Source code for pylablib.devices.Arcus.performax

from .ArcusPerformaxDriver_lib import wlib as lib, ArcusPerformaxLibError
from .base import ArcusError, ArcusBackendError
from ...core.utils import py3, general
from ...core.devio import interface, comm_backend
from ..interface import stage

import time

[docs] def get_usb_device_info(devid): """ Get info for the given device index (starting from 0). Return tuple ``(index, serial, model, desc, vid, pid)``. """ lib.initlib() ndev=lib.fnPerformaxComGetNumDevices() if devid>=ndev: raise ArcusError("device with index {} doesn't exist; there are {} devices".format(devid,ndev)) return tuple([devid]+[py3.as_str(lib.fnPerformaxComGetProductString(devid,i)) for i in range(5)])
[docs] def list_usb_performax_devices(): """ List all performax devices. Return list of tuples ``(index, serial, model, desc, vid, pid)``, one per device. """ lib.initlib() ndev=lib.fnPerformaxComGetNumDevices() return [get_usb_device_info(d) for d in range(ndev)]
[docs] class GenericPerformaxStage(stage.IMultiaxisStage): """ Generic Arcus Performax translation stage. Args: idx(int): stage index; if using a USB connection, specifies a USB device index; if using RS485 connection, specifies device index on the bus conn: if not ``None``, defines a connection to RS485 connection. Usually (e.g., for USB-to-RS485 adapters) this is a serial connection, which either a name (e.g., ``"COM1"``), or a tuple ``(name, baudrate)`` (e.g., ``("COM1", 9600)``); if `conn` is ``None``, assume direct USB connection and use the manufacturer-provided DLL """ _default_operation_cooldown=0.01 _axis_value_case="upper" Error=ArcusError def __init__(self, idx=0, conn=None): super().__init__() self._operation_cooldown=self._default_operation_cooldown self.conn=conn if conn is None: lib.initlib() self.instr=None self._instr_conn=None else: self.instr=comm_backend.new_backend(conn,("auto","serial"),term_read="\r",term_write="\r",timeout=3.,datatype="str", defaults={"serial":("COM1",9600),"network":("",5001)},reraise_error=ArcusBackendError) self._instr_conn=self.instr.conn self.idx=idx self.handle=None self._add_info_variable("device_info",self.get_device_info) self._add_status_variable("device_number",self.get_device_number) def _get_connection_parameters(self): return self.idx,self._instr_conn
[docs] def open(self): """Open the connection to the stage""" if self.instr is not None: else: self.close() lib.fnPerformaxComGetNumDevices() # sometimes needed to set up the dll # lib.fnPerformaxComSetTimeouts(5000,5000) for _ in range(5): try: self.handle=lib.fnPerformaxComOpen(self.idx) lib.fnPerformaxComFlush(self.handle) return except ArcusPerformaxLibError: time.sleep(0.3) raise ArcusError("can't connect to the stage with index {}".format(self.idx))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection to the stage""" if self.instr is not None: self.instr.close() elif self.handle is not None: for _ in range(5): try: lib.fnPerformaxComClose(self.handle) self.handle=None return except ArcusPerformaxLibError: time.sleep(0.3) raise ArcusError("can't disconnect from the stage with index {}".format(self.idx))
[docs] def is_opened(self): if self.instr is not None: return bool(self.instr) return self.handle is not None
def _check_handle(self): if self.handle is None: raise ArcusError("device is not opened")
[docs] def get_device_info(self): """Get the device info""" if self.instr is not None: return (self.idx,self.get_device_number()) return get_usb_device_info(self.idx)
[docs] def query(self, comm): """Send a query to the stage and return the reply""" if self.instr is not None: if self.instr.get_backend_name()=="network": self.instr.write(comm) else: self.instr.write("@{:02d}{}".format(self.idx,comm)) return self.instr.readline() else: self._check_handle() time.sleep(self._operation_cooldown) scomm=py3.as_builtin_bytes(comm)+b"\x00" try: reply=py3.as_str(lib.fnPerformaxComSendRecv(self.handle,scomm)) if reply.startswith("?"): raise ArcusError("device returned error: {}".format(reply[1:])) return reply except ArcusPerformaxLibError: raise ArcusError("error sending device query {}".format(comm))
[docs] def get_device_number(self): """ Get the device number used in RS-485 communications. Usually it is a string with the format similar to ``"4EX00"``. """ return self.query("DN")
[docs] def set_device_number(self, number, store=True): """ Get the device number used in RS-485 communications. `number` can be either a full device id (e.g., ``"4EX00"``), or a single number between 0 and 99. In order for the change to take effect, the device needs to be power-cycled. If ``store==True``, automatically store settings to the memory; otherwise, the settings will be lost unless :meth:`store_defaults` is called at some point before the power-cycle. """ if isinstance(number,int): number="{}{:02d}".format(self.get_device_number()[:-2],number) self.query("DN={}".format(number)) if store: self.store_defaults() return self.get_device_number()
