Source code for pylablib.devices.M2.base

from ...core.utils import net
from ...core.devio import interface, comm_backend
from ...core.devio.comm_backend import reraise

import json
import time
import contextlib


[docs] class M2Error(comm_backend.DeviceError): """Generic M2 error"""
[docs] class M2ParseError(M2Error): """M2 parse error""" def __init__(self, *args, code=None): super().__init__(*args) self.code=code
[docs] class M2CommunicationError(M2Error,comm_backend.DeviceBackendError): """M2 network communication error"""
[docs] class ICEBlocDevice(interface.IDevice): """ Generic M2 Ice Bloc device. Args: addr(str): IP address of the Ice Bloc device. port(int): port of the Ice Bloc device. timeout(float): default timeout of synchronous operations. start_link(bool): if ``True``, initialize device link on creation. """ Error=M2Error ReraiseError=M2CommunicationError BackendError=net.socket.error def __init__(self, addr, port, timeout=5., start_link=True): super().__init__() self.tx_id=1 self.conn=(addr,port) self.timeout=timeout self.socket=None self._operation_cooldown=0.02 self._start_link_on_open=start_link self._skipped_replies=0 self._noreply=False self._last_status={} def _get_connection_parameters(self): return self.conn
[docs] @reraise def open(self): self.close() self.socket=net.ClientSocket(send_method="fixedlen",recv_method="fixedlen",timeout=self.timeout) try: self.socket.connect(*self.conn) except net.socket.error: self.socket.close() raise self._last_status={} if self._start_link_on_open: self.start_link() self._start_link_on_open=True
[docs] @reraise def close(self): if self.socket is not None: self.socket.close() self.socket=None
[docs] @reraise def is_opened(self): return self.socket and self.socket.is_connected()
[docs] @reraise def set_timeout(self, timeout): """Set timeout for connecting or sending/receiving""" self.timeout=timeout self.socket.set_timeout(timeout)
def _build_message(self, op, params, tx_id=None): if tx_id is None: tx_id=self.tx_id self.tx_id=self.tx_id%16383+1 msg={"message":{"transmission_id":[tx_id],"op":op}} if params is not None: msg["message"]["parameters"]=dict(params) return json.dumps(msg,default=float) def _parse_message(self, msg): pmsg=json.loads(msg) if "message" not in pmsg: raise M2Error("could not decode message: {}".format(msg)) pmsg=pmsg["message"] for key in ["transmission_id", "op", "parameters"]: if key not in pmsg: raise M2Error("parameter '{}' not in the message {}".format(key,msg)) return pmsg _parse_errors=["unknown", "JSON parsing error", "'message' string missing", "'transmission_id' string missing", "No 'transmission_id' value", "'op' string missing", "No operation name", "operation not recognized", "'parameters' string missing", "invalid parameter tag or value"] def _parse_reply(self, msg): pmsg=self._parse_message(msg) if pmsg["op"]=="parse_fail": par=pmsg["parameters"] perror=par["protocol_error"][0] perror_desc="unknown" if perror>=len(self._parse_errors) else self._parse_errors[perror] error_msg="device parse error: transmission_id={}, error={}({}), error point='{}'".format( par.get("transmission",["NA"])[0],perror,perror_desc,par.get("JSON_parse_error","NA")) raise M2ParseError(error_msg,code=perror) return pmsg["op"],pmsg["parameters"] _extra_update_ops=() def _is_report_op(self, op): return op.endswith("_f_r") or op in self._extra_update_ops def _make_report_op(self, op): return op if op in self._extra_update_ops else op+"_f_r" def _parse_report_op(self, op): return op if op in self._extra_update_ops else op[:-4] @reraise def _recv_reply(self, expected_report=None): while True: reply=net.recv_JSON(self.socket) preply=self._parse_reply(reply) if self._is_report_op(preply[0]): self._last_status[self._parse_report_op(preply[0])]=preply[1] else: return preply if preply[0]==expected_report: return preply
