Source code for pylablib.core.utils.crc


[docs] def binv(a, l): """Reverse bit order of `a` treating it as an `l`-bit number""" ai=0 for _ in range(l): ai=(ai<<1)|(a&0x01) a>>=1 return ai
_bi=[binv(i,8) for i in range(0x100)] def _get_polylen(poly): if poly<0x100: return 1 if poly<0x10000: return 2 if poly<0x100000000: return 4 raise ValueError("polynomial {} is too long")
[docs] def calc_table(poly, ref=False): """ Calculate CRC byte table for the given polynomial and reflection parameter. `ref` specifies whether both input and output bit sequences are reflected. """ table=[] l=_get_polylen(poly) msb=1<<(l*8-1) mask=(1<<l*8)-1 for i in range(0x100): if ref: i=_bi[i] for _ in range(l*8): d=i&msb i=(i<<1)&mask if d: i^=poly if ref: i=binv(i,l*8) table.append(i) return table
[docs] def crc(msg, poly, refin=False, refout=False, init=0, xorout=0): """ Calculate CRC for the given message, polynomial, and additional parameters. `msg` should be a bytes object, while `poly` is an integer with the polynomial coefficients. """ tk=(poly,refin) if tk not in _tables: _tables[tk]=calc_table(poly,ref=refin) t=_tables[tk] l=_get_polylen(poly) msboff=(l-1)*8 mask=(1<<l*8)-1 v=init if not refin: for b in msg: p=((v>>msboff)&0xFF)^b v=((v<<8)&mask)^t[p] else: for b in msg: p=(v&0xFF)^b v=((v>>8)&mask)^t[p] if refout!=refin: v=binv(v,l*8) return v^xorout