[docs] def store_defaults(self): """ Store some of the settings to the memory as defaults. Applies to device number, baudrate, limit error behavior, polarity, and some other settings. """ self.query("STORE")
[docs] class Performax4EXStage(GenericPerformaxStage): """ Arcus Performax 4EX/4ET translation stage. Args: idx(int): stage index; if using a USB connection, specifies a USB device index; if using RS485 connection, specifies device index on the bus conn: if not ``None``, defines a connection to RS485 connection. Usually (e.g., for USB-to-RS485 adapters) this is a serial connection, which either a name (e.g., ``"COM1"``), or a tuple ``(name, baudrate)`` (e.g., ``("COM1", 9600)``); if `conn` is ``None``, assume direct USB connection and use the manufacturer-provided DLL enable: if ``True``, enable all axes on startup """ _axes=list("XYZU") _speed_comm="HS" _split_comms=False _individual_home=False _analog_inputs=range(1,9) def __init__(self, idx=0, conn=None, enable=True): super().__init__(idx=idx,conn=conn) with self._close_on_error(): self.enable_absolute_mode() if enable: self.enable_axis() self.enable_limit_errors(False) self._add_status_variable("baudrate",self.get_baudrate) self._add_settings_variable("limit_errors_enabled",self.limit_errors_enabled,self.enable_limit_errors) self._add_status_variable("current_limit_errors",self.check_limit_error) self._add_status_variable("position",self.get_position) self._add_status_variable("encoder",self.get_encoder) self._add_status_variable("current_speed",self.get_current_axis_speed) self._add_settings_variable("enabled",self.is_enabled,lambda v: self.enable_axis("all",v)) self._add_settings_variable("global_speed",self.get_global_speed,self.set_global_speed) self._add_settings_variable("axis_speed",self.get_axis_speed,lambda v: self.set_axis_speed("all",v)) self._add_status_variable("axis_status",self.get_status) self._add_status_variable("moving",self.is_moving) self._add_status_variable("digital_input",self.get_digital_input_register,priority=-2) self._add_settings_variable("digital_output",self.get_digital_output_register,priority=-2) self._add_settings_variable("analog_input",self.get_analog_input,priority=-2,mux=(self._analog_inputs,)) _p_baudrate=interface.EnumParameterClass("baudrate",{9600:1,19200:2,38400:3,57600:4,115200:5})
[docs] @interface.use_parameters(_returns="baudrate") def get_baudrate(self): """Get current baud rate""" return int(self.query("DB"))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def set_baudrate(self, baudrate, store=True): """ Set current baud rate. Acceptable values are 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. In order for the change to take effect, the device needs to be power-cycled. If ``store==True``, automatically store settings to the memory; otherwise, the settings will be lost unless :meth:`store_defaults` is called at some point before the power-cycle. """ self.query("DB={}".format(baudrate)) if store: self.store_defaults() return self.get_baudrate()
[docs] def enable_absolute_mode(self, enable=True): """Set absolute motion mode""" self.query("ABS" if enable else "REL")
[docs] def enable_limit_errors(self, enable=True, autoclear=True): """ Enable limit errors. If on, reaching limit switch on an axis puts it into an error state, which immediately stops this an all other axes; any further motion command on this axis will raise an error (it is still possible to restart motion on other axes); the axis motion can only be resumed by calling :meth:`clear_limit_error`. If off, the limited axis still stops, but the other axes are unaffected. If ``autoclear==True`` and ``enable==False``, also clear the current limit errors on all exs. """ self.query("IERR={}".format(0 if enable else 1)) if not enable and autoclear: self.clear_limit_error(axis="all")
[docs] def limit_errors_enabled(self): """ Check if global limit errors are enabled. If on, reaching limit switch on an axis puts it into an error state, which immediately stops this an all other axes; any further motion command on this axis will raise an error (it is still possible to restart motion on other axes); the axis motion can only be resumed by calling :meth:`clear_limit_error`. If off, the limited axis still stops, but the other axes are unaffected. """ return not bool(int(self.query("IERR")))
def _axisn(self, axis): return self._axes.index(axis)+1