[docs] @reraise def flush(self): """Flush read buffer""" self.socket.recv_all()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def noreply(self, exhaust_when_done=False): """ Context manager within which the code switches to the no-reply mode, where it does not wait for a reply to certain commands (usually element setting commands). This allows for faster command issuing, but ignores possible errors returned by the commands. If ``exhaust_when_done==True``, receive all sent replies upon exiting the context; otherwise, receive them the next time a communication with the device is done. """ norep=self._noreply self._noreply=True try: yield finally: self._noreply=norep if exhaust_when_done and not norep: self._exhaust_skipped_replies()
[docs] @reraise def query(self, op, params, reply_op="auto", report=False, allow_noreply=False): """ Send a query using the standard device interface. `reply_op` is the name of the reply operation (by default, its the operation name plus ``"_reply"``). If ``report==True``, request completion report (does not apply to all operation). If ``allow_noreply==True``, allow skipping the reply, which allows for faster consecutive command issuing; this only works if the no-reply mode is also activated using :meth:`noreply`. Return tuple ``(command, args)`` with the reply command name and the corresponding arguments (in no-reply mode return ``(None, None)``). """ if report: params["report"]="finished" self._last_status[op]=None msg=self._build_message(op,params) if allow_noreply and self._noreply: self._exhaust_skipped_replies(leave_max=max(self._max_skipped_replies-1,0)) self.socket.send(msg) self._skipped_replies+=1 return None,None self._exhaust_skipped_replies() for t in range(5): try: time.sleep(self._operation_cooldown) self.socket.send(msg) preply=self._recv_reply() break except net.socket.error: if t==4: raise time.sleep(1.) if reply_op=="auto": reply_op=op+"_reply" if reply_op and preply[0]!=reply_op: raise M2Error("unexpected reply op: '{}' (expected '{}')".format(preply[0],reply_op)) return preply
[docs] @reraise def update_reports(self, timeout=0., ignore_replies=None, max_replies=None): """ Check for fresh operation reports. By default, only receive reports and raise an error on replies; if ``ignore_replies`` is supplies, it is a list of replies which do not raise an error. If ``max_replies`` is supplied, it is the maximal number of replies to read before stopping (by default, no limit, i.e., wait a read leads to a timeout). """ timeout=max(timeout,0.001) recv_reports=[] try: with self.socket.using_timeout(timeout): while True: preport=self._recv_reply() if not (ignore_replies and (ignore_replies=="all" or preport[0] in ignore_replies)): raise M2Error("received reply while waiting for a report: '{}'".format(preport[0])) recv_reports.append(preport) if max_replies is not None and len(recv_reports)>=max_replies: break except M2CommunicationError as err: if not isinstance(err.backend_exc,net.SocketTimeout): raise return recv_reports if ignore_replies else None
_max_skipped_replies=5 def _exhaust_skipped_replies(self, leave_max=0): while self._skipped_replies>leave_max: reps=self.update_reports(timeout=1.,ignore_replies="all",max_replies=self._skipped_replies-leave_max) self._skipped_replies-=len(reps)
[docs] def get_last_report(self, op): """Get the latest report for the given operation""" rep=self._last_status.get(op,None) if rep: return "fail" if rep["report"][0] else "success" return None
[docs] def check_report(self, op): """Check and return the latest report for the given operation""" self.update_reports() report=self.get_last_report(op) return report
[docs] @reraise def wait_for_report(self, op, error_msg=None, timeout=None): """ Wait for a report for the given operation `error_msg` specifies the exception message if the report results in an error. """ with self.socket.using_timeout(timeout): preport=self._recv_reply(expected_report=self._make_report_op(op)) if not self._is_report_op(preport[0]): raise M2Error("unexpected report op: '{}'".format(preport[0])) if "report" in preport[1] and preport[1]["report"][0]!=0: if error_msg is None: error_msg="error on operation {}; error report {}".format(preport[0][:-4],preport[1]) raise M2Error(error_msg) return preport