WARNING: too high of a setting might damage the motor. ``drive_current`` is the maximal drive current, which is given as a fraction of the maximal generated current current (which is either 1A or 2.8A depending on the hardware jumper). ``standby_current`` is given as a fraction of ``drive_current``. Any ``None`` parameters are left unchanged. """ if drive_current is not None: drive_current=int(min(max(0,drive_current),1)*255) if standby_current is not None: standby_current=int(min(max(0,standby_current),1)*255) curr_standby_current=self.get_axis_parameter(7,addr=addr) if standby_current is not None and standby_current<curr_standby_current: self.set_axis_parameter(7,standby_current,addr=addr) if drive_current is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(6,drive_current,addr=addr) if standby_current is not None and standby_current>curr_standby_current: self.set_axis_parameter(7,standby_current,addr=addr) return self.get_current_parameters()
[docs] def get_limit_switches_parameters(self, addr=0): """Return limit switch parameters ``(left_enable, right_enable)``""" return TLimitSwitchParams(bool(self.get_axis_parameter(13,addr=addr)), bool(self.get_axis_parameter(12,addr=addr)))
[docs] def setup_limit_switches(self, left_enable=None, right_enable=None, addr=0): """Setup limit switch parameters""" if left_enable is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(13,1 if left_enable else 0,addr=addr) if right_enable is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(12,1 if right_enable else 0,addr=addr) return self.get_limit_switches_parameters(addr=addr)
_p_home_mode=interface.EnumParameterClass("home_mode", {"lim_left":1,"lim_right_left":2,"lim_right_left_bothsides":3,"lim_left_bothsides":4, "lim_right":65,"lim_left_right":66,"lim_left_right_bothsides":67,"lim_right_bothsides":68, "home_neg_switch":5,"home_pos_switch":6,"home_pos":7,"home_neg":8, "home_neg_switch_inv":133,"home_pos_switch_inv":134,"home_pos_inv":135,"home_neg_inv":136})
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(_returns=("home_mode",None,None)) def get_home_parameters(self, addr=0): """ Return homing parameters ``(mode, search_speed, switch_speed)``. ``mode`` is one of 16 different values, which can start with ``"lim_"`` indicating reliance on limit switches, or with ``"home_"`` indicating usage of home switches. Home-based switches can also be inverted (with ``"_inv"`` in the end), indicating that the homing switch function is inverted (0 instead of 1 means that the switch is engaged). More details can be found in the manual. ``search_speed`` and ``switch_speed`` describe, respectively, the initial speed while searching for the switch, and the final homing speed while searching for the edge of the switch action. Both are given in *internal* units. """ mode=self.get_axis_parameter(193,addr=addr) search_speed=self.get_axis_parameter(194,addr=addr) switch_speed=self.get_axis_parameter(195,addr=addr) return THomeParams(mode,search_speed,switch_speed)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(mode="home_mode") def setup_home(self, home_mode=None, search_speed=None, switch_speed=None, addr=0): """ Setup homing parameters ``(mode, search_speed, switch_speed)``. ``mode`` is one of 16 different values, which can start with ``"lim_"`` indicating reliance on limit switches, or with ``"home_"`` indicating usage of home switches. Home-based switches can also be inverted (with ``"_inv"`` in the end), indicating that the homing switch function is inverted (0 instead of 1 means that the switch is engaged). More details can be found in the manual. ``search_speed`` and ``switch_speed`` describe, respectively, the initial speed while searching for the switch, and the final homing speed while searching for the edge of the switch action. Both are given in *internal* units. """ if home_mode is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(193,home_mode,addr=addr) if search_speed is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(194,search_speed,addr=addr) if switch_speed is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(195,switch_speed,addr=addr) return self.get_velocity_parameters()