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def is_enabled(self, axis="all"): """Check if the axis output is enabled""" return bool(int(self.query("EO{}".format(self._axisn(axis)))))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis(mux_argnames="enable") @interface.use_parameters def enable_axis(self, axis="all", enable=True): """ Enable axis output. If the output is disabled, the steps are generated by the controller, but not sent to the motors. """ self.query("EO{}={}".format(self._axisn(axis),1 if enable else 0))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_position(self, axis="all"): """Get the current axis pulse position""" return int(self.query("P"+axis))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def set_position_reference(self, axis, position=0): """ Set the current axis pulse position as a reference. Re-calibrate the pulse position counter so that the current position is set as `position` (0 by default). """ self.query("P{}={:.0f}".format(axis,position))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_encoder(self, axis="all"): """Get the current axis encoder value""" return int(self.query("E"+axis))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def set_encoder_reference(self, axis, position=0): """ Set the current axis encoder value as a reference. Re-calibrate the encoder counter so that the current position is set as `position` (0 by default). """ self.query("E{}={:.0f}".format(axis,position))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def move_to(self, axis, position): """Move a given axis to a given position""" self.query("{}{:.0f}".format(axis,position))
[docs] def move_by(self, axis, steps=1): """Move a given axis for a given number of steps""" self.move_to(axis,self.get_position(axis)+steps)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def jog(self, axis, direction): """ Jog a given axis in a given direction. `direction` can be either ``"-"`` (negative) or ``"+"`` (positive). The motion continues until it is explicitly stopped, or until a limit is hit. """ self.query("J{}{}".format(axis,"+" if direction else "-"))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def stop(self, axis="all", immediate=False): """ Stop motion of a given axis. If ``immediate==True`` make an abrupt stop; otherwise, slow down gradually. """ comm="ABORT" if immediate else "STOP" self.query("{}{}".format(comm,axis))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def home(self, axis, direction, home_mode): """ Home the given axis using a given home mode. `direction` can be ``"+"`` or ``"-"`` The mode can be ``"only_home_input"``, ``"only_home_input_lowspeed"``, ``"only_limit_input"``, ``"only_zidx_input"``, or ``"home_and_zidx_input"``. For meaning, see Arcus PMX manual. """ if self._individual_home: comm=["H","L","HZ","Z","HL"][home_mode] self.query("{}{}{}".format(comm,axis,direction)) else: self.query("H{}{}{}".format(axis,direction,home_mode))
[docs] def get_global_speed(self): """Get the global speed setting (in Hz); overridden by a non-zero axis speed""" return int(self.query(self._speed_comm))
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_axis_speed(self, axis="all"): """Get the individual axis speed setting (in Hz); 0 means that the global speed is used""" return int(self.query(self._speed_comm+axis))
[docs] def set_global_speed(self, speed): """Set the global speed setting (in Hz); overridden by a non-zero axis speed""" self.query("{}={:.0f}".format(self._speed_comm,speed)) return self.get_global_speed()
[docs] @stage.muxaxis(mux_argnames="speed") @interface.use_parameters def set_axis_speed(self, axis, speed): """Set the individual axis speed setting (in Hz); 0 means that the global speed is used""" self.query("{}{}={:.0f}".format(self._speed_comm,axis,speed)) return self._wap.get_axis_speed(axis)
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_current_axis_speed(self, axis="all"): """Get the instantaneous speed (in Hz)""" if self._split_comms: return int(self.query("PS{}".format(axis))) else: speeds=[int(x) for x in self.query("PS").split(":") if x] return speeds[self._axisn(axis)-1]
_status_bits={ "accel":0x001,"decel":0x002,"moving":0x004, "alarm":0x008, "sw_plus_lim":0x010,"sw_minus_lim":0x020,"sw_home":0x040, "err_plus_lim":0x080,"err_minus_lim":0x100,"err_alarm":0x200, "TOC_timeout":0x800} def _get_full_status(self): if self._split_comms: return [int(self.query("MST{}".format(x))) for x in self._axes] else: stat=self.query("MST") return [int(x) for x in stat.split(":") if x]
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def get_status_n(self, axis="all"): """Get the axis status as an integer""" return self._get_full_status()[self._axisn(axis)-1]