[docs] def home(self, wait=True, timeout=30., addr=0): """ Home the given axis. If ``wait==True``, wait until the homing is complete or until `timeout` is passed. Note that homing affects the velocity parameters, which need to be re-established after the homing is complete. This is done automatically when ``wait==True``, but needs to be done manually otherwise. """ velpar=self.get_velocity_parameters(addr=addr) self.query(13,0,0,addr=addr) if wait: ctd=general.Countdown(timeout) try: while self.is_homing(): if ctd.passed(): raise TrinamicTimeoutError("timeout while homing the stage at address {}".format(addr)) time.sleep(0.05) finally: self.query(13,1,0,addr=addr) self.setup_velocity(*velpar,addr=addr)
[docs] def is_homing(self, addr=0): """Check if homing is in progress at the given address""" return bool(self.query(13,2,0,addr=addr).value)
[docs] def get_velocity_parameters(self, addr=0): """ Return velocity parameters ``(speed, accel, pulse_divisor, ramp_divisor)``. ``speed`` and ``accel`` denote, correspondingly, maximal (i.e., steady regime) moving speed and acceleration in *internal* units. ``pulse_divisor`` is the driver pulse divisor, which defines how internal velocity units translate into microsteps/s (see :meth:`get_velocity_factor`); can only be a power of 2, higher values mean slower motion. ``ramp_divisor`` is the driver ramp divisor, which, together with the pulse divisor, defines how internal acceleration units translate into microsteps/s^2 (see :meth:`get_acceleration_factor`); rounded to the nearest power of 2, higher values mean slower acceleration. """ return TVelocityParams(self.get_axis_parameter(4,addr=addr),self.get_axis_parameter(5,addr=addr),2**self.get_axis_parameter(154,addr=addr),2**self.get_axis_parameter(153,addr=addr))
[docs] def setup_velocity(self, speed=None, accel=None, pulse_divisor=None, ramp_divisor=None, addr=0): """ Setup velocity parameters ``(speed, accel, pulse_divisor, ramp_divisor)``. ``speed`` and ``accel`` denote, correspondingly, maximal (i.e., steady regime) moving speed and acceleration in *internal* units. ``pulse_divisor`` is the driver pulse divisor, which defines how internal velocity units translate into microsteps/s (see :meth:`get_velocity_factor`); rounded to the nearest power of 2, higher values mean slower motion. ``ramp_divisor`` is the driver ramp divisor, which, together with the pulse divisor, defines how internal acceleration units translate into microsteps/s^2 (see :meth:`get_acceleration_factor`); rounded to the nearest power of 2, higher values mean slower acceleration. ``None`` values are left unchanged. """ if speed is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(4,speed,addr=addr) if accel is not None: self.set_axis_parameter(5,accel,addr=addr) if pulse_divisor is not None: lpulse_divisor=round(math.log2(pulse_divisor)) self.set_axis_parameter(154,lpulse_divisor,addr=addr) if ramp_divisor is not None: lramp_divisor=round(math.log2(ramp_divisor)) self.set_axis_parameter(153,lramp_divisor,addr=addr) return self.get_velocity_parameters()
[docs] def get_velocity_factor(self, addr=0): """Get the ratio between the real speed (in microsteps/s) and the internal units""" return 16E6/(2**self.get_axis_parameter(154,addr=addr)*2048*32)
[docs] def get_acceleration_factor(self, addr=0): """Get the ratio between the real acceleration (in microsteps/s^2) and the internal units""" return 16E6**2/2**(self.get_axis_parameter(153,addr=addr)+self.get_axis_parameter(154,addr=addr)+29)
[docs] def get_current_speed(self, addr=0): """Get the instantaneous speed in internal units""" return self.get_axis_parameter(3,addr=addr)
[docs] def is_moving(self, addr=0): """Check if the motor is moving""" return bool(self.get_current_speed(addr=addr))
[docs] def wait_move(self, addr=0): """Wait until motion is done""" while self.get_current_speed(addr=addr): time.sleep(0.01)