[docs] @stage.muxaxis def get_status(self, axis="all"): """Get the axis status as a set of string descriptors""" statn=self.get_status_n(axis) return [ k for k in self._status_bits if self._status_bits[k]&statn ]
[docs] @stage.muxaxis def is_moving(self, axis="all"): """Check if a given axis is moving""" return bool(self.get_status_n(axis)&0x007)
[docs] def wait_move(self, axis, timeout=None, period=0.05): """Wait until motion is done""" if axis=="all": for ax in self._axes: self.wait_move(ax,timeout=timeout,period=period) return ctd=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: if not self.is_moving(axis): return if ctd.passed(): raise ArcusError("waiting for motion on axis {} caused a timeout".format(axis)) time.sleep(period)
[docs] @stage.muxaxis def check_limit_error(self, axis="all"): """ Check if the axis hit limit errors. Return ``""`` (not errors), ``"+"`` (positive limit error) or ``"-"`` (negative limit error). """ stat=self.get_status_n(axis) err="" if stat&self._status_bits["err_plus_lim"]: err=err+"+" if stat&self._status_bits["err_minus_lim"]: err=err+"-" return err
[docs] @stage.muxaxis @interface.use_parameters def clear_limit_error(self, axis="all"): """Clear axis limit errors""" self.query("CLR"+axis)
[docs] def get_analog_input(self, channel): """Get voltage (in V) at a given input (starting with 1)""" return int(self.query("AI{}".format(channel)))*1E-3
[docs] def get_digital_input(self, channel): """Get value (0 or 1) at a given digital input (1 through 8)""" return int(self.query("DI{}".format(channel)))
[docs] def get_digital_input_register(self): """Get all 8 digital inputs as a single 8-bit integer""" return int(self.query("DI"))
[docs] def get_digital_output(self, channel): """Get value (0 or 1) at a given digital output (1 through 8)""" return int(self.query("DO{}".format(channel)))
[docs] def get_digital_output_register(self): """Get all 8 digital inputs as a single 8-bit integer""" return int(self.query("DO"))
[docs] def set_digital_output(self, channel, value): """Set value (0 or 1) at a given digital output (1 through 8)""" self.query("DO{}={}".format(channel,1 if value else 0)) return self.get_digital_output(channel)
[docs] def set_digital_output_register(self, value): """Set all 8 digital inputs as a single 8-bit integer""" self.query("DO={}".format(int(value))) return self.get_digital_output_register()
[docs] class Performax2EXStage(Performax4EXStage): """ Arcus Performax 2EX/2ED translation stage. Args: idx(int): stage index; if using a USB connection, specifies a USB device index; if using RS485 connection, specifies device index on the bus conn: if not ``None``, defines a connection to RS485 connection. Usually (e.g., for USB-to-RS485 adapters) this is a serial connection, which either a name (e.g., ``"COM1"``), or a tuple ``(name, baudrate)`` (e.g., ``("COM1", 9600)``); if `conn` is ``None``, assume direct USB connection and use the manufacturer-provided DLL enable: if ``True``, enable all axes on startup """ _axes=list("XY") _speed_comm="HSPD" _split_comms=True _individual_home=True _analog_inputs=range(1,3)
[docs] class PerformaxDMXJSAStage(GenericPerformaxStage): """ Arcus Performax DMX-J-SA translation stage. Args: idx(int): stage index; if using a USB connection, specifies a USB device index; if using RS485 connection, specifies device index on the bus conn: if not ``None``, defines a connection to RS485 connection. Usually (e.g., for USB-to-RS485 adapters) this is a serial connection, which either a name (e.g., ``"COM1"``), or a tuple ``(name, baudrate)`` (e.g., ``("COM1", 9600)``); if `conn` is ``None``, assume direct USB connection and use the manufacturer-provided DLL enable: if ``True``, enable all axes on startup autoclear: if ``True``, automatically clear limit error before the motion start """ def __init__(self, idx=0, conn=None, enable=True, autoclear=True): super().__init__(idx=idx,conn=conn) with self._close_on_error(): self.enable_absolute_mode() if enable: self.enable_axis() self.autoclear=autoclear self._add_status_variable("current_limit_errors",self.check_limit_error) self._add_status_variable("position",self.get_position) self._add_settings_variable("enabled",self.is_enabled,self.enable_axis) self._add_settings_variable("axis_speed",self.get_axis_speed,self.set_axis_speed) self._add_status_variable("axis_status",self.get_status) self._add_status_variable("moving",self.is_moving) self._add_status_variable("digital_input",self.get_digital_input_register,priority=-2) self._add_settings_variable("digital_output",self.get_digital_output_register,priority=-2)
[docs] def enable_absolute_mode(self, enable=True): """Set absolute motion mode""" self.query("ABS" if enable else "REL")
def _clearlim(self): if self.autoclear: self.clear_limit_error()
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def is_enabled(self): """Check if the output is enabled""" return bool(int(self.query("EO")))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def enable_axis(self, enable=True): """ Enable output. If the output is disabled, the steps are generated by the controller, but not sent to the motors. """ self.query("EO={}".format(1 if enable else 0))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def get_position(self): """Get the current pulse position""" return int(self.query("PX"))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def set_position_reference(self, position=0): """ Set the current pulse position as a reference. Re-calibrate the pulse position counter so that the current position is set as `position` (0 by default). """ self.query("PX={:.0f}".format(position))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def move_to(self, position): """Move to a given position""" self._clearlim() self.query("X{:.0f}".format(position))
[docs] def move_by(self, steps=1): """Move for a given number of steps""" self.move_to(self.get_position()+steps)
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def jog(self, direction): """ Jog in a given direction. `direction` can be either ``"-"`` (negative) or ``"+"`` (positive). The motion continues until it is explicitly stopped, or until a limit is hit. """ self._clearlim() self.query("J{}".format("+" if direction else "-"))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def stop(self, immediate=False): """ Stop motion. If ``immediate==True`` make an abrupt stop; otherwise, slow down gradually. """ comm="ABORT" if immediate else "STOP" self.query("{}".format(comm))
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def home(self, direction, home_mode): """ Home using a given home mode. `direction` can be ``"+"`` or ``"-"`` The mode can be ``"only_home_input"``, ``"only_home_input_lowspeed"``, or ``"only_limit_input"``. For meaning, see Arcus PMX manual. """ comm=["H","L","HL"][home_mode] self.query("{}{}".format(comm,direction))
[docs] def get_axis_speed(self): """Get the speed setting (in Hz)""" return int(self.query("HSPD"))
[docs] def set_axis_speed(self, speed): """Set the speed setting (in Hz)""" self.query("HSPD={:.0f}".format(speed)) return self.get_axis_speed()
_status_bits={ "running":0x001,"accel":0x002,"decel":0x004,"sw_home":0x008, "sw_minus_lim":0x010,"sw_plus_lim":0x020, "err_plus_lim":0x040,"err_minus_lim":0x080, "TOC_timeout":0x400}
[docs] def get_status_n(self): """Get the status as an integer""" return int(self.query("MST"))
[docs] def get_status(self): """Get the status as a set of string descriptors""" statn=self.get_status_n() return [ k for k in self._status_bits if self._status_bits[k]&statn ]
[docs] def is_moving(self): """Check if motor is moving""" return bool(self.get_status_n()&0x007)
[docs] def wait_move(self, timeout=None, period=0.05): """Wait until motion is done""" ctd=general.Countdown(timeout) while True: if not self.is_moving(): return if ctd.passed(): raise ArcusError("waiting for motion caused a timeout") time.sleep(period)
[docs] def check_limit_error(self): """ Check if the motor hit limit errors. Return ``""`` (not errors), ``"+"`` (positive limit error) or ``"-"`` (negative limit error). """ stat=self.get_status_n() err="" if stat&self._status_bits["err_plus_lim"]: err=err+"+" if stat&self._status_bits["err_minus_lim"]: err=err+"-" return err
[docs] @interface.use_parameters def clear_limit_error(self): """Clear limit error""" self.query("CLR")
[docs] def get_digital_input(self, channel): """Get value (0 or 1) at a given digital input (1 through 5)""" return int(self.query("DI{}".format(channel)))
[docs] def get_digital_input_register(self): """Get all 5 digital inputs as a single 5-bit integer""" return int(self.query("DI"))
[docs] def get_digital_output(self, channel): """Get value (0 or 1) at a given digital output (1 through 2)""" return int(self.query("DO{}".format(channel)))
[docs] def get_digital_output_register(self): """Get all 2 digital outputs as a single 2-bit integer""" return int(self.query("DO"))
[docs] def set_digital_output(self, channel, value): """Set value (0 or 1) at a given digital output (1 through 2)""" self.query("DO{}={}".format(channel,1 if value else 0)) return self.get_digital_output(channel)
[docs] def set_digital_output_register(self, value): """Set all 2 digital inputs as a single 2-bit integer""" self.query("DO={}".format(int(value))) return self.get_digital_output_register()